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Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 19:59
by EvilBastard
James Blast wrote:agree to disagreE Bastard?
I think we can manage that 8)

Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 20:01
by James Blast

Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 20:24
by metal on metal
Well, I try not to let it get in the way as much as it used to. "If there's a hell below, we're all gonna go", as Curtis Mayfield said...

Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 21:19
by stufarq
taliabee wrote:
metal on metal wrote:
taliabee wrote: Oh! And, commas before conjunctions - rap over the knuckles from Sister Aquinas's ruler of doom there :D
<< on with mortar-board cap >>

Although it's commonly believed that we never use a comma before a conjuction (for example, when "and" introduces the last item in a list), there isn't really such a straightforward rule. The adverbial phrase "but incorrectly so" offers a contrast to the previous "it's used that way", so it's quite correct to use a comma there . It's also correct to use a comma before a conjunction if that conjunction is joining two simple sentences such as "I know that's a bit of a simplification" and "the convention of using it after "re" serves no punctuative purpose".

I think your Sister Aquinas was a bit too ready with her child-beating ways!
ah but, we were told that, if you'd phrased the sentence such that it needed a comma before the conjunction, then you had phrased it incorrectly - go back and do it again!! :eek: she was a bit free with that ruler - still look around to check i'm doing nothing wrong whenever i see a nun :D
isnt grammar lovely?!
Actually, my first one's correct ("Yes, it's used that way, but incorrectly so. ") because the two commas separate an additional clause, but Sister Aquinas has got me on the second ("I know that's a bit of a simplification, but..."): absolutely no justification for a comma there (so I'll console myself by using another colon instead).

Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 23:51
by taliabee
consider yourself told - the nuns always win!!
t : )

Posted: 12 Aug 2008, 00:02
by James Blast
I still haven't been clued into what part of Saint Patrick you were referring to, go on, tell me?

Posted: 12 Aug 2008, 00:09
by paint it black
James Blast wrote:I still haven't been clued into what part of Saint Patrick you were referring to, go on, tell me?
school ?

where their was no such place as 'Marks and Spencer' apparently because if their was in a list the nun's would be f**ked right up they're ring of christ :lol:

Posted: 12 Aug 2008, 00:30
by James Blast
perfect sense as allas

Posted: 12 Aug 2008, 03:13
by EvilBastard
taliabee wrote:the nuns always win!!


Posted: 12 Aug 2008, 09:45
by taliabee
yeah, saint patrick's junior mixed and infants -collier row, blinding school ruled by sister aquinas -quite literally!
explains a lot about me now, actually - liking for black and pain - lol!