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Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 16:18
by markfiend
wintermute wrote:at the risk of showing myself up as sisters lightweight, where do you get the 'new stuff' from to listen to ?

mind you i'd been worrying why i didn't recognise the track names at first glance, assumed they were obscure demo b-sides or something.
Live bootlegs recorded 1993 onward. Check the "weeding" secton ;)

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 16:26
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:
wintermute wrote:at the risk of showing myself up as sisters lightweight, where do you get the 'new stuff' from to listen to ?

mind you i'd been worrying why i didn't recognise the track names at first glance, assumed they were obscure demo b-sides or something.
Live bootlegs recorded 1993 onward. Check the "weeding" secton ;)
thats amost exactly what i was going to say :lol:

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 00:11
by Francis
mh wrote:Amazing how someone can put together a very very convincing "Slept" in a matter of days, ain't it? Makes ya wonder why Von takes so long...
No disrespect to your very impressive efforts, and I'm not at all familiar with these "new" songs, but copying isn't quite the same as composing, is it?

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 16:58
by wintermute
markfiend wrote:
Live bootlegs recorded 1993 onward. Check the "weeding" secton ;)
aha. i'm a bit of an amateur at this aren't i. let's go exploring ......

and thanks to JB for his kind offer, should be a PM on the way my friend

Posted: 02 Aug 2004, 10:27
by jost 7
* meanwhile - i am now pleased to have a first version of summer finished. it's not final yet, but who cares as its summer. at the moment its available only via soulseek but mr. quiffy will make it available also via heartland in the near future - thx.

i already started to move in circles sitting in front of the virtual mixing desk - changing volumes, equilisers and others - having to find out that prior versions were much better than the 'advanced' ones. to my great pleasure i started to expieriment with an accordion provided by a friend (not featured on the current version) which might find its way to the final cut. currently i am in negotiations with the viennese philharmonic orchestra :-)

* the singer's turn - i still hope that all involved in it so far enjoy it and keep on going and mr. markfiends menace was only a joke - every take you breath(e out) is greatly appreciated - everybody who still wants to join in please feel free.
TIME IS NOT THE POINT - if we have a kind of finished it in a 2-3 months time its fine. if so pressing the cds will be ready to have them in shops before christmas ;-)

thx to mr nonesuch. your rendition pointed out the basic power of the track impressively - would it be possible for you to give come together a similar treatment?

* still available:

-come together
-top nite out (w/o vocals)

-basically every 'new' track

Posted: 02 Aug 2004, 10:36
by hallucienate
jost 7 wrote:at the moment its available only via soulseek but mr. quiffy will make it
can I get a user or file name? I'm rather enjoying what I've heard so far...

Posted: 02 Aug 2004, 10:43
by jost 7
name: whataboutsunrise
folder: the singer's turn

Posted: 02 Aug 2004, 10:50
by markfiend
jost 7 markfiends menace was only a joke...
Eh? Who are you calling a menace? :lol:

Don't take me too seriously. I don't.

Are you referring to me giving up? It's just my basic laziness typically reasserting itself. ;)

Posted: 02 Aug 2004, 11:03
by jost 7
markfiend wrote:Are you referring to me giving up? It's just my basic laziness typically reasserting itself. ;)
so the project also features a social side - and helps to get to know each other in here from a more personal side! :lol:

Posted: 02 Aug 2004, 11:04
by hallucienate
jost 7 wrote:soulseek:
name: whataboutsunrise
folder: the singer's turn
danke :notworthy: :notworthy: got it enqueued

Posted: 17 Sep 2004, 14:18
by aaron_quinton
[quote="jost 7"]*
* the singer's turn - i still hope that all involved in it so far enjoy it and keep on going and mr. markfiends menace was only a joke - every take you breath(e out) is greatly appreciated - everybody who still wants to join in please feel free.
TIME IS NOT THE POINT - if we have a kind of finished it in a 2-3 months time its fine. if so pressing the cds will be ready to have them in shops before christmas ;-)

so, are you guys still making mr. pearson look lazy with all this? :lol:

i'm interested in hearing it all, maybe i'll upload some vocals...

i've thought about the new material that adam and andrew have probally recorded already and i'm sure that they not only have all the new material finished, they surely have remixes and revisions galore done as well. yet, much like my old room mates, who were also electronic/idm artists (i.e. :stoners) they could never decide which version of which song they wanted to release as a single...

that's why i am announcing that:

i will start a band here in the u.s., and call it:



Posted: 18 Sep 2004, 11:30
by John Blond
Take a look at Gary Naylors Forth Floor if you are not sure how to play som of the new songs. It contains some midi´s of the unreleased songs. I thnik you could find Will I Dream, War On drugs, Suzanne and Snub Nose.

Posted: 08 Oct 2004, 22:03
by jost 7
the singer's turn.....

i just started the final recording round of summer. finally my accordion player seems to be back so things will hopefully proceed at the speed of light - howlong it still may take. you know that we all have to be aware of the only pressure applying to this project: it hast to be finished before the release of the new sisters album! so hurry on! ;-)

still everybody who wants to participate is welcome - come together needs your support most of all! otherwise i would have to do that (- and we have a stressed relation....)

i am really looking forward to what you guys have done/will do!

it's just a breath away

Posted: 09 Oct 2004, 00:01
by Francis
Allez y, mes braves.

Posted: 09 Oct 2004, 18:35
by pikkrong
jost 7 wrote:it hast to be finished before the release of the new sisters album! so hurry on! ;-)


Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 17:24
by Petseri
Quiff Boy wrote:i've chatted with jost7 and he suggested i put together a page for all the downloads...

i'll get on that this week.

@ Nonesuch: nice work! 8) :notworthy:
Is this project still under way (making the tracks, not putting them on a page)? Would they fill up a CD enough to warrent making a weed out of them?


Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 17:28
by Quiff Boy
i only ever got about 4 songs submitted :urff: :(

Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 18:06
by hallucienate
Quiff Boy wrote:i only ever got about 4 songs submitted :urff: :(
:( indeed

Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 18:21
by John Blond
Is it possible to download those 4 songs, Quiff?

Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 18:36
by Quiff Boy
John Blond wrote:Is it possible to download those 4 songs, Quiff?
aye, i'll try and get them all together in one place and upload them.

Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 18:49
by aaron_quinton
Quiff Boy wrote:
John Blond wrote:Is it possible to download those 4 songs, Quiff?
aye, i'll try and get them all together in one place and upload them.
is this all still being worked on? and out of curiousity, how many of these four tracks need vocals?

have the smurphs ever recorded a tribute album? or do they only do live stuff? if there is such thing how can one get a hold of it?

glad to hear that you're working on getting these tracks uploaded quiffy...


Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 18:57
by Izzy HaveMercy
I feel a bit ashamed as I volunteered to take on War On Drugs, but lack of time working on other projects put this idea somewhere in the back of the freezer... :(

But mebbe one of these days ;-)


Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 20:29
by Dark
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:I feel a bit ashamed as I volunteered to take on War On Drugs, but lack of time working on other projects put this idea somewhere in the back of the freezer... :(

But mebbe one of these days ;-)

Tell you what, Izzy, bad as I am with singing, guitaring, and programing drum machine freeware (and my other bandmates will testify to that) How about I help with War On Drugs? I mean, all I can do is sing really. And play a guitar, but I play guitar rather like :von: plays drums.

Though does anyone mind if I try and contribute some of my own versions of:

Burn (early one, sometimes titled Burn It Down)
Red Skies Disappear

Yes, I know they're all old songs, but they're all unreleased. And I want you all to know they'll take quite a long time, and sound nothing like the original. :D

Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 20:46
by Izzy HaveMercy
Good idea, Dark.... The only thing I suck in, is guitars.
Which is no instrument in the first place ;-)


Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 20:51
by Dark
*has edited his last post* Well, if you can find a clear version of the song, I'll try and work out the guitar sounds...

For you see, I can not play chords, in fact I refuse to bother to learn, I can not read tab or sheet music.. I play by ear, and live tracks aren't easy to listen to sometimes. But I can play a pretty good version of Body Electric, I'm told.