
Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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hallucienate wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:Rev Hammer - Drunkard's Waltz:

Down at the river one day waits the ghost
Turning into the people that we hide from the most
And I'll swing from those stars and you'll run through the trees
Like Venus in April with mud on your knees
And if death hangs around and he laughs at us all
Seems the higher we get, the further we fall
:notworthy: :notworthy:
Have you heard the Oysterband version? S'nearly as good as Rev's ;D
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the birds of leaving call to us
yet here we stand
endowed with the fear of flight
the winds of change consume the land
while we remain
in the shadow of summers now past
when alll the leaves
have fallen and turned to dust
will we remain
entrenched within our ways
the plague that moves throughout this land
omen signs
in the shapes of things to come.
Being brave is coming home at 2am half drunk, smelling of perfume, climbing into bed, slapping the wife on the arse and saying,"right fatty, you're next!!"
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Johnny M
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Can I just appologise at this juncture? Three naughty boys from Leeds, London and Cape Town made a mistake. :|

The one in Cape Town made us do ...honest! :lol:
[size=9:7c190484cc]Johnny Boy - JB - Loki - Johnny M

Heartland 14 Jul 03 - 05 Aug 06.[/size:7c190484cc]
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I lit a thin green candle, to make you jealous of me.
But the room just filled up with mosquitos,
they heard that my body was free.
Then I took the dust of a long sleepless night
and I put it in your little shoe.
And then I confess that I tortured the dress
that you wore for the world to look through.
I showed my heart to the doctor: he said I just have to quit.
Then he wrote himself a prescription,
and your name was mentioned in it!
Then he locked himself in a library shelf
with the details of our honeymoon,
and I hear from the nurse that he's gotten much worse
and his practice is all in a ruin.

I heard of a saint who had loved you,
so I studied all night in his school.
He taught that the duty of lovers
is to tarnish the golden rule.
And just when I was sure that his teachings were pure
he drowned himself in the pool.
His body is gone but back here on the lawn
his spirit continues to drool.

An Eskimo showed me a movie
he'd recently taken of you:
the poor man could hardly stop shivering,
his lips and his fingers were blue.
I suppose that he froze when the wind took your clothes
and I guess he just never got warm.
But you stand there so nice, in your blizzard of ice,
oh please let me come into the storm.
And you know that she's half crazy but that's why you want to be there.
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Got my point across yet? ^_^

I LOVE that song.


</fan girl>
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Nothing Ventured, Nothing Lost.

'cos no-one's done it yet.
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Daan - Housewives (The Conversation)

Housewives, My kind of women

Don't act like a housewife
but be a housewife
breathe like a housewife
walk like a housewife
but don't just act like a housewife

Have diner ready
prepare yourself
touch up your make-up
put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh looking

He has just been with a lot of work worry people
Be a little gay, little more interesting

Prepare the children
take a few minutes to wash the children’s hands and faces
comb their hair, and if necessary
change their clothes

minimize all noise
eliminate the noise of the washer, dryer, dishwasher, vacuum

eliminate the noise, - quiet - paradise on earth

try to encourage the children top be quiet
don't greed him with problems or complaints
don't complain if he is late for diner
arrange his pillow and offer to take of his shoes
speak in a low, soft, suaving and pleasant voice

Listen to him
you may have dozens of things to tell him,
but the moment of his arrival is not the time
let him talk first
never complain if he does not take you out to diner or other pleasant entertainments
like getting drunk

yeah, just like getting drunk
Cadillac’s, Chryslers, fords, Toyotas, Mercedes

in the modern world, everyone knows the price of almost everything,
but few the value of anything
many value the valueless, but do not price the priceless
who can find a virtuous woman?

for her price is far above Cadillac’s, Chrysler, fords, Toyotas, Mercedes
maybe I forgot a few brands, but then don't worry
It'll come back soon

little good things are simply ignored
a good husband is a faithful man
a faithful man is not always a good husband
a husband today is a man who has a funky housewife

little keys open big doors
little doors open big keys

large crowds, huge sums of money, spectacular accidents and shocking scandals
large crowds, huge sums of money, spectacular accidents and shocking scandals

the love for her husband is deep
she would often do things for her husband
without ever asking him anything in return or even expecting him to know what she has done for him
however, long she has been married to her husband; she treats him with respect and tenderness
and she always dresses herself neatly and pleasant, never extravagantly, nor vulnerable, nor Gucci or Versace

My king of women, housewives
respect and tenderness, respect and tenderness
To be lonely, without being alone
is a bitter loneliness
To be alone, without being lonely
is sweet, solid

Fresh food and cold beer
loneliness is one of the most unnoticeable,
and yet one of the most cruel punishments,
any human being could ever suffer
for respective of ones races
and the infinite joy and learning

by her example she inspires her husband to be just and kind to all people
and to live a cool and meaningful life
she greatly helps him to do more in better work
and with greater fun and energy
she makes him feel she is among the pleasant of men
she is her husbands comfort and consolation
she is his source of joy and peace
a sort of joystick
better than any drug, she is his paradise on earth

loneliness is one of the most unnoticeable,
and yet one of the most cruel punishments,
any human being can ever suffer
irrespective of ones races, legend, national origin, sex and even health and wealth

I am hungry, feed me now
loneliness is suffered countless, millions throughout the world
so damn hungry, feed me now
solitude is quiet, another thing
please lady
no buildings, no pools, no gardens, no ever big and expensive
can ever replace the tender love, the true affection, the respect and cool funky feeling
that the young accord to the old, honour thy father and thy mother, if by motorbike
therefore, those fine housewives serve their parents in their own homes
with love, respect and devotion, fresh food and cold beers are truly among the best of mankind
my kind of women, housewives
Styles are a lie.

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banned fom the roxy..OK
i never much liked playing there anyway.
'said they only wanted well behaved boys,
do they think guitars and microphones are just f**king toys?
f**k 'em.i've chosen to make my stand,
against what ifeel is wrong with this land.
they just sit ther on their overfed arses,
feeding off the sweat of less fortunate classes.
they keep their f**king power 'cause their fingers on the button.
they've got control and they won't let it be forgotten.
the truth of their reality's at the wrong end of a gun
the proof of that is belfast and thats no f**king fun.

seeing the squaddy lying in the front yard,
seeing the machine guns resting on the fence
finding the entrance to your own front-door is barred
and still they've got the nerve to call it defence.

seems their defence is just the threat of strength
protection for the priveleged at any length
the government protecting their profits from the poor
afraid that the people may ask for a little more...

than the s**t they get.
the s**t they get?
the s**t they get.
the s**t they get!


oh yes they claim it's defence,they say it's decency:
mai lai,hiroshima,know what i mean?
the same f**king lies with depressing frequency.
they say "we had to do it to keep our live's clean";

wait,who's life?
who's f**king life?
who the f**k are they talking to?

who's life?
who's f**king life?
i'll tell you one thing-it ain't me and you.

and their systems-christ!they're everywhere!
school,army,church,the corporation deal.
a f**ked up reality based on fear
a f**king conspiracy to stop you feeling real.
well they they ain't got me
so i'ld say thy're f**king wrong-
i ain't ready with my gun..
but i've got my song-

banned from the roxy-ok
i never much liked playing there anyway.
Well I was handsome and I was strong
And I knew the words to every song.
"Did my singing please you?"
"No! The words you sang were wrong!"

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we went into town on the tuesday night
searching all the places that you hang about
we're looking for you
in the back-street cellar dive drinking clubs
in the discotheques and the gaming pubs
we're looking for you
you will pay the price of my own sweet brother
and what he has become
and a hundred other boys and girls
and all that you have done

we picked up the trail at the seven crowns
one of your cronies,he was doing your rounds
we followed him
just a silhouette figure up market pass
where the headlights shine on the broken glass
we followed him
over the bridge by the old canal
where the shadows dance on the lighted wall
he stopped to light up a cigarette
and we dived into a doorway

no police,no summons,no courts of law
no proper procedure,no rules of war
no mitigating circumstance
no lawyers fees,no second chance

there are lasses getting trouble on their own home beat
there are old folk battered in the open street
in this city of hours
there are eyes that see but say nothing at all
there are ears that hear but dont recall
in this city of hours
so we followed your man back to your front door
and we're waiting for you outside
'cause not everybody here is scared of you
not everybody passes on the other side

no plice,no summons,no courts of law
no proper procedure,no rules of war
no mitigating circumstance
no lawyers fees,no second chance

and we could spend our whole lives waiting for some thunderbolt to come
and we could spend our whole lives waiting for some justice to be done
unless we make our own.
Well I was handsome and I was strong
And I knew the words to every song.
"Did my singing please you?"
"No! The words you sang were wrong!"

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d00mw0lf wrote:^^^=:notworthy:
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
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If you say black then you know they'll say white
you keep to the left and they stay to the right

but it's a long way back home
and it's a long way back home

they're watching you babe
hard as that may seem
standing in the spotlight and they want to see you scream
If you want more then you know they'll give you less
and if you say no then you're sure they'll say yes

cos' it's a long way back home
and it's a long way back home

they can see you sweat now
they can see you you shake
they're watching you babe
and they want top see you break

If you say black then you know they'll say white
you keep to the left and they stay to the right

but it's a long way back home
and it's a long way back home
Not bad for a bunch of apartheid era whities :notworthy:
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