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Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 18:07
by James Blast
Beardfest 2010

surfers welcome ;D

Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 18:36
by MadameButterfly
James Blast wrote:Beardfest 2010

surfers welcome ;D
:lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy: :notworthy: ;D

Between you & Gollum's Cock, we have a disaster waiting to happen!

I'll watch from the sidelines! :wink: 8)

Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 19:00
by Debaser
Gollum's whatsit wrote: In the meantime when are we going to organise the first Heartland gangbang
MadameButterfly wrote:
Between you & Gollum's Cock,
The inner 'Viz' in me is finding it REALLY hard not to reply

Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 19:05
by christophe
I just knew I had to stay out of here :urff:


Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 20:00
by James Blast
I like to think I moved this thread in a more positive direction ;D

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 12:32
by MadameButterfly
Debaser wrote:
Gollum's whatsit wrote: In the meantime when are we going to organise the first Heartland gangbang
MadameButterfly wrote:
Between you & Gollum's Cock,
The inner 'Viz' in me is finding it REALLY hard not to reply
Your mind was in the gutter for a second wasn't it? :wink: :lol:

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 13:48
by DerekR
Gollum's Cock wrote:In the meantime when are we going to organise the first Heartland gangbang :D
The first? There speaks a man who's obviously never made it to a HL meet :twisted:

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 14:19
by weebleswobble
DerekR wrote:
Gollum's Cock wrote:In the meantime when are we going to organise the first Heartland gangbang :D
The first? There speaks a man who's obviously never made it to a HL meet :twisted:
last time I take a drink from you :innocent:

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 14:29
by sziamiau
well well what have we got here?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 17:32
by James Blast
has this whole thread just been Andy's way of telling us he was knobbing two birds at the same time?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 18:10
by christophe
James Blast wrote:has this whole thread just been Andy's way of telling us he was knobbing two birds at the same time?
and I say good for him!
but sooner or later you are gonne have to let go of them to pull up your pants, and birds have the tendency to sh!t on your head when they fly off :|

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 13:32
by MadameButterfly
christophe wrote:
James Blast wrote:has this whole thread just been Andy's way of telling us he was knobbing two birds at the same time?
and I say good for him!
but sooner or later you are gonne have to let go of them to pull up your pants, and birds have the tendency to sh!t on your head when they fly off :|
:lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy: :notworthy: ;D

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 13:49
by Bartek
yeah, it might be even funny when you watch this from the outside.

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 14:11
by christophe
Bartek wrote:yeah, it might be even funny when you watch this from the outside.
give it some time and its even funny from the inside
and if it is not, pretend it is :wink:

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 14:23
by Silver_Owl
James Blast wrote:has this whole thread just been Andy's way of telling us he was knobbing two birds at the same time?
I think so - and he's not been back since has he? :|

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 14:40
by Quiff Boy
he's resting :lol:

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 14:50
by MadameButterfly
:lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 14:55
by GC
Is n't polyamourous just as intellectual slut?

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 15:04
by MadameButterfly
Gollum's Cock wrote:Is n't polyamourous just as intellectual slut?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy:


now i'm going to plant bulbs in mother earth! :lol:

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 15:38
by timsinister
It's a metaphor...?

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 18:48
by sziamiau
I am way too insecure for this to work for me. too much information..there you go

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 15:51
by DeWinter
MadameButterfly wrote:
EvilBastard wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:i'm sorry EB, don't know which planet you are coming from, but since when & why would you decide who is to be a parent or not? unless you are thinking of some kind of god in your own mind!?

in this day and age in the world we are living, all human races are breeding like rabbits and no higher person has the right to tell them they can't!

living in a place that doesn't exsist but be very comfortable.
No we don't get to decide! Well you can think you deserve to decide, but all heavens above, you are looking at the minority here been us the lucky sods with enough money to have this benefit! Have you actually looked at the world other than from this rich, powerful, western northern part of the world when only these are your worries?

What about the billions of people in this world that are dying dayly just because the weak will die opinion? this world that where you are coming from have fuckedup my world i live on because of the wealth and greed and not caring about the under dog in this world!

*pfffttt* to that way of thinking thanking you very much dear sir.
I read his comments as "I shouldn't be expected to support people who's actions I don't agree with.". He's quite right, why should he? It's his money/time/environment/whatever.

And there are people who already decide as to the fitness of certain people to be parents in Britain, at least. There was a case recently of a young girl with "lower than average" intelligence who ran off to Ireland to try and avoid having her child abducted by the State. Considering the fat female scumbags I see around my town who seem to believe shrieking four-letter abuse at their children every other sentence is perfectly acceptable, it seemed a trifle harsh to me. Standards of parenting that are accepted are already horrifyingly lax. Take a look at Edlington.

As for the rest of the world..they can sort out their own problems. And I'm sure they will, as we did, as long as no-one decides to patronisingly intervene and apply alien ethics and standards and then wonder five years later why it didn't work out. in one myself. It's bi as well, so great fun. But children? Bad, bad idea. It was a lifestyle I chose, and I'm well aware of the problems in it, and the rather seedy things that are associated with it sometimes. Restraint and self-denial just don't seem to be a big part of such people's make-up. A lifestyle a grown adult can't comprehend is no thing to impose on a child. And I don't believe I have the right to sacrifice a child on the altar of my "rights", whilst so resolutely refusing any responsibilities.

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 15:59
by markfiend
We're all expected to support people whose actions we don't agree with. A fúck of a lot of us didn't agree with the Iraq war, but our taxes are still paying for it.

But yeah.
markfiend wrote:Surely it's* better for kids than being brought up by people who didn't want them, can't afford them, and don't even love them?
*it being "being brought up in a loving poly-amorous relationship"

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 16:24
by MadameButterfly
DeWinter wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:i'm sorry EB, don't know which planet you are coming from, but since when & why would you decide who is to be a parent or not? unless you are thinking of some kind of god in your own mind!?

in this day and age in the world we are living, all human races are breeding like rabbits and no higher person has the right to tell them they can't!

living in a place that doesn't exsist but be very comfortable.
No we don't get to decide! Well you can think you deserve to decide, but all heavens above, you are looking at the minority here been us the lucky sods with enough money to have this benefit! Have you actually looked at the world other than from this rich, powerful, western northern part of the world when only these are your worries?

What about the billions of people in this world that are dying dayly just because the weak will die opinion? this world that where you are coming from have fuckedup my world i live on because of the wealth and greed and not caring about the under dog in this world!

*pfffttt* to that way of thinking thanking you very much dear sir.
I read his comments as "I shouldn't be expected to support people who's actions I don't agree with.". He's quite right, why should he? It's his money/time/environment/whatever.

And there are people who already decide as to the fitness of certain people to be parents in Britain, at least. There was a case recently of a young girl with "lower than average" intelligence who ran off to Ireland to try and avoid having her child abducted by the State. Considering the fat female scumbags I see around my town who seem to believe shrieking four-letter abuse at their children every other sentence is perfectly acceptable, it seemed a trifle harsh to me. Standards of parenting that are accepted are already horrifyingly lax. Take a look at Edlington.

As for the rest of the world..they can sort out their own problems. And I'm sure they will, as we did, as long as no-one decides to patronisingly intervene and apply alien ethics and standards and then wonder five years later why it didn't work out. in one myself. It's bi as well, so great fun. But children? Bad, bad idea. It was a lifestyle I chose, and I'm well aware of the problems in it, and the rather seedy things that are associated with it sometimes. Restraint and self-denial just don't seem to be a big part of such people's make-up. A lifestyle a grown adult can't comprehend is no thing to impose on a child. And I don't believe I have the right to sacrifice a child on the altar of my "rights", whilst so resolutely refusing any responsibilities.
Don't worry, I can see where EB is coming from and indeed everyone has the right to think the way he does. We enjoy exploring each others minds to get different opinons or a different point of view on a subject.

I do know about Britain and how they poke their noses into homes with families and I don't agree with that either unless there is a chance of abuse within the family and the children are being helped.

This one example you give about how some mother's speak to their children, well that's everywhere and again I don't agree with it at all. When in the company of children we do not swear or else they learn the words and start using them. There is a no swearing policy in our home, more for the children of course, but are punished if they do. If I'm in public with the kids and someone younger than me is swearing in the presence of me or the kids, I ask them please not to as I don't want my children talking like that. The responsibility of having children starts from their birthdate and their minds are clean and fresh so you should only give positive input. The negative input, comes along from all the other areas in life and as a parent you also need to include that in upbringing but what I still firmly believe in is your home should be a safe place for the innocents.

And you honesty in your poly - whatever relationship is respected by me, like I've said if you are a grownup and can handle the emotions etc that goes along with it, I have no problem nor see one. :wink:

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 16:28
by DeWinter
markfiend wrote:We're all expected to support people whose actions we don't agree with. A fúck of a lot of us didn't agree with the Iraq war, but our taxes are still paying for it.

But yeah.
markfiend wrote:Surely it's* better for kids than being brought up by people who didn't want them, can't afford them, and don't even love them?
*it being "being brought up in a loving poly-amorous relationship"
If the Iraq War was that unpopular, why were the protests dwarfed by the Poll Tax riots near fifteen years earlier? I saw no furious rioting or mass non-compliance with taxation. Most people disapproved, but didn't care enough about it. I they had, they could have stopped it. They even voted in Blair again!

I suspect personally that the number of poly-amorous relationships that fit that description are slight. It's nearly always one person who wants such a relationship, and another who agrees to it reluctantly and is secretly very unhappy. Such is the case with those I have seen, at any rate. The type of personality that would want that is usually very narcissistic and quite often very selfish. Law of averages some must exist, but I'm not sure I'd risk a child's well-being on it personally.