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Posted: 06 Sep 2009, 20:34
by Being645
Thanks for photos, vids and everything ... :D ...

Posted: 06 Sep 2009, 20:45
by snowey
@ MH sorry for not speaking to you after the gig but we had to rush off to pick the little un up from the sitters.

@ Scotty...great bit of banter :notworthy: :lol:

@ AndrewS sorry but I couldn't hear most of what you were saying due to the loud music and my ears were donald ducked after the time eh.

@ Paddy / Sid etc etc etc TOP NIGHT.... :notworthy: :D :notworthy: :D

Announcement on DVD to be made when I can be arsed. :lol:

Posted: 06 Sep 2009, 21:54
by Padstar
Well ive just about recovered.

Seriously, that was humbling for us you guys were simply fantastic. Thanks so much for making a gig that for me was quite a sad one in the end, and i have to say for other reasons not one i was looking forward to, an utter delight!

Sincere apologies for not turning up last night i was just absolutely shattered and couldnt face a drive to Leeds. There are a few people i really wanted to catch up with properly after doing my brownian motion thing after the gig. Short of a world ending event ill be at the next one.

Twelve years, third of my lifetime soing the Smurphs, and for the most part it was a pleasure. Gigs performed, people met, forums posted on.... its a long and winding road.

Cheers so much for the tunes Mr E.


Posted: 07 Sep 2009, 11:36
by Methedrone
Great to see the Smurphs go out in style, fantastic gig Paddy, if the real Sisters are ever in the market for a decent Lead guitarist, you should be top of the list, it would be without question, a huge improvement. Top Setlist, Top Sound, Top Nite Out :notworthy: to all involved

A few random moments
Crash & Smurph
Temple Of Smurph
Smurph Thing / 1969

Posted: 07 Sep 2009, 18:28
by snowey
News of my DVD will be made in the trading section in a few minutes... :D

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 02:52
by Husek
Any chance of a bootleg :innocent:

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 16:19
by MadameButterfly
Echoing the thanks to Thea for the pictures & videos :notworthy:

Thank you to Methedrone for the few random moments! :notworthy:

And to the rest of you for the comments! 8)

Posted: 12 Sep 2009, 00:03
by DerekR