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Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:39
by Rosalie
boudicca wrote:Maybe you could utilise your "special avatar" at this point Mr. Whizz... :innocent: :twisted:
"Special avatar"?

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:43
by _emma_
Rosalie wrote:
Hey. Look. With all respect, I think you yourself are putting the importance of the body above the mind. It's you who moans about being plump/obese/male/female and so on.
I was never moaning about that. I was "moaning" about how people treated others based on that fact. Clearly, you don't much care about prejduice.
Indeed, I don't. I am who I am and I don't give a f**k what others think about me. I think you should try this kind of approach too, I think it would make you feel better. Because I can clearly see you're feeling bad, with all the provoking and attacking just to check the reaction.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:45
by Rosalie
Indeed, I don't. I am who I am and I don't give a f**k what others think about me. I think you should try this kind of approach too, I think it would make you feel better.
Um, this is what that girl that got murdered did.

And the KKK are a-okay by you then?
Because I can clearly see you're feeling bad, with all the provoking and attacking just to check the reaction.
Of course I feel bad. And I'm entitled to. I'm a human being, and I can't stand prejudice.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:47
by boudicca
Rosalie wrote: I'm a human being, and I can't stand prejudice.
And where exactly do you draw the line between someone being "prejudiced" and someone simply holding an opinion about a group or section of society that differs from your own?

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:51
by Rosalie
When it involves hurtful insensitive comments and "Opinions" that serve no purpose other than to set people different from the offender further back in society.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:58
by Silver_Owl
This is my final post on the matter too.
Rosalie - you are judging the people on this forum far too readily. How do you know their history or what involvement they have had with people from differing walks of life?

Thought about it?

The answer is 'you don't' do you?

These sort of posts only cause confrontation and arguements and there really is absolutely no need or end product. Nobody wants to fall out with you or cause you hurt so stop feeling so badly done by.
Now for f u c k s sake - change the record.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:59
by Rosalie
Why should past history be the most relevant factor in what they're saying, here and now?

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 01:52
by canon docre
And here's my last post on this matter:
Rosalie, if you would have started this thread by saying: "Oh people, look what have happened to my transsexual friend", I'm completely sure, that the good people of Heartland would have drowned you in sympathetical posts. (Yes, they are suckers for group hugs in here) Even the emwk would have joined, I'm pretty sure. :wink:

But *takes a deep breath* starting this thread as you did and naming it as you did: sorry, the reactions you got are your own fault, as previously suggested.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 01:55
by Thea
boudicca wrote:Maybe you could utilise your "special avatar" at this point Mr. Whizz... :innocent: :twisted:
:eek: Don't you dare!

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 02:38
by Rosalie
canon docre wrote:And here's my last post on this matter:
Rosalie, if you would have started this thread by saying: "Oh people, look what have happened to my transsexual friend", I'm completely sure, that the good people of Heartland would have drowned you in sympathetical posts. (Yes, they are suckers for group hugs in here) Even the emwk would have joined, I'm pretty sure. :wink:

But *takes a deep breath* starting this thread as you did and naming it as you did: sorry, the reactions you got are your own fault, as previously suggested.
That's because I was being silly, and someone decided to be an asshole about it. I have no reason to tolerate your "humour" if you can't tolerate mine.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 07:24
by CellThree
Bored now.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 08:12
by nick the stripper
Hmm... I wonder why Rosalie was banned from net.goth... :innocent:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 08:57
by Obviousman
*last yawn on this thread*

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 09:16
by Black Dahlia


Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 09:39
by Quiff Boy
currently listening to:


oh, wrong thread. sorry.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 10:43
by Rosalie
nick the stripper wrote:Hmm... I wonder why Rosalie was banned from net.goth... :innocent:
It's interesting how you use one ban I mentioned elsewhere to somehow magically justify you supporting transphobia.

You don't even know if I'm telling the truth on that or not. For all you know I could just dislike the place and want to make it look like a nazi hole. You're presuming to know more about information I gave you which is never a good idea. Accept the reasons I gave, or accept that I wouldn't have been stupid enough to mention it anyway.

I should have bailed when I saw it was perfectly okay to make nasty f**king jabs at fat people, but if you had a problem with that, oh, then you were being a BAD person.

I can't believe how much that logic has drilled itself into your heads.

You're all f**king nuts.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 10:58
by culprit
I coudn't give a toss about anyones size or gender, and as B and _emma_ said, the 'hugs' that fly around here sometimes are as funny as they are welcome, as is the p*ss-taking.

Most of the more aggressive posts are in reaction to a posting attitude like yours. When debates are opened (I read one recently which discussed child abuse) they are discussed rationally.

I posted on your other thread about your aggression at people taking the mickey about fat fairies that if you are going to set 'us' up, you must expect the (as Canon D said) predictable responses.

As regards your taking things 'personally', this does not exist as few of us know any of the others personally. These are just reactions to your posts.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:00
by Dark
1) Shame someone got murdered, and we have sympathy for them and those affected by it. But we're not going to cry a stream of tears over it for years to come.

2) I don't think anyone here is homophobic, biphobic (if that's a word), transphobic, or anything. Last dude that was got banned pretty quickly by Quiffy, and a damn good job it was too. I don't care what gender/orientation anyone is, I base affection on personality, not whether they have a penis or not.

3) Get some humour. We have plenty, but it's stretching. I don't mind them taking a dig at me for most things, cause I know they're doing it in good fun. If they poke fun at each other for being fat, they're not doing it spitefully.

4) Don't post something if you know it's going to spark some deep and heated arguments, and you can't deal with it.

Everybody got that?

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:02
by aims

Well said.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:10
by boudicca
Rosalie wrote:When it involves hurtful insensitive comments and "Opinions" that serve no purpose other than to set people different from the offender further back in society.
As far as I can see then, it is up to the individual's judgement. What one person considers "hurtful and insensitive" may not bother another.

Thing is, you seem to find almost EVERYTHING that is said to you hurtful and insensitive.
You also appear to think that we're all nuts.

Now either the problem is everyone else's (that would be a good 40 or so regular posters who have responded to you)...

OR it is your own.

This is my last post on the matter as well.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:17
by emilystrange
do dramaqueenplc have a branch round here?

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:19
by Johnny M
emilystrange wrote:do dramaqueenplc have a branch round here?
Unfortunately. :roll:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:19
by Quiff Boy
@ Dark: very well put. thank you :notworthy:

i dont want to have to start deleting stuff that will start a heated debate... thats ridiculous. but i will not put up with crap designed to start fights. be it posted from the standpoint of an aggressor or of a victim.

there is no xxxxxphobics on here. we have always managed thus far to have intelligent debates. and i like it because people generally leave their disagreements at the door, that is we may disagree on one thread about a given subject, but we are all mature enough to not take it personally and still be pleasant on the next thread.

any comments perceived as negative seem to have come about as a result of posts that are deliberately antagonistic.

and i'm f**king sick of this, so no more.

madam butterfly does not run this place, regardless of what delusional nonsense she may post. i do. and she does not have the power to "zap". i do.

from now on if i see something posted that looks designed to start "something" negative then i will trash it. without explanation, for this is my forum and i dont need to explain my actions to anyone.

if i find myself having to trash a lot of posts by any particular user, they will get a warning. if they continue, they will be banned.

you are warned. all of you.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:21
by ruffers
Good stuff :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:22
by aims
Warning heeded :von: