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Posted: 26 Jun 2014, 13:39
by Pista
USA or Germany then?
A handy flow chart to help you decide


Posted: 26 Jun 2014, 16:50
by eastmidswhizzkid
abridged wrote:On a slight tangent. This is possibly the worst thing I have ever read... :roll:
anything that uses a quote from maggie thatcher to back up it's argument has to be flawed. and as for "it's foreign" as a reason to hate football/soccer, apart from the dismally disenfranchised native americans, aren't all things american of foreign origin?

moronic drivel for sure.

Posted: 26 Jun 2014, 20:50
by Johnny Rev 7.0
Ahh... Ann Coulter. CEO of Moronic Drivel Inc.â„¢
Ann Coulter wrote:I'm a Christian first and a mean-spirited, bigoted conservative second, and don't you ever forget it... <snip> ...Christianity fuels everything I write. Being a Christian means that I am called upon to do battle against lies, injustice, cruelty, hypocrisy—you know, all the virtues in the church of liberalism.
Whilst respecting your religious beliefs, and your Christian charity towards others, how does that make you 'qualified' to comment on football/soccer? Yet, you've held it back for a decade?

I've no idea who, or what, pissed on your parade, to induce you to write such a shite article as previously quoted. Other than it's corporate policy, of course.

Hmm... 52-years old and never married. I wonder why? There's some deep, repressed anger coming to the fore here.

Did you perchance watch some very young boys and girls having a kickabout in Central Park, and, dare I say it, having innocent fun? Were you envious about their laughter and giggles? Or even jealous of the camaraderie of the mini-soccer moms you so despise?

Whilst walking your three pedigree Chihuahuas with a poop-bag/pooper-scooper in your designer rucksack? Alone.

Anally-retentive is a much overused expression. Let someone take you up the Gary Glitter. lt may liberate you, it may not. It may open up new horizons (no sexual pun intended), it may not.

But you need to do something Ann and do it fast. Because let's face it, to use an American vernacular, your suck. Big time. :von:

Posted: 03 Jul 2014, 20:26
by sziamiau
Steve that was too good:)