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Posted: 01 Jun 2010, 17:40
by DeWinter
boudicca wrote: What I do have a problem with (and despite your claim that I “pipe up with this rant time and time again�, this is actually only the second time I’ve waded into this), is people who contribute almost exclusively to these kinds of threads on HL. Most people are on here to connect in some way, it’s a great community and many of us are very close friends in “the real world�. So when I can set my watch by certain individuals popping up only when there’s a chance to air a controversial Opinion (or more often than not), it does feel a bit like watching someone picking a fight in your beloved local. You talk about respecting people for things other than their political opinions, and I do... but the problem is, when it comes to some of the right-wingers on HL, your political opinions are all I know of you.
That's fair enough, in all honesty. I have noticed myself it's the only time I seem to say anything on here. I did discuss the Sisters originally, but there's only so much you can discuss about a band with a reclusive lead singer that's made three albums and been practically defunct for two decades!
But it's a fair point, I grant you. Most of the other stuff doesn't interest me much, and I'm going to make a colossal leap and say the things that interest me sure as hell won't you guys!!

Still notice I'm the only one who got a thread dedicated to lambasting them for being pleased someone was dead..*grumbles* :P

Posted: 01 Jun 2010, 19:12
by James Blast
DeWinter wrote:the things that interest me sure as hell won't you guys!!
try us, we're a broad church

Posted: 01 Jun 2010, 20:44
by EvilBastard
There is an argument to suggest that no matter who had become PM in 79, the result would have been the same.

The Conservatives won power after a decade that can best be characterised as one of militant union behaviour - dockworkers, miners, binmen, you name it, they'd walked out, egged on by leadership that thought (wrongly) that a gripe with the government gave them the moral authority to put a gun to the head of the Great British Public.
For the record, I'm a big believer in trades unions - employees need to be protected from predatory management, from unsafe working conditions, slave wages, and excessive working hours.
What the union leadership didn't appear to grasp too well (and still don't, if BA cabin crew is any indication) is that their members' interests are best served when they have jobs.
The right-wing backlash in the early 80s was to be expected, and is as much the responsibility of hard-left politics as it is of Thatcher's personal grudges against miners, steelworkers, students, and everyone else she skewered.
Was she a vindicative old harridan? Absolutely - she let personal feelings get in the way of politics.
Was what she did necessary? Unfortunately it does seem that way. The unions needed to be muzzled - the rest of the world cottoned on to the idea of unions' and managements' interests being aligned (German firms, for example, have union representatives on the boards), while in Britain Messrs Scargill et al seemed intent on scuppering any administration that didn't immediately kowtow to his demands. They don't seem to have understood that the world had moved on from the 1930s, and that Britain no longer held the kind of sway that once it did. When you can buy steel from SE Asia for a fraction of what you would pay for the Sheffield product, with guaranteed delivery, why risk a strike wrecking your supply and delivery flow?
I have no love for Thatcher, but she cannot be held solely responsible for what happened. It's popular to think that people will hold street parties and it will be declared a national holiday when she buys the farm, but it is a very narrow and not particularly well-informed view. The equation looks something like this:

((Thatcher+militant unions)/(global emerging economic powers))/economic cyclicality = (Britain)*1980

Posted: 01 Jun 2010, 21:00
by James Blast
I lift and paste this with a nod t'Word and a the chap quoted below
Vince Black wrote:I have long subscribed to the maxim that revenge is a dish best enjoyed cold. However I'm a bit surprised at the venom enshrined in the story on the BBC news website today about the Hay Literary Festival

A british-born lady is chief translator to the office of the French President. She told the Hay audience that Mitterand had once got her to translate for Mrs Thatcher "this young lady is one of yours" and after Maggie said 'yes' he smiled and said, 'but she is one of ours now'

Several years later Mrs Thatcher took apparent revenge, though not on the French president, but his interpreter.

Years later after a lunch she called her over and said 'I have some advice to ask of you'. Then, in her very loudest voice, so that everyone could hear she said 'I've been meaning to ask you, a great friend of mine has a son who has failed all of his exams'

'I suggested that he become an interpreter. What do you think?'
yeah, she was all sweetness and light :lol:

Posted: 01 Jun 2010, 21:02
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:
DeWinter wrote:the things that interest me sure as hell won't you guys!!
try us, we're a broad church
Just what I wanted to say. Though I wasn't really referring to you... you argue your points very well and I do occasionally see you post about other things :lol:

Posted: 01 Jun 2010, 21:08
by James Blast
I was bored the other nicht and DHBT (drink had been taken) so I foolishly posted in here, silly me... :|

Posted: 01 Jun 2010, 21:58
by boudicca
You just did it again :P

Posted: 01 Jun 2010, 22:04
by James Blast
Sook ma plume!

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 07:56
by deadagain
James Blast wrote:"There is no such thing as society".

Really? c'mon just how fuckin' stupid is that statement?
yup, and I want to know how they square that with their current bullsh*t big idea of the 'Big Society'?!?

To misquote Al: 'What we are looking at is lies and evil, a Blue World Order'

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 20:00
by timsinister
James Blast wrote:Sook ma plume!
You guys should be on teevee! :lol:

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 20:33
by James Blast
we are and so are you