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Posted: 17 Apr 2005, 21:50
by pikkrong
Welcome, Alice! :)

Posted: 18 Apr 2005, 04:30
by eastmidswhizzkid
hi alice :D

Posted: 18 Apr 2005, 09:37
by Mrs RicheyJames
Debaser wrote:Allo Alice.

With regards to clothing...wot not even a smidgeon of orange :eek: ???
:lol: ...And breathe!

Posted: 18 Apr 2005, 13:03
by Black Alice
I must say thank you for all your kind welcomes!

I wish that I could say that I owned a wardrobe full of colours (or even just one orange shirt!) - but that would be a huge fib and I thought that would be the wrong way to start!

I have a feeling that if any forum is going to understand the black clothes thing it will be this one (I have seen some of the photos :lol: )

Posted: 18 Apr 2005, 13:12
by culprit
Black Alice wrote:I have seen some of the photos :lol: )
oh, dear lord... :roll:

Posted: 18 Apr 2005, 16:20
by Mrs RicheyJames
Black Alice wrote:I wish that I could say that I owned a wardrobe full of colours (or even just one orange shirt!) - but that would be a huge fib and I thought that would be the wrong way to start!
Don't worry about it. Francis sometimes makes out that he's nice and/or not pi$$ed. We don't believe him either :lol:

Greetings and salutations

Posted: 18 Apr 2005, 23:17
by Red Orc
Hi Alice,

As a four-day-old (oops I mean six-day-old) got any tips for a newbie?

Cheeky I know to pinch your topic, but the alternative would be me posting a newcomer topic, and you know, cover versions, they're rarely as good...

Black Alice is a cool name, I've got Black Planet and Alice simultaneously playing in my head, and for what it's worth, I do rate Alice (the song; hey, the books as well. But not the movie), especially when you play it as 12-bar boogie.

And look, no mention of black anywh... :oops:

Y'all have fun now!

Posted: 18 Apr 2005, 23:42
by James Blast
Welcome, anyway :wink:

Re: Greetings and salutations

Posted: 19 Apr 2005, 13:42
by Black Alice
Red Orc wrote:Hi Alice,

As a four-day-old (oops I mean six-day-old) got any tips for a newbie?

Cheeky I know to pinch your topic, but the alternative would be me posting a newcomer topic, and you know, cover versions, they're rarely as good...

Black Alice is a cool name, I've got Black Planet and Alice simultaneously playing in my head, and for what it's worth, I do rate Alice (the song; hey, the books as well. But not the movie), especially when you play it as 12-bar boogie.

And look, no mention of black anywh... :oops:

Y'all have fun now!
Welcome to you too!!

No problem with pinching my topic - its nice to be able to assist a fellow newbie :D

Love Black Planet and Alice - can't help being an old goth! (and I mean old in the sense of AGE!!!).

Enjoy yourself - trawl some of the other topics in the general section - there's all sorts and you'll find something to respond to I'm sure.

See ya ;D

Posted: 22 Apr 2005, 16:39
by Red Orc
I just realised/read the 'Newcastle' on your location. And you're 'old'? Aren't we all! Probably know you from the old days at the Gearbox then... and the Handysides. And the Doll of course. Many RIPs for all the great venues they destroyed...

ps been taking your advice and arguing on all sorts of forums. With the same people on each one, natch!

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 00:34
by Francis
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:Don't worry about it. Francis sometimes makes out that he's nice and/or not pi$$ed. We don't believe him either
In a perfect world, I'd be nice and drunk.

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 00:49
by James Blast
Francis wrote:In a perfect world, I'd be nice and drunk.
join me

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 00:50
by lazarus corporation
James Blast wrote:
Francis wrote:In a perfect world, I'd be nice and drunk.
join me
there's a few of us there already

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 01:00
by James Blast

I blame Australia....

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 01:20
by lazarus corporation
James Blast wrote: I blame Australia....
they do a good Shiraz

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 01:44
by Big Si
I blame ze germans!



Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 21:36
by Black Alice
Red Orc wrote:I just realised/read the 'Newcastle' on your location. And you're 'old'? Aren't we all! Probably know you from the old days at the Gearbox then... and the Handysides. And the Doll of course. Many RIPs for all the great venues they destroyed...

ps been taking your advice and arguing on all sorts of forums. With the same people on each one, natch!
Yep - nowhere for us old goths to go any more - just to the local pubs to frighten the normals!!!

The middle of Newcastle is full of neon s**t "venues" - not even pubs and I can't be arsed! I tried to get in a bar a couple of weeks ago (cos some friends were in there), which was practically empty at 10.30 and they turned me away because of my boots and leather jacket :evil:

Yep - went to Gearbox nearly every weekend, and the Doll, and Handysides and the Farmers and (in Tynemouth) Surfers (which is also no longer there!

I've noticed some of your arguments/ discussions - very good!

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 21:42
by Black Alice
Francis wrote:
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:Don't worry about it. Francis sometimes makes out that he's nice and/or not pi$$ed. We don't believe him either
In a perfect world, I'd be nice and drunk.
Nice, drunk -lets just party ;D

I'm full of cold and drowning my sorrows at home on a Saturday night - Shiraz sounds good

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 17:17
by culprit
Red Orc wrote:I just realised/read the 'Newcastle' on your location. And you're 'old'? Aren't we all! Probably know you from the old days at the Gearbox then... and the Handysides. And the Doll of course. Many RIPs for all the great venues they destroyed...
may they rest in pieces, nowt left...

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 19:52
by Black Alice
culprit wrote:
Red Orc wrote:I just realised/read the 'Newcastle' on your location. And you're 'old'? Aren't we all! Probably know you from the old days at the Gearbox then... and the Handysides. And the Doll of course. Many RIPs for all the great venues they destroyed...
may they rest in pieces, nowt left...
Not even a good saturday afternoon can be spent getting drunk in the sun on the green in old eldon square :cry: - covered in teeny goths (no offence meant to any teens on this forum, they obviously know what good music is)

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 00:16
by culprit
The young uns don't [and will never know] what they've missed in Newcastle...
the broken doll...mayfair...barley mow...

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 09:59
by culprit
eeeh in my day...etc.

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 20:26
by Black Alice
culprit wrote:eeeh in my day...etc.
divvn't get me started :lol: (oh - you already have! Ah well why break the habit now). The Barley Mow - what thw f**k happened there :evil:

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 20:36
by James Blast
Hadaway and Shite Man!


:lol: classic stuff

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 20:43
by Black Alice
James Blast wrote:Hadaway and Shite Man!


:lol: classic stuff
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

My Mum can't understand a word this man says (I'm from Kent originally) and she still loves it