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Posted: 04 Oct 2016, 13:29
by Silver_Owl
I thought the single was OK to be fair.
As for the rest of the album....

Posted: 04 Oct 2016, 14:50
by stufarq
I wasn't keen on the single, and my album hasn't arrived yet. I think I've got the download, but I'm waiting to listen to the CD.

Posted: 04 Oct 2016, 15:12
by edu
The bass and drums at the start of another fall from grace has Emma reminiscences....or it is just me?

Posted: 04 Oct 2016, 15:12
by markfiend
Brad wrote:I am sincerely glad a lot of people are finding joy in this new Mish album.

I'm in markfiend's camp on this one.

I tried as well to give it a fair listen but just couldn't get through it.
I've given it another chance. I managed to get through nearly the whole album this time but bloody hell that was an effort.

Posted: 04 Oct 2016, 17:19
by paint it black
edu wrote:The bass and drums at the start o
f another fall from grace has Emma reminiscences....or it is just me?
At the least: emma, fix, alice, dominion, logic and afterhours But it's great and it's new, which is slightly better than watching the sister's die a slowdeath

Posted: 05 Oct 2016, 09:07
by markfiend
paint it black wrote:it's great and it's new
Well... it's new.
Sort of.

Posted: 05 Oct 2016, 19:17
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
paint it black wrote: At the least: emma, fix, alice, dominion, logic and afterhours But it's great and it's new, which is slightly better than watching the sister's die a slowdeath
The Alice is also Black Planet. Agree about the Fix and the Afterhours too. It's arguably new, but apart from the two "singles" there's quite a bit of the usual filler, so hardly "great". Good on Wayne for trying something which is in parts a bit of a change of direction from the last CD. As for TSOM, "Slow death" implies gradual decline, whereas the common agreement is that they seem to have got better again in the last year or so after a dodgier period.

Posted: 05 Oct 2016, 21:38
by million voices
You go and see an aged relative in a nursing home. For the first time in several visits they recognise you.

This doesn't mean they have got better again.

Posted: 06 Oct 2016, 07:27
by Aazhyd
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:implies gradual decline, whereas the common agreement is that they seem to have got better again in the last year or so after a dodgier period.
They're still on their death bed.

No releases for 20 years means dead band to me.

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 19:28
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
WH in the new interview on the Louder Than War website wrote:Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some of the comments online from some Sisters’ fans which are quite sour towards me saying things like the new songs sound like the Sisters, but of course they’re going to sound like the Sisters because it was me playing guitar on those records!
Sour?? I think he means "complimentary".

Believe me, if I compare any song to Dominion (or Fix, or Afterhours, or Alice, or Black Planet, or Emma, or ....) then it can only ever be a good thing.

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 20:26
by Being645
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:
WH in the new interview on the Louder Than War website wrote:Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some of the comments online from some Sisters’ fans which are quite sour towards me saying things like the new songs sound like the Sisters, but of course they’re going to sound like the Sisters because it was me playing guitar on those records!
Sour?? I think he means "complimentary".

Believe me, if I compare any song to Dominion (or Fix, or Afterhours, or Alice, or Black Planet, or Emma, or ....) then it can only ever be a good thing.
... :urff: ... "sound like The Sisters" ... because it was me playing guitar on those records ... Image ... who would have thought of that ... Image ...

But I tell you what, Wayne. The music sounds like pieces taken form Sisters song (probably those you once played),
but never ever do your songs sound like The Sisters!!! Whatever you do, you will never manage to "sound like The Sisters",
because there's way too much missing, in particular the spirit, you are unable to imitate or mimcry ... :P ... in that respect,
even some of those cover bands do better than you ... funny enough given the fact that Craig is in your company ...

However, sound as you please. There are people who like it and as long as they and you and your band enjoy ... go on and believe to sound like The Sisters ...
Although for me it's just another assuming the role of "The Sisters of Mercy" and making an enormous fuss about it to promote a new album and the according tour.
As usual. I, personally, neither like the music nor this strategy. Some will surely enjoy and even be pleased (easily done of course, as everyone can check for don'ts
by stalking the fanbase along this forum and avoid them or even boast about their "own" developments). Phh, and then answering to forum threads through the
media for further public self-adulation ... *sigh ... :urff: ... just like in the old days, ain't it ... ;D ...

Anyway, have fun and enjoy, everyone who might please. Tastes differ.

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 04:09
by stufarq
I think you're missing the point there. He's not trying to sound like the Sisters. He's saying people criticise him for sounding like the Sisters, when really some similarity is inevitable because he's the guitarist on both.

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 10:13
by Being645
stufarq wrote:I think you're missing the point there. He's not trying to sound like the Sisters. He's saying people criticise him for sounding like the Sisters, when really some similarity is inevitable because he's the guitarist on both.
I think, I got perfectly well how came that Wayne produced his recent album "as [his personal] missing link between FALAA and GOM".
And of course, those tracks would somewhat sound like The Sisters. That just normal and inherent to the issue in my (and, I guess, in most people's) view ...

But maybe you missed the point, just like that guitarist - in full innocence and coincidence - missed the point when he read those online comments ...
Being645 wrote:
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:
WH in the new interview on the Louder Than War website wrote:Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some of the comments online from some Sisters’ fans which are quite sour towards me saying things like the new songs sound like the Sisters, but of course they’re going to sound like the Sisters because it was me playing guitar on those records!
Sour?? I think he means "complimentary".

Believe me, if I compare any song to Dominion (or Fix, or Afterhours, or Alice, or Black Planet, or Emma, or ....) then it can only ever be a good thing.
... :urff: ... "sound like The Sisters" ... because it was me playing guitar on those records ... Image ... who would have thought of that ... Image ...

But I tell you what, Wayne. The music sounds like pieces taken form Sisters song (probably those you once played),
but never ever do your songs sound like The Sisters!!! Whatever you do, you will never manage to "sound like The Sisters",
because there's way too much missing, in particular the spirit, you are unable to imitate or mimcry ... :P ... in that respect,
even some of those cover bands do better than you ... funny enough given the fact that Craig is in your company ...

However, sound as you please. There are people who like it and as long as they and you and your band enjoy ... go on and believe to sound like The Sisters ...
Although for me it's just another assuming the role of "The Sisters of Mercy" and making an enormous fuss about it to promote a new album and the according tour.
As usual. I, personally, neither like the music nor this strategy. Some will surely enjoy and even be pleased (easily done of course, as everyone can check for don'ts
by stalking the fanbase along this forum and avoid them or even boast about their "own" developments). Phh, and then answering to forum threads through the
media for further public self-adulation ... *sigh ... :urff: ... just like in the old days, ain't it ... ;D ...

Anyway, have fun and enjoy, everyone who might please. Tastes differ.

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 11:48
by Mav787
Suddenly this reasonable discussion has become quite tedious

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 12:26
by Being645
Mav787 wrote:Suddenly this reasonable discussion has become quite tedious
Very true.
Maybe, opening a m*****n Chat section here on this forum could make things easier ... :) ...

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 12:27
by jost 7
Sometimes the animosity towards them is incredible, already stupid. Do personal crises reflect on this? Tell us.

One of the well known britons in here, a nice person, is a brexiter he told me, is he allowed to see the sisters? Any animosity against him?

Is andys behaviour against the others ok? I doubt it, not a good sign to me. Remember: Following the leaders blindly often was not a good thing, you camp-people.

Wayne wrote 100 times more songs than andy. He releases records, which is great.

I would appreciate them doing something together, even when it were only to support the women having sailed to gaza.

Love is a many splintered thing indeed

Posted: 10 Oct 2016, 10:39
by lsind
jost 7 wrote:Sometimes the animosity towards them is incredible, already stupid.
Agreed. Even though I haven't really been into a m*****n record since 'Children'.
It's not reading this thread that is getting tedious, it is reading some unnecessarily partial comments that is.

Posted: 27 Oct 2016, 10:44
by jost 7
Anyone else in munich tonight?

Re: the new m*****n single

Posted: 31 Jan 2017, 18:31
by elamanamou
paint it black wrote:I like it as it happens.

the ahem 'link' might be the walk away drum roll about halfway through :eek: :eek: :lol: :notworthy: :von:
I like it and hope to see The m*****n this year! :D

Posted: 02 Feb 2017, 23:09
by Swinnow
I like it too, that guitarist (the twelve string one) was always quite good and you can swing your pants to this one.

OK, I'm old school and remember release days for Alice, Reptile House and Temple of Love and nothing much comes close to the excitement of those events, but a good Mish release still makes me smile.

Posted: 03 Feb 2017, 09:24
by Zacharias
Mav787 wrote:
mh wrote:
Cedarjet wrote:And after all, so what? If you like it, it doesn´t matter if it´s "inspired" by Von or ROA or Motörhead or The Carpenters...
Actually I'd disagree - it kinda does matter.

You see, Wayne has shown many times in the past that he is quite capable of writing a good tune; he's even quite capable of writing the occasional great tune. Instead we see him recycling past works. He doesn't need to do that, he's better than that, and it's a shame to see him not use his talent.
Do I detect a certain level of condescension?

If you're going to criticise Wayne for recycling then you'd better add in Jimmy Page, Keith Richards, and many other musicians who found inspiration in songs already written.
Of course people have been copying and imitating since day one, but then adding their own touch to it. To me this sounds too much of the copy & paste business and too lite of the own flair ditto.

When I heard the second video single I was amazed how much it sounded like FALAA era Sissies but 50 seconds in (when the vocals started) it was just too much. For me there's no reason to listen to this particular album since I've already got "the originals". Then again, I've never been able to appreciate The m*****n.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017, 10:46
by Being645
Zacharias wrote:When I heard the second video single I was amazed how much it sounded like FALAA era Sissies but 50 seconds in (when the vocals started) it was just too much. For me there's no reason to listen to this particular album since I've already got "the originals". Then again, I've never been able to appreciate The m*****n.
Yeah, Zacharias ... that's exactly the same effect almost every m*****n release has on me. They're just not for me...

Posted: 06 Feb 2017, 13:59
by Cedarjet
Being645 wrote:
Zacharias wrote:When I heard the second video single I was amazed how much it sounded like FALAA era Sissies but 50 seconds in (when the vocals started) it was just too much. For me there's no reason to listen to this particular album since I've already got "the originals". Then again, I've never been able to appreciate The m*****n.
Yeah, Zacharias ... that's exactly the same effect almost every m*****n release has on me. They're just not for me...
I think you are taking this topic too seriously at some points...we are only discussing here music after all, not the survival of the planet. Though I have never met that 12-string guitarist personally, I totally agree with you that he doesn´t come over as a very likable personality in his interviews and comments. And the musical output? Well, as sure as everyone else here who was a Sisters fan by the mid 80s I bought "Serpent´s Kiss" back when it came out and hoped this would be the general musical direction. Well, it was not to be. I really like "Gods Own Medicine", "Aura" and "Another Fall From Grace" and also the one or other songs from a few other albums, but for instance found "Masque", "God Is A Bullet" and especially the Resterampe (German word impossible to translate :D ) albums "Grains Of Sand" and "Dum Dum Bullet" tedious and boooooriiing. So, he has good writing moments but also quite a few bad ones.
And for the fact people are disussing m*****n releases here- well, 2 members are former Sisters (Craig Adams being almost a founder member), so at least for a few (many? who knows?) of us it is of interest, and of course I´m sure we all would prefer to discuss the latest Sisters releases..but, Or is :von: busy at the moment writing his Trump victory album? ;D . So with seemingly not even a new tour in sight, no harm in discussing a bit about the sideshow acts

Posted: 08 Feb 2017, 19:55
by elamanamou
Has it ever be known That Guitarist to attend a sisters gig? Or AE being spotted at a Mish gig? ;D

Posted: 08 Feb 2017, 20:16
by czuczu
elamanamou wrote:Has it ever be known That Guitarist to attend a sisters gig? Or AE being spotted at a Mish gig? ;D
Yes but apparently not allowed any more.
Only if on the same bill.