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Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 11:04
by Gottdammerung
CellThree wrote:
Francis wrote:
CellThree wrote:it made more sense to me than the official release
So what am I missing?
There's a whole scene where they do a practise hit on a guy as well as extra parts which show that their relationship is more as lovers than as father/daughter the way it was portrayed in the released version.

But it is unrequited re: the restaurant scene....

Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 01:13
by eastmidswhizzkid
paedophillia,bestiality and necrophillia aside(as they are obvious taboos where the assumed recipient is non-consenting)dont you guys think its a bit disturbing that there are other heartlanders who have a problem with any of the other categories?even incest(assuming that its concensual,otherwise it would be under rape/paedophillia) is surely nobody elses business?ok so its not a good idea to incestuously procreate;and the idea of my sister naked is enough to ensure mr floppy pays a visit.....

really though,what consenting individuals get up to is up to them and if you have a problem with that then perhaps youre not as open minded as you like to think.

Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 01:34
by Francis
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:perhaps youre not as open minded as you like to think.
Indeed. Parenthood does that to you.

Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 03:13
by eastmidswhizzkid
re-read my last post.i'm a parent of two with a third on the way.all i'm saying is,as long as no-ones being made to to do anything they dont want to,what adults get up to is their business.if my kids grow up gay i'm gonna love them just the same.i hope i'll give them a sound enough upbringing that theyll practice safely whatever sex theyre into and that theyll share my views on what is and isnt acceptable.that includes the fact that shagging your siblings isnt in any way an ordinary,socially desirable state of affairs.but,for the sake of argument,if an adult brother/sister of your acquaintance were outed as an incestuous couple,would you be there burning down their house/

Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 03:27
by boudicca
I can't believe we're still talking about perviness after all this time. :roll:

Knew goths were kinky. :lol: :von: :innocent:

Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 03:33
by Francis
<BROTHERS & SISTERS>Isn't it interesting that you assume incest to be amongst siblings (you have sisters?) whereas I assume it to be parent/ child. My siblings and children are all male.<MOTHERS & SONS>


Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 05:54
by eastmidswhizzkid
fair enough francis,i hadn't thought of the parent/child aspect of it and to be honest i cant imagine a scenario where that wouldnt indicate a seriously unnatural relationship.parents after all are in a position of trust and to end up having sex with your own kid -even if they were consenting-could only mean you had brought them up with this end in mind.

and for the record me and my sister are just good friends;her one-eyed,banjo-playing,hunch-backed offspring are nowt to do with me!

Posted: 24 Sep 2005, 15:03
by eastmidswhizzkid
i have no idea with regard to "average" penii ... :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 24 Sep 2005, 15:16
by nick the stripper
When my mother lived in America she lived next door to a family. The family was made up of two parents and five children. This family was seen as a respectable well liked family in the community.

During the summer, when the parents went out, the oldest son would take the the rest of the children up into the tree house in their back garden and would "teach them," weather they wanted to or not, about sex. He would actually have sexual intercourse with the youngest daughter.

One day two neighbours spotted what was going on and informed the parents. The next day the house was empty and the family had done a runner from the town overnight. It was the scandel of the summer in Mechanisburg.

Ever since hearing that story just thinking about two relatives, even if they're conscenting, performing sexual acts on each other makes me feel rather sick. I guess I'm not as open minded as I thought. :|

Posted: 24 Sep 2005, 15:24
by eastmidswhizzkid
must have been one of those "progressive" states of the US where it's not considered normal to have sex with your siblings...or animals. :lol: