Meine zwei Pfennig

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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they say that 'shrooms, xtc and speed it fun but i never tried this and i can life without it.
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Now that's just as funny as if it was a spot with a Muslim dad with his kids, building little Twin Towers and flying toy planes on it :urff:
Seriously, have you all lost it?! Do you know anything about the churches that this low-life burnt down? They were ancient original remnants of the Viking times. By burning them, this mental case destroyed his own heritage that he pretends is so precious to him.
I have been in one of these churches in Norway this summer, and it's like a creature from a norse saga came alive and you can go inside its belly. They look like a black animal sits there brooding on the hill top, with thick rough skin like a galapagos lizard. Their portals have woodwork with large entwined dragons and figures. Inside, they are built in the technique of a ship, just turned belly up, because ships were what Vikings knew how to build. And the weirdest thing is their strong smell. Tar made them resistent to water and weather (which is also why they burnt so good). They really feel like a live being.
I know you're all nice people (I guess, after hanging around for a while) so I assume you just haven't really given much thought on what was destroyed.
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eotunun wrote:That's why, Burzum, I think you'd be well advised to get that nickname changed. As you see, it arouses wrong assumptions about you.
Surely that says more about the person doing the assuming.
markfiend wrote:I thought KISS was meant to be an acronym? Knights in Satan's Service?
Sita wrote:Do you know anything about the churches that this low-life burnt down? They were ancient original remnants of the Viking times. By burning them, this mental case destroyed his own heritage that he pretends is so precious to him.
Even if they'd been ugly, modern churches it'd still be unforgivable. Burning any building is awful. Not to mention arson. And just because you don't agree with someone's beliefs doesn't give you the right to trash their place of worship.
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Ahráyeph wrote:Is it safe to come back in now?
... depends ... :roll: ... got a Reptile House EP at home ... :eek: :eek: :eek: ...
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Sita wrote:Now that's just as funny as if it was a spot with a Muslim dad with his kids, building little Twin Towers and flying toy planes on it :urff:
Seriously, have you all lost it?! Do you know anything about the churches that this low-life burnt down? They were ancient original remnants of the Viking times. By burning them, this mental case destroyed his own heritage that he pretends is so precious to him.
I have been in one of these churches in Norway this summer, and it's like a creature from a norse saga came alive and you can go inside its belly. They look like a black animal sits there brooding on the hill top, with thick rough skin like a galapagos lizard. Their portals have woodwork with large entwined dragons and figures. Inside, they are built in the technique of a ship, just turned belly up, because ships were what Vikings knew how to build. And the weirdest thing is their strong smell. Tar made them resistent to water and weather (which is also why they burnt so good). They really feel like a live being.
I know you're all nice people (I guess, after hanging around for a while) so I assume you just haven't really given much thought on what was destroyed.
You think 'irony' means something with a lot of ferrum in it, no?

It is never excused to set fire to a building, but in case you missed it, Grafi Grishnakh was a good musician but, to loosely quote a famous writer again, flying far beyond the sanity horizon and accelerating...

Nevr heard about cartoons? Never heard about people mocking and joking about things to cope with the situation? As I recall you have been in the music business as well, so you should know that most black metal musicians here in Europe thought most Norwegian BM'ers were very nice musicians but had a couple of screws loose. A clip like Hessian Hobbies just looks back at the times (early 90s) where we did exactly the same; meet the church-burning with irony and sarcasm, because it was too stupid for words. Also, the nutcases who supported this church-burnings in perspective with the BM bands and followers who didn't were easily outnumbered...

Seriously, when has this place become so short-sighted and a place full of V.I.T.R.I.O.L.? :| (look up that last one, it's a BM reference, in case you missed it)

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Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Bartek wrote:black mental it's just not for my ears. now. maybe if i'll do circle with my music eduction or just be fed up by that what i'm listening now i would try it. but not now.
Black metal is FUN! ;D


couldn't agree more, again. And I can prove it:

@dumkopf and eotunun: ... 8852_n.jpg
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It looks like we're on same street again when every word has to repeated. Where in conversation between me and IZ you saw support for burning churches?

Not to mention that in his mind Vikernes has/had 'excuse' to arson this church.

And, just in case, as i believe, none of us is Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Che Guevara, Kim Jong-il, Amin Idi, Genghis Khan and so, supporter. We're not paedophiles, sheep and other animals lovers, terrorists, drug dealers and pimps. Is that clear? Thank you.

We are reasonable and sane folks, with few exceptions- I'm not pointing anyone, just saying- like in any other community.
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Bertran De Born wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Bartek wrote:black mental it's just not for my ears. now. maybe if i'll do circle with my music eduction or just be fed up by that what i'm listening now i would try it. but not now.
Black metal is FUN! ;D


couldn't agree more, again. And I can prove it:

ABBATH! as in A SHower! :lol:

Oh, and about the church burnings, here is what A SHOWER has to say about it:

I hope you all got the point now. I fought for 20-odd years to prove, every day again, that Black Metal is just an extreme form of metal with a lot of tongue-in-cheek and overall good-humour. I hope you people understand this by these videos. I can show dozens of others if you like...

Last edited by Izzy HaveMercy on 04 Oct 2011, 10:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Bartek wrote:It looks like we're on same street again when every word has to repeated. Where in conversation between me and IZ you saw support for burning churches?

Not to mention that in his mind Vikernes has/had 'excuse' to arson this church.

And, just in case, as i believe, none of us is Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Che Guevara, Kim Jong-il, Amin Idi, Genghis Khan and so, supporter. We're not paedophiles, sheep and other animals lovers, terrorists, drug dealers and pimps. Is that clear? Thank you.

We are reasonable and sane folks, with few exceptions- I'm not pointing anyone, just saying- like in any other community.
Wise words :notworthy:
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Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Seriously, when has this place become so short-sighted and a place full of V.I.T.R.I.O.L.? :| (look up that last one, it's a BM reference, in case you missed it)

I blame the hot weater :lol:
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Debaser wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Seriously, when has this place become so short-sighted and a place full of V.I.T.R.I.O.L.? :| (look up that last one, it's a BM reference, in case you missed it)

I blame the hot weater :lol:

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Err... I didn't see it in anyone's conversation, solely in that clip. I thought it was hilarious until I realised what it was they were building. I may be passionate, but surely not vitriolic. Unlike schwachkopf, I wasn't assuming that you all were making a statement for burning churches. I was saying you're nice folks but maybe hadn't spent much thought on the destroyed heritage.
Of course I know you are sane folks. And Black Metal is totally cool with me. I would love to see the Hole In The Sky festival in Bergen.
Surely now you guys are being a bit overly sensitive. Jeez. Eh, I mean, Pazuzu. Cthulhu. Thor. Whoever :roll:
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Sita wrote:Err... I didn't see it in anyone's conversation, solely in that clip. I thought it was hilarious until I realised what it was they were building. I may be passionate, but surely not vitriolic. Unlike schwachkopf, I wasn't assuming that you all were making a statement for burning churches. I was saying you're nice folks but maybe hadn't spent much thought on the destroyed heritage.
Of course I know you are sane folks. And Black Metal is totally cool with me. I would love to see the Hole In The Sky festival in Bergen.
Check! :D
Surely now you guys are being a bit overly sensitive. Jeez. Eh, I mean, Pazuzu. Cthulhu. Thor. Whoever :roll:
"IZ" will do just fine thanks ;) and indeed, maybe NOW is the time to lock this one up.

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I'm going to leave it open to give dummkopf a chance for a "right to reply" type thing.
The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
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Izzy HaveMercy wrote: "IZ" will do just fine thanks ;)

Just about my reaction, I'm an art historian by profession, and a bit of a history geek. If you devote yourself to studying ancient stuff, preserving and promoting it, then it's a shock to see a clip light-heartedly (or ironic in a way I failed to realise) joking about arsoning it. I don't care for libraries, but I know a lot of people wanted to kill themselves when the Anna Amalia library in Germany burnt down. That's probably how I feel about those stave churches. That's why the clip upset me just *cough* a wee bit ... :oops:
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Sita wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote: "IZ" will do just fine thanks ;)

Just about my reaction, I'm an art historian by profession, and a bit of a history geek. If you devote yourself to studying ancient stuff, preserving and promoting it, then it's a shock to see a clip light-heartedly (or ironic in a way I failed to realise) joking about arsoning it. I don't care for libraries, but I know a lot of people wanted to kill themselves when the Anna Amalia library in Germany burnt down. That's probably how I feel about those stave churches. That's why the clip upset me just *cough* a wee bit ... :oops:
Fair enough, apparently people also get upset when you call yourself Darkness in Mordor-speek so hey, we all have our reasons sometimes! We're more than cool in my book! :D :notworthy:

My counter-reaction stems in the fact that as a former Black Metal musician I had to fight against all the prejudices for years, so that's the other side of the spectrum ;)

Last edited by Izzy HaveMercy on 04 Oct 2011, 14:25, edited 2 times in total.
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markfiend wrote:I'm going to leave it open to give dummkopf a chance for a "right to reply" type thing.
Ah ok, also fair indeed...

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Izzy HaveMercy wrote:We're more than cool in my book! :D :notworthy:

My counter-reaction stems in the fact that as a former Black Metal musician I had to fight against all the prejudices for years, so that's the other side of the spectrum ;)

Way cool! I'll get everyone whom I yelled at a beer at the next Sisters gig :notworthy:
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Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Debaser wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Seriously, when has this place become so short-sighted and a place full of V.I.T.R.I.O.L.? :| (look up that last one, it's a BM reference, in case you missed it)

I blame the hot weater :lol:


I'll have an 'h' please, Bob :oops:
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Black metal is the worst kind of music ever existed, if you can call it music actually.
Tasteless with ridicilious and sometimes outrageous lyrics, completely stupid looks, and to top it all violence in all it s forms throughout the image and songs.
What kind of childhood did these people had ffs!

"Muisc"wise ,If you have heard one group you ve heard them all.

So disgusting it dosent even deserve to get thrown in the garbage bin.
Underneath the Rock
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Sita wrote: Just about my reaction, I'm an art historian by profession, and a bit of a history geek. If you devote yourself to studying ancient stuff, preserving and promoting it, then it's a shock to see a clip light-heartedly (or ironic in a way I failed to realise) joking about arsoning it. I don't care for libraries, but I know a lot of people wanted to kill themselves when the Anna Amalia library in Germany burnt down. That's probably how I feel about those stave churches. That's why the clip upset me just *cough* a wee bit ... :oops:
As IZ said: fair enough. Now i hope now we all stand on the same side.

Group hug ?
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Silence is platinum wrote:Volksmusik is the worst kind of music ever existed, if you can call it music actually.
Tasteless with ridicilious and sometimes outrageous lyrics, completely stupid looks, and to top it all bigotryin all it s forms throughout the image and songs.
What kind of childhood did these people had ffs!
Makes me wonder too! :eek:
Silence is platinum wrote:"Muisc"wise ,If you have heard one group you ve heard them all.
So disgusting it dosent even deserve to get thrown in the garbage bin.
Totally seconded!
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Bartek wrote:Group hug ?
:kiss: *zmack* and if you want you can lend my Death In June albums ;D :wink:
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Silence is platinum wrote:Black metal is the worst kind of music ever existed, if you can call it music actually.
Tasteless with ridicilious and sometimes outrageous lyrics, completely stupid looks, and to top it all violence in all it s forms throughout the image and songs.
What kind of childhood did these people had ffs!

"Muisc"wise ,If you have heard one group you ve heard them all.

So disgusting it dosent even deserve to get thrown in the garbage bin.
Go do your f**king eyeliner.
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Shoulda locked it....
People round these parts are bloody nutters....
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