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Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 09:50
by Ozpat
Reading this thread confuses me more and more :roll: .

Let's just wait (and wait.... and wait)and see. Once every few hours I'm checking the site.

The "hidden text" says ....lunar and martian dates....
lunar = february?
martian = march?

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 09:52
by Obviousman
Ozpat wrote:The "hidden text" says ....lunar and martian dates....
lunar = february?
martian = march?
That's so obvious I missed out, especially March, don't remember what February meant :notworthy:

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 11:39
by aims
Z, I wouldn't put anything remotely self destructive past Von. Period. If he can't be arsed supporting a US fanbase then I don't imagine he'd have any qualms about killing it off. He's lived off Europe for the past 5 years anyway.

As for the Lunar and Martian dates, that just looks like a hidden template so that he can do a quick copy and paste to add any more dates - I've been using the same trick myself for years. Then again I'm not an international man of mystery, so maybe that explanation is too boring :innocent:

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 11:48
by RobF
If it is (as seems most likely) actually in The States, I think it's fine. We got the 10th and 20th gigs over here, and Britain and Ireland have hosted all the "secret" gigs, so give the Colonists a go, they've had sod all for an age.

To be honest more Speed Kings/Near Meth type activity would be a bit daft so soon after the last round. If it is (as I also think is a strong possibility) the last gig/tour and we don't get any in Europe, I'll be sad that I didn't get to see them KNOWING it would be the last time, but happy with what I've seen over the last 13 or so years. We've had plenty of freebies, and top gigs, and I for one wouldn't want it to go on forever.

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 12:06
by euphoria
Well put, RobF!

I understand very well that some people are disappointed, but hey...some of you are seriously over-reacting. Of course the North americans deserve a gig right now - we in Europe have had some very fat and groovy tours recently :notworthy: . And really, playing in Las Vegas is at least a bit fun, compared to writing LV and then playing in the same bloody college as in 2001.

Apart from that; if Britain deserves more Sisters gigs, I would like to see signs of that in the ticket sales. Concerts in Belgium, Germany, and even Switzerland sell out quicker.

Last but not least...maybe there will be "Martian dates" on another continent :wink:

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 12:15
by aims
And guess who was buying the tickets for the mainland gigs? UK fans. They must know this, since when I spoke to Chris at the Tilburg gig, he showed absolutely no sign of surprise at my fluent English and native accent, despite the fact that we were in the middle of Dutch nowhere. The number of people who put their lives on hold for the Near Meth gig before hand should have said something about how easily a UK show would sell. But obviously it didn't say it clearly enough :roll:

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 12:24
by Ozpat
Motz wrote: despite the fact that we were in the middle of Dutch nowhere.

Did you experience it like that. It's a prety busy city. Not that big but I wouldn't call it nowhere but then again.....I do not know what you are used to...

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 12:27
by aims
I'm probably just bitter, but the way that AutoRoute sent us certainly made it seem like the middle of nowhere ;)

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 12:50
by RobF
The fact remains that the U.K. gigs rarely if ever sell-out anymore, and are generaly just somewhere for people to meet up, have a drink, and then p*ss'n'moan about the setlist/Vons shirt/the sound/the crappy merchandise etfriggin' cetera. Whilst a lot of us do make it out to Germany etc for gigs, the U.K. provides an ever smaller proportion of an already dwindling fanbase.

I'm pretty sure, with the right promo, The Sisters could pull a decent crowd just about anywhere in The States simply because they haven't played there for an age. Good on 'em. Some of the audience might even ENJOY themselves!

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 12:57
by MadameButterfly
Well what about the parts of the world where The Sisters Of Mercy are also loved and the fans are large crowds? Why don't they just go and play in South Africa to throw some confusion here, they never have as far as I know. Oh come on Sisters do something crazy like that!

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 13:17
by Obviousman
Motz wrote:Z, I wouldn't put anything remotely self destructive past Von. Period. If he can't be arsed supporting a US fanbase then I don't imagine he'd have any qualms about killing it off. He's lived off Europe for the past 5 years anyway.
But then it just came to my mind many UK fans might've seen the mainland gigs this summer as an insult as well, so dunno...

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 13:19
by euphoria
I do think they have had intentions going to South Africa, but haven't got the money they wanted, IIRC.
Personally I come from Sweden, where the Sisters could still pull very decent crowds compared to everything, except maybe Belgium. The problem up there is a monopoly-promoter not interested in bands without new material or bands that aren't "in".
And then we have the case Japan. They were going to play there, but refused when it became clear the Japanese wanted "Greatest hits"-gigs.

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 13:55
by euphoria
Motz: I don't recall -any- Sisters gig I have been to, where I haven't heard at least three languages spoken. True, Tilburg last time did have unusually many Brits for a mainland gig, I guess thanks to this forum. Most exotic experience I've had must be standing next to a guy from Atlanta (and behind loads of Flemish people, but that's the norm, isn't it) at Riviera, Madrid 2000.

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 18:45
by Zuma
Thank goodness they are doing a special date for me in Istanbul in Feb..
oh bugger that was meant to be a secret... ;D

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 18:56
by James Blast
I warned you about that Dave!

see ye in Constantinople on the 17th :innocent:

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 19:01
by scotty
James Blast wrote:I warned you about that Dave!

cya in Constantinople :wink:
But Constantinople in Gaelic means "Land of the great Kebab"
Kebab = Heart Burn
Heart Burn = Andrews Liver Salts
Andrews = St Andrews...............fuckin' hell Blast the Sisters are playing in Fife :eek: :twisted:

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 20:22
by hallucienate
euphoria wrote:I do think they have had intentions going to South Africa, but haven't got the money they wanted, IIRC.
I know of two attempts, one when Lucky Strike failed to stump up the cash and another in the last couple of years, which I'm hoping may materialise some day.

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 22:06
by boudicca
scotty wrote:Andrews = St Andrews...............fuckin' hell Blast the Sisters are playing in Fife :eek: :twisted:
YA DANCER! ;D :notworthy: 8)

We'll be poppin' intae Babur's fur a curry and a vegetable pakora or 50, eh no Keef? :wink:

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 22:38
by scotty
boudicca wrote:
scotty wrote:Andrews = St Andrews...............fuckin' hell Blast the Sisters are playing in Fife :eek: :twisted:
YA DANCER! ;D :notworthy: 8)

We'll be poppin' intae Babur's fur a curry and a vegetable pakora or 50, eh no Keef? :wink:
We can discuss the arrangements on Friday night at the Griffin over a Babycham or two :D :D

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 23:55
by boudicca
scotty wrote:
boudicca wrote:
scotty wrote:Andrews = St Andrews...............fuckin' hell Blast the Sisters are playing in Fife :eek: :twisted:
YA DANCER! ;D :notworthy: 8)

We'll be poppin' intae Babur's fur a curry and a vegetable pakora or 50, eh no Keef? :wink:
We can discuss the arrangements on Friday night at the Griffin over a Babycham or two :D :D
Ahm oan the Baileys these days, didn't ye know? :innocent:

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 23:58
by scotty
boudicca wrote:
scotty wrote:
boudicca wrote: YA DANCER! ;D :notworthy: 8)

We'll be poppin' intae Babur's fur a curry and a vegetable pakora or 50, eh no Keef? :wink:
We can discuss the arrangements on Friday night at the Griffin over a Babycham or two :D :D
Ahm oan the Baileys these days, didn't ye know? :innocent:
A Baileys it is then :wink: :lol:

Posted: 28 Dec 2005, 00:09
by Zuma
scotty wrote:
James Blast wrote:I warned you about that Dave!

cya in Constantinople :wink:
But Constantinople in Gaelic means "Land of the great Kebab"
Kebab = Heart Burn
Heart Burn = Andrews Liver Salts
Andrews = St Andrews...............fuckin' hell Blast the Sisters are playing in Fife :eek: :twisted:
See you all at Luvians then :lol:

Posted: 28 Dec 2005, 04:03
by Deviancy
eastmidswhizzkid wrote: No. It's BOLLOCKS. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Well it's still a 4 hour drive for me. I was hoping it was going to be LA but roadtrips are fun anyways.

B'sides.. the non US dweebs have had a handful of shows over the years.

The last time he's played even close to LA was like back in 98 I think..

All I know is that there are still people bitching about the show he did where he booted off the two support acts.

Posted: 28 Dec 2005, 08:02
by Ozpat
Deviancy wrote:
The last time he's played even close to LA was like back in 98 I think..
Did you miss out on this one: 1999/10/08 - The Wiltern, Los Angeles, CA, USA??? and about 14 other USA gigs To the Planet Edge in 1999? :innocent:

Posted: 28 Dec 2005, 08:27
by Deviancy
He played the Wiltern in 99?? WAAAAH...

Figures.. I was in Oregon from 99 to 01...

That's still what.. six years?

He's been doing gigs overseas on and off since then..

Our turn :D..

Although.. I'm actually more perky about the upcoming Cure world tour because I think this time it will be a non festival type of thing. The last few Cali shows were festivals like coachella and Curiosa which just isn't my cup of tea. I hate all of those retro crap bands that play those things.