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Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 10:01
by markfiend
shivarising wrote:
Sonya Marmeladova wrote:Did Andrew Eldritch get married yet?
It's 2011, not 1811. Intelligent people don't get married if they don't have to.
As an intelligent person who got married in 2009, I would just like to say fûck you.

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 10:30
by Machine Regime
markfiend wrote:
shivarising wrote:
Sonya Marmeladova wrote:Did Andrew Eldritch get married yet?
It's 2011, not 1811. Intelligent people don't get married if they don't have to.
As an intelligent person who got married in 2009, I would just like to say fûck you.
I think what shivarising was getting at was "Intelligent people these days know that it's not a necessity for everyone to get married" ... :lol:

although Sonya never said that it was... :)

Re: Married

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 10:30
by Mr. Wah
shivarising wrote:
Sonya Marmeladova wrote:Did Andrew Eldritch get married yet?
It's 2011, not 1811. Intelligent people don't get married if they don't have to.
:lol: Are you sure you thought this one through?

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 14:37
by Andy Christ 666
Sonya Marmeladova wrote:Because I am getting old so I started to look for someone to marry, and then I came to think of Andrew Eldritch...
Hmmm, Not wanting to sound harsh, but, would you please start taking your medication again, really it's for your own good.

markfiend wrote:
shivarising wrote:
Sonya Marmeladova wrote:Did Andrew Eldritch get married yet?
It's 2011, not 1811. Intelligent people don't get married if they don't have to.
As an intelligent person who got married in 2009, I would just like to say fûck you.
And as another intelligent person who got married in 2003, I agree with the above statement by markfiend.

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 15:46
by Being645
For some intelligent people it is absolutely necessary to get married, because of what they've seen before.

Although the meaning and substance of marriage - and the word itself - has been, yeah warped, revalued and instrumentalised for centuries.

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 01:10
by shivarising
Nice to know I can still make friends wherever I go!

I just meant that part of the lure of being a musician is the non-conformity bit. You p*ss on the suits, you p*ss on the slag workers who toil away endlessly on someone else's treadmill, you p*ss on conventions, you wear sunglasses inside and funny outfits galore, you take lots of dr*gs, you have uh, fun, with lots of ladies who you will never see again... unless they are REALLY hot.

Von didn't conform to the record industry's wishes, why would he conform to the corporations who love marriage because it most often produces new consumers to buy more useless stuff?

I'm just saying... who wrote the line "life is short and love is always over in the morning"?

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 09:44
by Being645
shivarising wrote:Nice to know I can still make friends wherever I go!

Von didn't conform to the record industry's wishes, why would he conform to the corporations who love marriage because it most often produces new consumers to buy more useless stuff?
... yeah or conform to the state who loves to have new subjects and thus a means again to suppress the subjects already under it's thumb.

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 10:29
by Sonya Marmeladova
did not really mean married (go to the church or wherever you sign papers), just thought it was the easiest way to express it..

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 11:34
by Being645
Sonya Marmeladova wrote:did not really mean married (go to the church or wherever you sign papers), just thought it was the easiest way to express it..
... unfortunately, the word is rather destroyed ... :wink: ...

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 13:35
by markfiend
shivarising wrote:Nice to know I can still make friends wherever I go!

Don't worry about it, it's only the internet. 8)

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 14:27
by paul
I'm married for almost 10 years and still think it's cool! Oh, and I'm intelligent too! :lol:

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 18:49
by Garbageman
Been married for 17 years this year thanks.

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 03:56
by Edmogirl
Sonya Marmeladova wrote:Because I am getting old so I started to look for someone to marry, and then I came to think of Andrew Eldritch...
If I didn't see it with my own eyes...I wouldn't believe someone would post something like this.

Poor guy. Being a celebrity must be hellish. No wonder he lives in hiding.

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 04:06
by Being645
Edmogirl wrote:
Sonya Marmeladova wrote:Because I am getting old so I started to look for someone to marry, and then I came to think of Andrew Eldritch...
If I didn't see it with my own eyes...I wouldn't believe someone would post something like this.

Poor guy. Being a celebrity must be hellish. No wonder he lives in hiding.
You must be somewhat blinded to think this happened to celebrities only or to guys ... :lol: ... doesn't matter, I love you nonetheless ... :wink: ...

Btw, if Nietzsche had found a wife, this idiot Freud could have gone home and we were long over this s**t ...

but unfortunately, Nietzsche had only his few friends and his pestilent silly sister ... :urff: ...

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 04:53
by Edmogirl
I know too well that being the object of someone's yearning is to be treated as just that: an object.

People who would never frighten someone with aggression lose all self-censorship because they think their 'love' is a benenvolent force.

It isn't.

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 09:23
by LouLou
Being645 wrote:
Edmogirl wrote:
Sonya Marmeladova wrote:Because I am getting old so I started to look for someone to marry, and then I came to think of Andrew Eldritch...
If I didn't see it with my own eyes...I wouldn't believe someone would post something like this.

Poor guy. Being a celebrity must be hellish. No wonder he lives in hiding.
You must be somewhat blinded to think this happened to celebrities only or to guys ...
there's every chance that us mere mortals will end up with an obsessive nutter on our case at some point of our lives, but surely celebs are far more likely targets? either way, it's not fun :urff:

having said that, i have a feeling that Sonya had her tongue planted firmly in her cheek when she posted :)

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 11:28
by Sonya Marmeladova
Edmogirl wrote:
Sonya Marmeladova wrote:Because I am getting old so I started to look for someone to marry, and then I came to think of Andrew Eldritch...
If I didn't see it with my own eyes...I wouldn't believe someone would post something like this.

Poor guy. Being a celebrity must be hellish. No wonder he lives in hiding.
You seem to be a very serious and correct person..

Do you really think he reads this or gives a s**t? I thought not, but if he does I apologize then.

(by the way: Not everything is meant to be taken deathseriously..)

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 11:35
by Sonya Marmeladova
Andy Christ 666 wrote:
Sonya Marmeladova wrote:Because I am getting old so I started to look for someone to marry, and then I came to think of Andrew Eldritch...
Hmmm, Not wanting to sound harsh, but, would you please start taking your medication again, really it's for your own good.
I would, but my dealer has disappeared...

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 11:57
by Being645
LouLou wrote:
Being645 wrote:
Edmogirl wrote: If I didn't see it with my own eyes...I wouldn't believe someone would post something like this.

Poor guy. Being a celebrity must be hellish. No wonder he lives in hiding.
You must be somewhat blinded to think this happened to celebrities only or to guys ...
there's every chance that us mere mortals will end up with an obsessive nutter on our case at some point of our lives, but surely celebs are far more likely targets? either way, it's not fun :urff:

having said that, i have a feeling that Sonya had her tongue planted firmly in her cheek when she posted :)
regarding the latter ... yeah, I took that for granted as well ...

regarding the nutters ... it doesn't take nutters, it's just everyday standard ...
people try to get the best for themselves along relations ... they have a thought, make a decision and start a fire ...

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 16:55
by Edmogirl
Obviously I misunderstood.

Please excuse me.

Where I come from, jokes are supposed to be funny or interesting.

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 20:18
by Izzy HaveMercy
Edmogirl wrote:Obviously I misunderstood.

Please excuse me.

Where I come from, jokes are supposed to be funny or interesting.
Some people get a joke, some people don't. Just learn to live with it.


Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 17:23
by Edmogirl
In several interviews and in issues of UTR, Mr. Eldritch has openly discussed the negative impact fan stalking has had upon his life.

Apparently some people on here find that amusing.

The fact that I don't share this sentiment isn't a big concern for me.

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 17:43
by Sita
Oh don't take everything so serious! :kiss: ;)

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 17:44
by Machine Regime
This thread still going? :wink:

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 18:25
by sultan2075
Has the sociology experiment been completed?