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Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 16:46
by aims
Oi, I'll have you know I've finished for this year ¬.¬ Oh the joy of GCSEs and the ensuing holiday. Just give me these 11 weeks to myself and then you can laugh at me struggling with my maths homework for the next 2 years ;)

I'm quite happy to snigger at Snoop's rude words, but what I found much more amusing was seeing Sir Macca nodding his head to the performance :P

And the interview afterwards was just surreal. I didn't realise people actually spoke like that off stage :innocent:

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 18:01
by canon docre
Ed Rhombus wrote:It's a great day when we get to hear the optimistic people speak.

Pessimistic or music obsessive - take a back seat, you've missed then point.

Floyd made the day for me
Roger Waters wrote:the cynics will scoff, screw 'em

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 18:25
by James Blast
Anything that can reunite 4 grumpy, old, litigeous bastards on one stage has to be a good thing, whether it be those 4 or some other types. Life is too short to hold grudges, WAKE UP!

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 23:40
by Planet Dave
I'm with you guys and gals - Comfortably Numb. As in 92 at the NEC, words failed me. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Jul 2005, 01:17
by Francis
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:if its any consolation i sang along to redemption song.i even put aside my caustic commentary and pop-induced ill-temper for a moment.
One more time:

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds

The original Saint Bob :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Jul 2005, 06:58
by Black Biscuit
[quote="Quiff Boy"]having mariah carey on was very poor taste.

i think they f**ked up inviting her.

i except that she's probably bankrupt herself by now, after the last few failed records....

and if they're going to let a dumb-ass f**k like beckham open his mouth in front of x million viewers they should have at least gone through his little speech and corrected all the grammatical errors. i mean, we know he's a fuckwit, but the world at large doesn't need to be reminded that our football team's captain can barely string a sentence together.

dear oh dear. [quote]

--- Well, there's hope for wannabes everywhere! Being famous is really, really easy. Anyone could do it - if they can.

Posted: 04 Jul 2005, 10:46
by markfiend
After the London Hyde Park Live8 concert, the performers all sat down together at The Dorchester hotel for a £64000 banquet.

Make Poverty History :roll:

Posted: 04 Jul 2005, 11:20
by Delilah
markfiend wrote:After the London Hyde Park Live8 concert, the performers all sat down together at The Dorchester hotel for a £64000 banquet.

Make Poverty History :roll:
Typical! :?

Posted: 04 Jul 2005, 11:46
by Ed Rhombus
To find what truth there might be in that blanket statement, you would have to quantify it. Otherwise it’s no different to accepting that FrontPage of the Sun with always be correct!

For starters, it can't have been all the performers as a lot had other gigs that night in various venues across Europe, unless of course the Dorch has kept all of them doggy bags. What time did it kick off? 1am?

Who is the source? “our man in the potwash�

How many people were catered for?
Who paid?
Was it rounded up to £64000 to include a tip?

Full steam ahead to Wednesday!

Posted: 04 Jul 2005, 11:47
by eastmidswhizzkid
markfiend wrote:After the London Hyde Park Live8 concert, the performers all sat down together at The Dorchester hotel for a £64000 banquet.

Make Poverty History :roll:
more a case of "make 'make poverty history' history...and pass the port/cocaine".


one last fag;up against the wall;bang,bang,bang.

Posted: 04 Jul 2005, 11:53
by Ed Rhombus
Judging by your copy and the sentiments of your 'final solution' for those who you disapprove of, I'd guess The Sun would offer you a job on the spot

Posted: 04 Jul 2005, 13:03
by christophe
fùck live8 :evil: it made me mis the kaiser chiefs and made me wait for Audioslave

Posted: 04 Jul 2005, 13:20
by eastmidswhizzkid
Ed Rhombus wrote:Judging by your copy and the sentiments of your 'final solution' for those who you disapprove of, I'd guess The Sun would offer you a job on the spot
they probably would,however i would have to tell them where to stick it.(presumably where their "news"paper fails to shine).
...maybe "the star" though... :lol:

and please dont think this would be my 'final'solution.i like to think that my imagination would stretch to something a little more entertaining.
crucifixion (roman-style) is far more excruciating and can last for days;and unlike bullets,the nails can be re-cycled.

nor would this be my 'solution' for everyone i disapprove of.for example:the monarchy would definitely deserve beheading.not "madame guillotine" perhaps;fairly swift and too impersonal for my liking.however a large,shiny axe and an inexperienced executioner (so "by the time he's finished you dont so much need a spike as a toast rack") would be in keeping with ye olde traditiones of merrye olde england.

politicians-one from each lampost,on cheesewire,by the neck until dead.(posthumous gibbeting -to warn others against attempting to usurp the freedom of the individual-would look good on postcards).

i could go on but i've no time.far too busy growing a toothbrush moustache and goose-stepping to the tune of "she'll be coming round the mountain" :roll: .

Posted: 04 Jul 2005, 14:30
by markfiend
Everyone has a "better dead" list, surely?

Anyhoo, I note with dismay that my "£64000 banquet" claim may not actually be true. I forget where it came from but attempts to verify it have so far failed.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Posted: 04 Jul 2005, 16:07
by Ed Rhombus
markfiend wrote:Everyone has a "better dead" list, surely?

Anyhoo, I note with dismay that my "£64000 banquet" claim may not actually be true. I forget where it came from but attempts to verify it have so far failed.

We apologise for any inconvenience.
You're a gent Mark.

Since Roger Waters has been back on the scene, I seem to have re-connected with my anger state.

Posted: 04 Jul 2005, 20:10
by James Blast
time for me to say The Pink Floyd, I think :D :D :D

I'm still smiling

Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 00:19
by Almiche V
Ed Rhombus wrote:Since Roger Waters has been back on the scene, I seem to have re-connected with my anger state.
It was very strange seeing Gilmour and Waters next to each other - the impression I got was they are both leaders. Seeing 'Pink Floyd' come up on the credits with Roger on stage was also strange - as I see DG, NM and RW as being the Floyd now/recently. Gilmour and Mason re-built the band and it must have involved alot of sacrifice to agree to Roger playing. But such was the passion of Bob Geldof.

But it showed that anything is possible. And it's good to talk.


Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 02:01
by Ocean Moves
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:
markfiend wrote:After the London Hyde Park Live8 concert, the performers all sat down together at The Dorchester hotel for a £64000 banquet.

Make Poverty History :roll:
more a case of "make 'make poverty history' history...and pass the port/cocaine".


one last fag;up against the wall;bang,bang,bang.
What did you expect these people to do?
Queue up and eat Soup and sandwiches and pretend they're poor?
The problem to be resolved here, as far as I can see, is governments.
Corrupt African governments, and apathetic western governments.
Its nothing to do with Madonna's eating habits.

Re: re:

Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 03:18
by eastmidswhizzkid
Ocean Moves wrote:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:
markfiend wrote:After the London Hyde Park Live8 concert, the performers all sat down together at The Dorchester hotel for a £64000 banquet.

Make Poverty History :roll:
more a case of "make 'make poverty history' history...and pass the port/cocaine".


one last fag;up against the wall;bang,bang,bang.
What did you expect these people to do?
Queue up and eat Soup and sandwiches and pretend they're poor?
The problem to be resolved here, as far as I can see, is governments.
Corrupt African governments, and apathetic western governments.
Its nothing to do with Madonna's eating habits.
i don't expect anybody to do anything.i only judge people by their actions.which in this case seem to have been erroneously reported-see markfiends post above and Von's first law of the internet.
however,hypothetically assuming that they did indeed feast on a £64000 banquet,then i think their actions could quite reasonably be said to be insensitive at best.downright hypocrisy and "i'm alright Jack,pull the ladder up" at worst.after patting themselves on the back for being 'right-on';after broadcasting pictures of starving,impoverished,exploited africans all day to prick OUR consciences to do something for this cause-which,incidentally,i think is a wonderful and necessary thing- to then publically flaunt their own wealth is in despicably poor taste.

Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 09:49
by markfiend
Incidentally, the Live8 appearances don't seem to have done anyone's record sales any harm...


...apart from Pete Doherty :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 14:19
by Ed Rhombus
From Sky News -


Pink Floyd have pledged to donate all profits made as a result of last weekend's Live 8 concert to charity and urged other performers to do the same.

The legendary band reformed especially for the gig after more than 20 years of hostility.

Their album sales have rocketed, with fans flocking to record stores to buy copies of the band's greatest hits album.

Sales of Echoes: The Best Of Pink Floyd are up 1,343% at HMV, but guitarist David Gilmour said he would not profit from the smash hit show.

"Though the main objective has been to raise consciousness and put pressure on the G8 leaders, I will not profit from the concert," he said in a statement.

"If on Thursday the G8 leaders tick the right three boxes at Gleneagles then the main objective will have been fulfilled.

"If other artists feel like donating their extra royalties to charity, perhaps then the record companies could be persuaded to make a similar gesture and that would be a bonus.

"This is money that should be used to save lives."

Gilmour is no stranger to charity. In 2003 he sold his London home for £3m and gave all the money to a project for the homeless.

The Who and Annie Lennox also registered massive increases.

Every act who played at Hyde Park on Saturday received a sales boost - except for Pete Doherty.

Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 14:30
by Quiff Boy
fair play to mr gilmour and co. :notworthy:

Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 14:45
by markfiend
Ed Rhombus wrote:Gilmour is no stranger to charity. In 2003 he sold his London home for £3m and gave all the money to a project for the homeless.
I knew that.

Apparently the full story goes something like this: Shelter (or possibly some other charitable organisation for the homeless) wanted to build/buy/renovate a place in New York and called round their list of "big donors."

Charity worker: "Hello, Mr Gilmour? Mr D Gilmour?" (explanation of the project.)
Dave: "OK, I'll fly over to New York and take a look."
Charity worker: "What? You'll fly over? Wow!"

So Dave Gilmour flies over to New York to meet the project overseers, and they say "Wow so you're Dave Gilmour from Pink Floyd, we had no idea!"
Dave: "Yeah, whatever, how much money do you need?"
Project Managers: "£3mill."
Dave: "OK, give me a week to sell my London flat and you can have the money."
Project Managers: ":notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:"

That's more or less what I heard anyway. Pretty impressive.

Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 16:32
by eastmidswhizzkid
Quiff Boy wrote:fair play to mr gilmour and co. :notworthy:
wot he said. :notworthy:

Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 20:00
by James Blast
and then he said...

God money I’ll do anything for you.
God money just tell me what you want me to.
God money nail me up against the wall.
God money don’t want everything he wants it all.

No you can’t take it
No you can’t take it
No you can’t take that away from me
No you can’t take it
No you can’t take it
No you can’t take that away from me

Head like a hole.
Black as your soul.
I’d rather die than give you control.
Head like a hole.
Black as your soul.
I’d rather die than give you control.

Bow down before the one you serve.
You’re going to get what you deserve.
Bow down before the one you serve.
You’re going to get what you deserve.

God money’s not looking for the cure.
God money’s not concerned with the sick among the pure.
God money let’s go dancing on the backs of the bruised.
God money’s not one to choose
No you can’t take it
No you can’t take it
No you can’t take that away from me
No you can’t take it
No you can’t take it
No you can’t take that away from me

Head like a hole.
Black as your soul.
I’d rather die than give you control.
Head like a hole.
Black as your soul.
I’d rather die than give you control.

Bow down before the one you serve.
You’re going to get what you deserve.
Bow down before the one you serve.
You’re going to get what you deserve.

Bow down before the one you serve.
You’re going to get what you deserve.
Bow down before the one you serve.
You’re going to get what you deserve.

Head like a hole.
Black as your soul.
I’d rather die than give you control.
Head like a hole.
Black as your soul.
I’d rather die than give you control.

Bow down before the one you serve.
You’re going to get what you deserve.
Bow down before the one you serve.
You’re going to get what you deserve.

You know who you are.