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Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 15:43
by Debaser
Well, my ciggies remained 'crushed to within an inch of their lives' free last night. Jo's obviously gone through that stage...thank chuff!

Top hole to all those nolonger smokers...have a merit mark.

Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 18:01
by Francis
Chairman Bux wrote:Crazy.
For feeling so blue?

Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 19:16
by Chairman Bux
No, crazy for crying.

Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 19:31
by James Blast
Francis wrote:So, I will be doing something completely different this weekend. Though I haven't quite figured out what yet. But cigarettes, alcohol and logging onto Heartland will not be in the equation.
take that back!

Posted: 01 May 2005, 01:24
by Francis
Chairman Bux wrote:No, crazy for crying.
Over me? Aww. Shucks. :lol:

Posted: 01 May 2005, 01:26
by Francis
James Blast wrote:
Francis wrote:So, I will be doing something completely different this weekend. Though I haven't quite figured out what yet. But cigarettes, alcohol and logging onto Heartland will not be in the equation.
take that back!
With a vengeance. :twisted:

Posted: 01 May 2005, 02:10
by Andy TG
Mrs Goth and Myself (Andy TG) Quit smoking (Again) today (Saturday 30th April)

I really did not want too but the cost to my Health and Pocket (£5.00 + for 20) is simply TOO High.

I would suggest Nicotine Patches for the first few months and avoiding situations where you would smoke. Also consider when you first smoke upon waking - and do/eat/drink something else - A cold glass of water will help.

The "Weight Gain" is to be expected - but should you eat more healthy food and drink more water the weight should fall off again.

I gave up for most of 2004 and did feel much better and had more "Disposable Income" and I know why I started again - it was "Saturday" nigths out with friends that got me smoking again.

Also if you smoke in front of your PC/Mac consider the damage you may be causing your Motherboard / PSU - that Tar build up can cause a short!

Best of luck Laz, the first 3 days/3 weeks/3 months are the worst - after that you wont even notice that you used to smoke.

One last thing - Red Wine tastes SO much better with a clean palate!

Posted: 01 May 2005, 02:17
by lazarus corporation
well it's been 1 week so far, and it's going easily

the first night was the worst, but after that (with the help of 2 packs of herbal fags over the first 3 days) it's been fine - no patches or other nicotine.

Good luck with your quitting Mr TG and obviously to Mrs TG as well.

Posted: 03 May 2005, 16:40
by Izzy HaveMercy
I joined in last Sunday, Laz ;)

Giving up is one thing, but giving up the weekend of a first gig with a new band is a totally different matter :twisted:

So, day 3 ended for me, with no apparent probs.
I have to admit, I'm quitting since the first HL do, so I'm not on a pack a day anymore, since nearly a year...

Hang in there, I'll try to hang onto your sleeve...


Posted: 03 May 2005, 17:20
by Dark
lazarus corporation wrote:the help of 2 packs of herbal fags
Herbal? Sure, I guess it could be classed as a herb, rather than a weed. :innocent:


Posted: 03 May 2005, 20:51
by Brideoffrankenstein
Dark wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:the help of 2 packs of herbal fags
Herbal? Sure, I guess it could be classed as a herb, rather than a weed. :innocent:


Posted: 03 May 2005, 22:10
by lazarus corporation
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
Dark wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:the help of 2 packs of herbal fags
Herbal? Sure, I guess it could be classed as a herb, rather than a weed. :innocent:

yup, them's the ones

for the first time in 15 years I've gone over 1 week without a cigarette. this is nothing short of amazing.

Posted: 03 May 2005, 22:16
by Andie
lazarus corporation wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
Dark wrote: Herbal? Sure, I guess it could be classed as a herb, rather than a weed. :innocent:

yup, them's the ones

for the first time in 15 years I've gone over 1 week without a cigarette. this is nothing short of amazing.
well done young Laz...

but how are you going to cope during the comming weekend?...

Posted: 03 May 2005, 22:32
by lazarus corporation
Burn wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
yup, them's the ones

for the first time in 15 years I've gone over 1 week without a cigarette. this is nothing short of amazing.
well done young Laz...

but how are you going to cope during the comming weekend?...
Yes, it could be tricky. I'll just have to find something to do with my hands.

Posted: 03 May 2005, 22:43
by Andie
lazarus corporation wrote:
Burn wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:yup, them's the ones

for the first time in 15 years I've gone over 1 week without a cigarette. this is nothing short of amazing.
well done young Laz...

but how are you going to cope during the comming weekend?...
Yes, it could be tricky. I'll just have to find something to do with my hands.
i've always found swimming to be good for Wondering Hand Trouble (WHT)...

especially the breast stroke :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 07 May 2005, 03:13
by dead stars
lazarus corporation wrote:for the first time in 15 years I've gone over 1 week without a cigarette. this is nothing short of amazing.
My sincerest congratulations.

I had a big struggle long ago about losing weight. I and did. Takes a lot of will power.
I congratulate you for yours.

Posted: 07 May 2005, 21:27
by Black Alice
lazarus corporation wrote:
Burn wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote: yup, them's the ones

for the first time in 15 years I've gone over 1 week without a cigarette. this is nothing short of amazing.
well done young Laz...

but how are you going to cope during the comming weekend?...
Yes, it could be tricky. I'll just have to find something to do with my hands.
Hope you found something to do with your hands :twisted: ...and I hope the giving up smoking is still going well too :D