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Posted: 06 May 2004, 23:03
by Gripper
Sorry's the only weekend this decade that I've got a full social diary. :(

Maybe next year, hey?

Posted: 06 May 2004, 23:33
by Debaser
Tra laaa laaaah

Aye we'll be there and drag along the Dirty Voyeur and Ikkle Jo (who has recently given up smoking so she can sit next to SG)

Posted: 06 May 2004, 23:41
by James Blast
I'll bring my SKIDS collection then.



Posted: 07 May 2004, 07:43
by Padstar
Ide offer a DJ spot but i reckon ide end up getting lynched :)


Posted: 07 May 2004, 10:27
by Ed Rhombus
Oh go on!

Let Paddy DJ!!!!

Or at least sit in the corner with a Fisher Price tape recorder!

Posted: 07 May 2004, 11:10
by Thrash Harry
Ed Rhombus wrote:Or at least sit in the corner with a Fisher Price tape recorder!
I'll bring my Stylophone.

Posted: 07 May 2004, 11:17
by Mrs RicheyJames
Debaser wrote:Tra laaa laaaah

Aye we'll be there and drag along the Dirty Voyeur and Ikkle Jo (who has recently given up smoking so she can sit next to SG)
Sorry hunny, I'M WEAK!!!!! :cry:

Posted: 07 May 2004, 12:23
by emilystrange
Johnny Boy wrote:
emilystrange wrote: i'd like to see the emoticon for that, lol
When are you available to pose ..? :)

Sorry Em, totally gross I know, but you asked for it. x :twisted:
:roll: :roll: :roll:

is that your jacket, there? the one the cat just pissed on?? off you go....

Posted: 07 May 2004, 16:32
by Debaser
Sexygoth wrote:
Debaser wrote:Tra laaa laaaah

Aye we'll be there and drag along the Dirty Voyeur and Ikkle Jo (who has recently given up smoking so she can sit next to SG)
Sorry hunny, I'M WEAK!!!!! :cry:
Nay matter, we'll sit in the midst of a nicotine cloud....mixes well with dry ice...

OH GAWD Quiff, you saw what Jo was like last there'll be NO stopping her!!

Posted: 07 May 2004, 16:35
by Quiff Boy
Debaser wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:
Debaser wrote:Tra laaa laaaah

Aye we'll be there and drag along the Dirty Voyeur and Ikkle Jo (who has recently given up smoking so she can sit next to SG)
Sorry hunny, I'M WEAK!!!!! :cry:
Nay matter, we'll sit in the midst of a nicotine cloud....mixes well with dry ice...

OH GAWD Quiff, you saw what Jo was like last there'll be NO stopping her!!
cool! :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 07 May 2004, 17:06
by Purple Light
Dave Whelan wrote:
Purple Light wrote:Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I'm in Spain that weekend!

Is this a yearly thing then? Have I at least got sommat to look forward to next year!??

A devastated PL. :(
Yeah Purple, you've got Rotherham away to look forward to next year.
(soz, I've been really trying not to start. Really). Besides which, I'm trying to keep shtum until after the cup final. I've a twinge of fear about the 5-0 at half-time bet I made after the semi's.

But look on the bright side. You won't have me to deal with all night. :wink: :twisted:
Yeah I'm glad I can't go now, I've had enough stick to last a lifetime already! We'll be back though... someday. :cry: :cry: :cry:

So is this a yearly event then peeps!?? (if so... why not two events a year!!!)

Posted: 07 May 2004, 17:07
by streghetta
I'll be back home in Italy by that year, maybe (or if you're planning a september one.. :wink: )

Posted: 07 May 2004, 20:42
by snowey
I would pay good money to hear Paddy play "Purple Rain" :D :D :roll:

Posted: 07 May 2004, 22:51
by Gripper
snowey wrote:I would pay good money to hear Paddy play "Purple Rain" :D :D :roll:
...on the paper and comb. C'mon Pads, don't say you haven't been practising.

Posted: 07 May 2004, 23:09
by Thrash Harry
snowey wrote:good money
Hub caps aren't legal tender in Yorkshire.

Posted: 07 May 2004, 23:38
by James Blast
I better bring my spoons with me! :eek:

Posted: 08 May 2004, 08:19
by Mrs. Snowey
Thrash Harry wrote:
snowey wrote:good money
Hub caps aren't legal tender in Yorkshire.
Your getting Birkenhead mixed up with Liverpool again. :roll: :evil:

Lucky I have Mrs Snowey to translate a yorkshire accent into English for me..... And Thrash can you tell me were I can hire a whippet and a flat cap for the night. :innocent: :D

Posted: 08 May 2004, 08:27
by snowey
Mrs Snowey's just slapped me on the head for insulting Yorkshire... But as I told her she comes from Normanton so I have every right to insult Yorkshire people about sleeping with whippets, everyone wearing flat caps (even the women) and eating coal. :D

"Come On Thrash roll us your cap"

Posted: 08 May 2004, 11:29
by paint it black
Red Sunsets wrote:I better bring my spoons with me! :eek:
hey, no jacking up, or off allowed

i want Paddy to play cream, i'll dance to that one :innocent: :innocent:

Posted: 08 May 2004, 14:40
by EraserHead
Count me and Liz in QB. Just looking into hotels in local area, any ideas would be gratefully recieved.

Posted: 08 May 2004, 16:19
by Quiff Boy
i can now reveal that out "special guest DJ for the evening" is to be Paul Sheep, DJ at Black Sheep - one of Leeds' biggest Goth/Alternative nights

he will be taking a wee interval from his duties up the road at the phono the same evening, and will be trotting down the headrow to our special event for a hour(or so) long stint on the wheels of steel, starting at approx 11pm.

anyone thats been to the "black sheep" or "friday flock" nights at the phono & bassment will know what to expect :notworthy: :von:

Posted: 08 May 2004, 17:03
by Thrash Harry
Mrs. Snowey wrote:And Thrash can you tell me were I can hire a whippet and a flat cap for the night.
I expect little whips will be available on the door. I'm not sure a flat cap would go with your perm though. And don't forget to take your medication or you'll have to pay double to get in.

Posted: 08 May 2004, 17:33
by Quiff Boy
the flyers are ready to go to the printers... :von:

this is what they should look like, providing the printers do a half decent job :roll:


Posted: 08 May 2004, 17:37
by Thrash Harry
Quiff Boy wrote:providing the printers do a half decent job
No tricky colours to confuse them. Wise move.

Posted: 08 May 2004, 17:37
by Quiff Boy
Thrash Harry wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:providing the printers do a half decent job
No tricky colours to confuse them. Wise move.
thats what i though ;)

hope they get the cropmarks in the right place though :urff: