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Posted: 16 Aug 2004, 15:06
by christophe
andymackem wrote:Izzy: that kind of sums up why I have wonderful friendships and a **** sex-life. Well put :notworthy:
Indeed, well put Izzy.
Butt it’s difficult to Judge someone on this subject.
I’m not going into detail but I have witnessed the exact opposite, and it destroyed the lives of more than 1 or 2 people.
On the other hand I fully agree with you, I even see I’m not always doing the right things.
Perhaps you are very lucky you can write this, there are a lot of people out the who truly want to say the same but simply can’t…

Posted: 16 Aug 2004, 15:47
by lucretia
Didn't realise this topic would generate so much response - I just had to have a rant all unto myself but it's been very interesting reading everyone's points of view and, dare I say it, comforting to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The chip butties did it for me - thanks for that !

Posted: 16 Aug 2004, 16:00
by Francis
lucretia wrote:The chip butties did it for me - thanks for that !
You're welcome. Lend me a tenner. :wink:

Posted: 16 Aug 2004, 16:05
by lucretia
Francis wrote:
lucretia wrote:The chip butties did it for me - thanks for that !
You're welcome. Lend me a tenner. :wink:

I doubt that R10 would be enough to purchase a couple of slices of bread to make a chip butty in the UK (although now the Rand is stronger maybe it would ... :?: ) Er, note -
"So close I could almost... loan you money"

Posted: 16 Aug 2004, 16:25
by Almiche V
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Start talking to each other. It will make the world a better place in general.
I couldn't agree more Iz. And as for people being secretive and evasive.......:evil: They don't seem to realise you can spot it a mile off.

Posted: 17 Aug 2004, 00:09
by Black Biscuit
lucretia wrote:comforting to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel
Is there? better read this before you start thinking so: with its comments like "If you're single, things are as good as they're ever going to get" are another persepective for you to consider....