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Posted: 11 Feb 2009, 13:04
by Arrrgh!
Actually, it would be something interesting to behold if the site was fully trashed and had to be rebuilt.

Would Von bother reconstructing the news sections that haven't been updated in 10 odd year or so? Or would a new site reflect the reality of the situation?


Posted: 11 Feb 2009, 15:26
The is owned by
to 09/23/2009
but maybe Von forgot to pay the webhotel.

Maybe busy finding someone who can feed the cats while touring?

Posted: 11 Feb 2009, 15:54
by Ozpat
Arrrgh! wrote:the news sections that haven't been updated in 10 odd year or so?
The record news section that is.

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 12:59
by Moakahontas
After deleting all stupid (..and I guess childish) messages from emma - the site is working again! :roll:

Ouch...sorry for that.. :innocent:

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 13:09
by lachert
wher's the new album? goddamned :evil:
they broke my heart, again :urff:

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 13:40
by Moakahontas
lachert wrote:wher's the new album? goddamned :evil:
they broke my heart, again :urff:


I am SO SORRY...Do you want an album from me? :(

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 16:46
by Caravaggio
Moakahontas wrote:the site is working again! :roll:
Are you sure?
I don't see anything :(

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 16:52
by vicus

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 16:52
by Quiff Boy

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 17:06
by weebleswobble
Update Sisters Bite The Silver Bullet !

The next tour starts on February 16th, 2006,
in Las Vegas. As you always knew it would.
Schedule and updates on the live news page.
I wish to register a complaint... ;D

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 19:06
by _emma_
Moakahontas wrote:After deleting all stupid (..and I guess childish) messages from emma - the site is working again! :roll:
Stupid yes, but I assure you that they were actually very very adult, and of the kind that makes most adults shocked. :twisted:

Now seriously , it hurts my eyes that Krakow is still NOT on the giglist. :roll:

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 19:34
by Moakahontas
_emma_ wrote:
Moakahontas wrote:After deleting all stupid (..and I guess childish) messages from emma - the site is working again! :roll:
Stupid yes, but I assure you that they were actually very very adult, and of the kind that makes most adults shocked. :twisted:
Are you sure?! I can´t believe it, to be honest...ahhh..I know what was written in there:

Treat me like a prisoner treat me like a fool
treat me like a loser use me as a tool
face me till I'm hungry push me in the cold
treat me like a criminal just a shadow on the wall

Shadow on the wall shadow on the wall
shadow on the wall shadow on the wall like a shadow on the wall

Treat me like I'm evil freeze me till I'm cold
beat me till I'm feeble grab me till I'm old
fry me till I'm tired push me till I fall
treat me like a criminal just a shadow on the wall

Shadow on the wall shadow on the wall
shadow on the wall shadow on the wall like a shadow on the wall

Shadow on the wall shadow on the wall like a shadow on the wall
shadow on the wall shadow on the wall like a shadow on the wall
shadow on the wall shadow on the wall like a shadow on the wall
(like a shadow treat me like a shadow like a shadow treat me like a shadow)

Shadow on the wall (like a shadow treat me like a shadow)
shadow on the wall (like a shadow treat me like a shadow)
shadow on the wall (like a shadow treat me like a shadow)
like a shadow on the wall

Am I right? Image

.I´m pretty sure I am... Image

Posted: 13 Feb 2009, 12:23
by bookish
lachert wrote:no, von preparing completly new layout in mood of new album cover.
I had an immensely long and complex dream involving this last night.

I saw the track-listing (none of the "new" songs we know), heard some samples (remarkably good - original, but distinctively "Sisters", Von's voice very strong), and read through the new web-site in some length.

I spent sometime thinking it must be a dream - so I'd log out, log in again and it was still there. It had to be true!

This morning I got out of bed more wearily than usual.

Posted: 13 Feb 2009, 12:49
by paint it black
_emma_ wrote:
Moakahontas wrote:After deleting all stupid (..and I guess childish) messages from emma - the site is working again! :roll:
Stupid yes, but I assure you that they were actually very very adult, and of the kind that makes most adults shocked. :twisted:

Now seriously , it hurts my eyes that Krakow is still NOT on the giglist. :roll:
it's time for those rose tinted spectacles :von:

Posted: 13 Feb 2009, 13:00
by dtsom
AT LEAST :von: ´S ADDED THE SHOW ON 31ST MARCH IN KRAKOW :innocent: :innocent:

Posted: 13 Feb 2009, 13:17
by lachert
bookish wrote:
lachert wrote:no, von preparing completly new layout in mood of new album cover.
I had an immensely long and complex dream involving this last night.

I saw the track-listing (none of the "new" songs we know), heard some samples (remarkably good - original, but distinctively "Sisters", Von's voice very strong), and read through the new web-site in some length.

I spent sometime thinking it must be a dream - so I'd log out, log in again and it was still there. It had to be true!

This morning I got out of bed more wearily than usual.
yeah, dreams and drugs are the only way to get close to the new sisters album ;D

Posted: 13 Feb 2009, 13:30
by Moakahontas
paint it black wrote:
_emma_ wrote:
Moakahontas wrote:After deleting all stupid (..and I guess childish) messages from emma - the site is working again! :roll:
Stupid yes, but I assure you that they were actually very very adult, and of the kind that makes most adults shocked. :twisted:

Now seriously , it hurts my eyes that Krakow is still NOT on the giglist. :roll:
it's time for those rose tinted spectacles :von:
My cats are "meowing" to feed them now... :lol:

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 01:26
by godgirl
Kutan wrote:Maybe they decided to fix the venue for Munich?
oh dear.

i think it's a "well known fact" that :von: 's spies don't regulrly spend time lurking around Heartland and yet no one here ever mentions any of this stuff on Dominion!


As for websiite downage - voices in my head tell me that the hosting company neglected to warn the site owners that their moving of servers about would affect the site in a sensible non-victorian manner and simply turned it off when a likewise victorian response was not received.


Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 11:42
by markfiend
godgirl wrote:it's a "well known fact" that :von: 's spies don't regulrly spend time lurking around Heartland
Is it really?

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 13:08
by godgirl
markfiend wrote:
godgirl wrote:it's a "well known fact" that :von: 's spies don't regulrly spend time lurking around Heartland
Is it really?
nice editing there.

I did say "I THINK"


Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 13:19
by markfiend
OK, sorry.

I understand that :von: is aware of HL and that some 'sources close to the band' do log on from time to time.

But no, we don't know their user names and we can't put anyone in touch with them.

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 13:29
by Quiff Boy

just to clear this one up, godgirl has contacted me and suggested a route by which we might be able to get some of those quirks on the official site straightened out :notworthy:

in order not to overwhelm her with a gazzillion bits and pieces, i'll act as a buffer between yourselves and her, just as she is acting as a buffer between us and the sisters' poor beleaguered webmonkey (who lets face it can only do some much with the material he's given :lol: :von:)

so if you do spot anything awry, flag it up here and i'll pass the message along to godgirl... as she herself has said, "unfortunately, I can't promise that other portions of the site are suddenly overhauled or a new album will be swiftly worked upon", but it might at least help keep the site free of the smaller, more cringe-worthy errors that are easily missed when it's your own work :)

to help this process along, i'd ask the god squad to also keep an eye our for people's comments re: site errata, and then pass them along to me using the mod's area (just in case there's anything i might miss)

thanks for the offer, gg! and please do pass on our appreciation to the sisters' poor old webmonkey ;) 8)

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 13:52
by markfiend
Wow did I get the wrong end of the stick! ;D

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 13:52
by godgirl

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Of course, now that most tourdates are finalised there'll probably be nothing to amend for a few centuries!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 13:57
by Quiff Boy
godgirl wrote:Thanks!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Of course, now that most tourdates are finalised there'll probably be nothing to amend for a few centuries!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

its funy coz its true :|