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Posted: 07 Mar 2009, 01:11
by eastmidswhizzkid
800mak wrote:Totally annoying, unfortunately... The band has a legacy far too good for this...thing!

Still hoping...
and an excruciatingly small back-catalogue that neither reflects the full evolution of the biggest shiniest industrial groove machine nor demonstrates the potential and actual creative possibilities of any line-up of the last 16 years (over half of the band's life). i can remember when many " traditionalists " scoffed at gift and said it was shit.


Posted: 07 Mar 2009, 13:15
by hellboy69
i like Millennium by the MightyJoke, so i kinda like Arms by the MiniSisters too! Jaz Coleman may *cough* have other *cough* things to say about it though *lawsuit cough*

Posted: 07 Mar 2009, 14:13
by weebleswobble
Me and the legend RobertZombie had a great chat about this last nite

not telling any of you cnuts mind :wink: :lol:

Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 01:19
by Syberberg
hellboy69 wrote:i like Millennium by the MightyJoke, so i kinda like Arms by the MiniSisters too! Jaz Coleman may *cough* have other *cough* things to say about it though *lawsuit cough*
That depends on if The Sisters register the copyright on Arms, and especially if they try and publish it. I think :von: should be a bit more savvy than that...but hey, he is getting on a bit so dementia is a distinct possibility, hence why he's obviously forgotten where the riffs have originated :twisted: :wink: :innocent:

Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 03:23
by James Blast
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:an excruciatingly small back-catalogue that neither reflects the full evolution of the biggest shiniest industrial groove machine nor demonstrates the potential and actual creative possibilities of any line-up of the last 16 years (over half of the band's life). i can remember when many " traditionalists " scoffed at gift and said it was shit.
be honest, Gift was nowt tae write home about and the output since has been scant to zero, naewhaur near the legacy - this is why I've been silent for a while

I still feel cheated and I will not buy an overpriced ticket (with booking fee) to see a pale shadow strut some stuff and shake an non-existant tail feather. Own up Mr. E, yer 50 and have lost the script. Stop making mugs out of fans.

thank you

Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 20:57
by Prescott
The new song is great. Thanks everyone for sharing this, esp. Doc Summer. I wonder what General Taylor is trying to tell us with this one? It sounds more like "ya Don't need your arms around you" as opposed to "arms around 'me'".

I seriously think it sounds like TMT and especially "Glory Boys" with a heavy riff. Interesting. I wish I could make out all the verse lyrics though.

"Live your life in Paradise..."

"Everybody is Locked and Loaded."

"Don't need your arms..."


Sounds like he's telling us that the dire world economic s**t has set the chess board and he's warning EVERYONE that they don't need their arms around them. They don't have to repeat 1914 or 1933.

Sounds like he's concerned for all our sakes.

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 13:16
by 17.auflage
I like this song. Took me a few listennings but it is geting better and better with each listening.

and so: next one please... :lol:

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 20:54
by Harvey Winston
dull, plodding and unimaginative. there may be a decent song in there somewhere, but not with that treatment.

Posted: 10 Mar 2009, 10:26
by robertzombie
After listening to Doc Sommer's youtube video the song is growing on me. I wouldn't say it's as good as some of the other unreleased songs but it's certainly not the worst.

I'm looking forward to hearing it live and making my mind up :D

Posted: 10 Mar 2009, 12:11
by Harvey Winston
apologies for the grumpy post above. I'd have been much happier if eldritch had changed the name of the band. It's like watching the sad demise of an old friend.

Sad demise...

Posted: 13 Mar 2009, 03:34
by DrG
Hello HarveyW! You said:
I'd have been much happier if eldritch had changed the name of the band. It's like watching the sad demise of an old friend.
:von: fought hard to keep the name... but for some reason he continually
chose to burn bridges behind him. Now :von: seems gonzoid up the idea
of running the Sisters into the ground. Yes indeed it is a sad demise...
and a new album would help, but he simply wants to much and I doubt many
record companies want to tackle with his ego.

Anyway... when I heard the new song Arms I thought Millennium
as soon as the guitar riff started... and didn't even notice the Flood II
keyboard riff... shame! :urff: Thanks y'all!

I already had the Killing Joke song and the Gary Numan track Haunted
DocSommer pointed out... both excellent in their own way... just like
the Sisters' Arms! I could not help but to feel the power the its
infectious groove!!! ;D

The same goes for the other more recent :von: fluff such as Still and
Will I Dream?... I was not too sure at first, but they grew on me!
It is pop and I like it! If only :von: could be as lyrical as when he wrote
Slept or Summer. I also love the truncated version of Romeo Down
they played for the recent US tour (especially the Buffalo recording :wink: ).

I could go on... but cruk it! I'm DrG and I'm out! ;D

Posted: 13 Mar 2009, 12:26
by Maisey
Prescott wrote: I seriously think it sounds like TMT
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Irony overload.

Posted: 14 Mar 2009, 02:39
by heffeweisen
I've registered entirely for this single reply.. but I'm pretty sure that the fourth line of the lyrics is 'Or a Mercedes Benz'...

Not sure about "Wraith Roman" either, but struggling to figure out what it could be


Posted: 14 Mar 2009, 04:12
by DrG
Rock on heffeweisen! Welcome to Heartland! Drink up! :D

I watched the video made by DocS again about an hour ago
and I am still trying to figure it out! :?

But I do like it! ;D

Posted: 14 Mar 2009, 05:26
by Ozpat
James Blast wrote: I still feel cheated and I will not buy an overpriced ticket (with booking fee) to see a pale shadow strut some stuff and shake an non-existant tail feather. Own up Mr. E, yer 50 and have lost the script. Stop making mugs out of fans.
thank you
Own up mr. B, Yer (over) 50 and have to take the Full Lenght version or leave it and just accept A Fragment of yer experiences. :innocent:
He made his choice and you can accept it FFS or not. Complaining all the time won't change facts. :roll:

But hey, I'm only 39 and did not watch them Girls before 1992! ;D
Mechanised Europe! Good Things happen these days! :notworthy: 8)

Posted: 14 Mar 2009, 14:24
by DocSommer
heffeweisen wrote:I've registered entirely for this single reply.. but I'm pretty sure that the fourth line of the lyrics is 'Or a Mercedes Benz'...

Not sure about "Wraith Roman" either, but struggling to figure out what it could be
Hey - you should check out this topic:

Posted: 15 Mar 2009, 16:34
by Dark
Prescott wrote:Sounds like he's telling us that the dire world economic s**t has set the chess board and he's warning EVERYONE that they don't need their arms around them. They don't have to repeat 1914 or 1933.

Sounds like he's concerned for all our sakes., seriously...

Posted: 17 Mar 2009, 23:03
by 800mak
The truth makes me talk against myself without destroying my previous opinion... the thing is the damned song wasn't so bad in Lisbon ( Coliseu, 16 March ). Floorshow sounded much worse ( and Floorshow is a monumental song )!
Still, it's weak or perhaps just unfinished...?

Posted: 17 Mar 2009, 23:42
by Emily
Hm, I like the song somehow. Of course it doesn't sound like anything on FALAA, and you hear that it goes back to Chris because of the progressive guitars. I cannot imagine how I would think about the song on CD, but live it just rocks like hell, and at the moment (haha) that is the thing that counts most.

Posted: 18 Mar 2009, 00:08
by mh
Jury's still totally out for me. :|

Now, I love Millennium, but that's also got Coleman on top form in it. Arms is a fine rock song for sure, but seems to be lacking something to make it a fine Sisters song. Maybe it's just too short, I dunno?

Posted: 18 Mar 2009, 07:36
by Ozpat
mh wrote:Jury's still totally out for me. :|

Now, I love Millennium, but that's also got Coleman on top form in it. Arms is a fine rock song for sure, but seems to be lacking something to make it a fine Sisters song. Maybe it's just too short, I dunno?
I agree. Too short and something seems to be lacking.
Starts great but it doesn't reach the level it could.