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Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 19:21
by OptimusGeorge
Quicktime worked for me...

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 19:21
by Jan
Booslham wrote:The Videos do NOT work......
Not quite... all except On The Wire and Doctor Jeep will run under Windows IF you've got QuickTime installed. But for these two, I haven't figured it out yet. Simply adding a ".mov" at the end won't work...

But thanks for everything so far! :notworthy:


Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 19:29
by lachert
thanks for videos :D
on first you mainly filming roof? ;)
poor about not working dr jeep and on the wire, they are 0B files :[

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 19:36
by TheBoyNextDoor
On the Wire and Dr Jeep doesn't work because the filename contains a : (colon) which is not allowed in Windows (don't know about Mac). :urff:

Thanks so far though! :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 19:36
by Chairman BOX
Barracuda wrote:Cheers for the vids but quicktime says they're not "a file that QuickTime understands". Any ideas?
Erm, we suggest opening them on a Mac... :innocent:

Failing that, the best all 'round, play-any-type-of-file-in-the-world media player of which we are aware is VLC (, which is available for most platforms and has just been tested with these files, for which it seems to do the trick.

Failing that, we're right out of ideas, as we didn't get to Philadelphia from DC till 4:00am this morning. After confirming that the Sisters tour bus had, in fact, reached the venue by 8:00am, it was all we could do to separate the .mov's into disrcreet units and bundle them in a .zip archive. We hope you can get them working, but in the meantime, we need sleep, then liquor, then prep-time to see the Sisters. Good luck.

BOX out.

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 19:45
by Bartek
Ladies and gentelmen, boys und girls i found god
:notworthy: Chairman BOX :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 19:49
by Barracuda
pearson wrote:try real player!
Still NOPE!

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 19:55
by Obviousman
Barracuda wrote:
pearson wrote:try real player!
Still NOPE!
Doesn't do the trick for me either :| (nor does BSPlayer)

Removed all the dots in the file name, but still nothing...

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 19:58
by streamline
..thanks for these videos - marvellous what you can get from a phone!! (Not mine of course - i can do texting Full Stop!)

I used Quicktime and everything was fine (sorry Zeno!)

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 20:01
by itnAklipse
So does anyone have a trick for renaming the files with the colon? i didn't even notice first that my computer refused to unpack them. Tried renaming them with zipgenius inside the archive but that wouldn't work..

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 20:01
by Obviousman
I'll just blame my 'puter... It's acting odd anyway these days :lol:

(No virusses apparently, but dreadingly slow, Winamp plug-ins disappearing, crashing for no reason, ... :()

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 20:10
by Llamatron
pearson wrote: ribbons sound like an heavy-metal song :lol:

Well, it basically is. Especially the album version, where the acoustic's buried in the mix for most of the song. It's the most "metal" thing to appear on a Sisters album, methinks.

For what it's worth, my metal band covers it. Arranged for two electrics, of course.

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 20:22
by James Blast
top pix, thank you ladies :notworthy:
unfortunately, ntl: don't like Rapid Share, but thank you too, sir

nice reviews one and all, it sounds like it was a belter

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 20:22
by lachert
Llamatron wrote:
pearson wrote: ribbons sound like an heavy-metal song :lol:

Well, it basically is. Especially the album version, where the acoustic's buried in the mix for most of the song. It's the most "metal" thing to appear on a Sisters album, methinks.

For what it's worth, my metal band covers it. Arranged for two electrics, of course.
If ribbons sound like metal song, what about crash & burn riff? :eek:

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 20:23
by Ozpat
Great!!!!! :notworthy: :notworthy:

Thanks! :notworthy: :D

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 20:32
by elguiri
Not bad at all..............

Nice bit half way through FALAA , female voice chirps up with "allright , when did he go bald".............

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 20:38
by Barracuda
Obviousman wrote:I'll just blame my 'puter... It's acting odd anyway these days :lol:

(No virusses apparently, but dreadingly slow, Winamp plug-ins disappearing, crashing for no reason, ... :()
OK, sorted. Nothing to do with RealPlayer/Quicktime etc but Unzip - I downloaded a new unzipper and it worked fine.

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 21:02
by Obviousman
Now it works, thanks Barracuda :D :notworthy:

Great videos too :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 21:20
by Rat_Bastard
WhatWouldAndrewDo? wrote:RatBastard, I was right behind you--I remember your jacket. I was next to the girls that were yelling for the guitar player to get naked. No, they weren't with me :)
Ha. You mean the two girls that pushed their way up to the front near the end of the show? One of them had hair extensions and a lot of tribal tatoos and the other was fairly non-descript... but dressed in white.. I think. Well, Ben does have that 'teen heartthrob' look about him. ;)

There was a guy moving back and forth in the space between the barrier and the stage, filming segments of the show with a digicam. I wonder if he was employed by the band to do so.

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 21:22
by Obviousman
Rat_Bastard wrote:There was a guy moving back and forth in the space between the barrier and the stage, filming segments of the show with a digicam. I wonder if he was employed by the band to do so.
Yep, they always do that :wink:

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 21:40
by Bartek
because they making a DVD concert album :lol:

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 21:49
by TheBoyNextDoor
Barracuda wrote:OK, sorted. Nothing to do with RealPlayer/Quicktime etc but Unzip - I downloaded a new unzipper and it worked fine.
Ah thanks!
Now all videos works! Wonderful. :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 22:13
by davedecay
Stuffit Expander on the Mac converted the : to / on the fly.

some characters are off-limits to certain operating systems.
UNIX and OS X will make a file invisible if you name it starting with a period.

thanks for the vids.

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 23:19
by Planet Dave
It won't let me even get as far as downloading the file. :eek: I'm trying a free download using Mozilla. Is that bad? Cos I sure as sh1t ain't paying them for the pleasure. Any ideas, techno-kids?

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 23:33
by James Blast
this has turned into My Download Hell pt.38 :lol: