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Posted: 14 Mar 2006, 22:03
by cultchild
lachert wrote:
paint it black wrote:
jenzi-benzi wrote:Obviously no north-american resident will share his recordings for free :evil:

are you totally dumb?
easy pib, it means that cultchild want to sell his recordings or what? :|
i do not want to sell my recordings(that will not sit well with von)
i just want to trade for something rare.

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 02:33
by tristren
Well, for what they're worth here are two partial song videos with poor images and really bad sound. They were recorded on my Digital camera. Really I was just testing to see if it worked...

Giving Ground 01:18:

Summer 1:09:

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 04:27
by Brad
And here are some pics from Montreal.

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 04:40
by Martin
tristren wrote:Well, for what they're worth here are two partial song videos with poor images and really bad sound. They were recorded on my Digital camera. Really I was just testing to see if it worked...

Giving Ground 01:18:

Summer 1:09:
Tx! So, from the balcony, you saw something else than smoke? From my point of view (as seen on the clip posted), Eldritch was almost invisible in the first third of the show. But after that, smoke was less thick and songs more recognizable so the complains around me stopped. I also heard boos from the balcony at the first or second break and at the very end. You heard that too?

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 04:41
by Darkson63
Methedrome wrote:And here are some pics from Montreal.

Damn!!! We have almost identical pics, exept mine are more grainy.
You were in front of Chris also?

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 04:53
by Martin

Wasn't it at the very beginning of the show, while First And Last And Always? It was a nice lighting effect but Eldritch never came back in this horizontal yellow beam of light!!!

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 05:13
by Brad
Yes, that was during First And Last & Always.
Also, Bobby from the Warlocks knocked Andrew's front spotlight during their set and it affected the lighting for a few of the songs (namely Susanne when the spotlight is supposed to shine on his face, but instead shone at his chest.)

Where abouts were you Darkson?

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 06:12
by Darkson63
In front of chris and a tad on his right , behind a tall guy. I was the short one with a big head and star painted on the back of my jacket.

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 07:56
by lachert
Methedrome wrote:And here are some pics from Montreal.
nice photos :D many thanks :D

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 10:38
by euphoria
Methedrome wrote:And here are some pics from Montreal.
I have to say these are some of the coolest photos I have ever seen :notworthy: least five of these could be put on the official front page!

Those in the middle with Chris on them are particularly awesome...

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 10:47
by Planet Dave
Yep, more great pics. Cheers for putting them up, Brad. :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 11:16
by eastmidswhizzkid
^^wot he said^^ :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 18:07
by Martin
These are the best pictures I've ever found of the lately Sisters.

They would be better without the stamp on it… :roll:

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 19:28
by ailime
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

*drools excessively*


thanks soo muchhh :kiss:

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 19:59
by magicmonkeyman
more superb photos...ta for sharing...

Methedrome's Pics Rule

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 22:47
by Jack Young
Those are great - too bad you wrecked 'em with your "REAL NAME".

Re: Methedrome's Pics Rule

Posted: 16 Mar 2006, 18:01
by Martin
Jack Young wrote:Those are great - too bad you wrecked 'em with your "REAL NAME".
Yes… Please… Remove it!

Posted: 16 Mar 2006, 18:12
by Brad
Jack, all that Fresh IE stuff you've been listening to is rotting your brain.

I am planning on hosting the pics at some point, meanwhile, I am always open to trade.

Posted: 23 Mar 2006, 03:42
by 1969
Hi everyone,

I was part of the audience at the Montreal concert.
I really enjoyed the show and the atmosphere.

DoctorAvalanche asked what were the words spoken in french.
Those were the words of the end of the show:
''Ladies and gentlemen, mesdames et messieurs, THANK YOU!!!

See you around,


P.S. I also took some pictures and videos on my camera (not really what I usually call decent). :twisted:

Posted: 23 Mar 2006, 04:17
by Martin
We want some!

Posted: 23 Mar 2006, 05:46
by 1969
But I told you they were not decent...

Anyway, I may ''publish" them very soon.


Posted: 24 Mar 2006, 19:23
by tristren
This somehow ended up in the Brussels thread:
Martin wrote:
tristren wrote:No, 19 songs, same as the other shows. Though the last one seemed to have 20 (or was it Chicago?)

And it was the same length as Toronto, about 1.5hrs total.

BTW, I was on the balcony. I didn't hear the boos, but there were a couple of young girls that came up and at down in an empty space in the front of the balcony for the last encore. I saw them sticking out thumbs down, so it might have been them. They didn't seem to interested in the songs they chose to play... waiting for something else I guess.

OK you were in Montreal too? You timed the show? Cause they could have played shorter version of the songs.

I wanna know everything about my experience: if the smoke was a normal thing or simply out of control (seems not!) and if the show was shorter than elsewhere (maybe).
I am fairly certain that the show was the same length. Tempus fugit and all that.

As for the smoke, based on my experiences, and on the pictures (and your video) I would say that Montreal, like SF, is up there at the top end in terms of smoke. By far the most I've seen in person.
Not necessarily the most ever, and not loads more than usual, but definitely up there.

Either way it was a blast for me, and the more that people talk about the smoke in particular, the happier I am that I got to experience this extreme version of a Sisters show. Just as I'm so glad to have had a quite different experience in Toronto the night before.


Posted: 24 Mar 2006, 19:59
by Martin
Thank you very much tristen.

You confirm that there was more smoke in Montreal than Toronto, maybe less than in SF, but above the average.

My video (now gone) shows only clips from the first 20 minutes or so of the gig. After "When You Don't See Me", the fifth song of the setlist, we could see a little more.

For what I read, in SF too there was more smoke in the first half hour. In the SF thread, someone wrote that the venue staff started the ventilation system cause of the complaints. In this Montreal thread (or maybe elsewhere, on the Hour site) someone wrote he complained to the Metropolis staff who answered him that the deal with Sisters was very specific: do not get rid of the smoke or we cancel the show.

For what I understand of my readings of this fan forum, nobody should complain about smoke. If so, you're a moron, or at best "not a true fan". It seems that everybody who decides to go to a Sisters gig should know there's a lot a smoke and, on top of that, should already know songs unreleased so far and played only since 1997!

Posted: 24 Mar 2006, 20:03
by tristren

BTW, the smoke cleared a bit in Montreal because the opened one of the fire doors up in the balcony.

I suspect that the Sisters warn the venue not to try and clear the smoke because they are not used to even the amount put out at a "normal" Sisters show. But that when it really does get heavy (as in Mtl and SF), then they are fine with upping the ac, or opening a door or two.


Posted: 24 Mar 2006, 21:52
by eastmidswhizzkid
in answer to martin's last point: of course no one who has never seen a sisters gig, or watched a recording of a gig, or seen photos of a gig or read a review of a gig could be expected to know just how much smoke there is. however complaining about it when they do experience it is the same as complaining that they've got flashing lights and loud music.
these are all part of all rock 'n' roll shows and only the extent to which they are used is specific to each band, surely?
if you went to see motorhead and complained about the volume being too high you would be met with strange looks but perhaps could be forgiven if you did not know they were a heavy metal band. otherwise it would sound like you had missed the point.

as for not knowing the new songs, who here has said that means you're not a proper fan? i've been a fan for 21 years and thought i knew everything there was to know -but the first time i heard "summer" et al was in 2001 and it was a bonus i hadn't expected. so what if others had heard those songs before? you shouldn't give a fuck what other people think.