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Posted: 13 Apr 2011, 05:46
by Pista

Posted: 13 Apr 2011, 17:04
by Obviousman
Pista wrote:WhatsApp

You mean making me wonder what my phone is making noise about :lol:

Posted: 13 Apr 2011, 17:14
by James Blast

Posted: 13 Apr 2011, 18:14
by Pista
Obviousman wrote:
Pista wrote:WhatsApp

You mean making me wonder what my phone is making noise about :lol:
That's the one ;D

Posted: 13 Apr 2011, 19:33
by lazarus corporation
WURFL PHP API (combined with Zend Framework's Zend_Http_UserAgent)

Posted: 14 Apr 2011, 18:41
by Obviousman
James Blast wrote:

Will you? :D

Posted: 14 Apr 2011, 19:04
by James Blast
not for me, The Mum so she can *chat een-tae-een wi rellies inna States

*do that Facetime thing with her sister and my cousin in North Amerika :D

Posted: 14 Apr 2011, 19:05
by Obviousman
Neat! :D

Posted: 04 May 2011, 17:36
by Pista
One of these


We got a sample in our office.
Not bad at all.

Posted: 04 May 2011, 17:52
by James Blast
it's not a Apple, Dickless ;D

Posted: 05 May 2011, 07:46
by Pista
But it is another type of fruit. ;D

Posted: 24 May 2011, 19:48
by James Blast

at last, a viable alternative to Bastard iToonez! :D

Posted: 27 May 2011, 13:15
by lazarus corporation
Got my company to buy my department an iPad2 for "testing purposes". It arrived today.

Am bored of playing with it after 10 minutes. Meh.

Posted: 27 May 2011, 14:55
by James Blast
try eating a steak off it ;D

Posted: 27 May 2011, 14:58
by EvilBastard
lazarus corporation wrote:Am bored of playing with it after 10 minutes. Meh.
If you were holding it right you'd be bored of it after 5 minutes... 8)

Posted: 27 May 2011, 17:35
by Carpathian Psychonaut
Grabbed a Samsung Galaxy S II this week. Mad how things move on since my last phone was bought 18 months ago.

1.2Ghz dual core, plays pretty much all formats up to full 1080p HD inc HDMI output, takes video up to 1080p @ 30fps, a pretty decent 8M camera and an eye-boggling 4.3'' Super Amoled Plus screen......

.....and it's 8mm thick at it's biggest part! That is mad.

I wonder what things will be in another year or two at this rate?!

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 19:16
by James Blast
just had my pants knocked off by a 3D telly demo in Comet today, got ma een on this one - ... lectronics
anyone any experience of these beasts?

Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 09:09
by markfiend
I just do not get the current fad for "3D" (actually stereoscopic) TV and films. From what I hear, audiences are agreeing with me; the "2D" versions of both the new Pirates Of The Caribbean film and Kung Fu Panda 2 both did far better at the box office than the "3D" versions.

Once the audiences are bored of it, Hollywood will stop making "3D" content. Why bother paying to make them if no-one's watching? Without the content, your very expensive telly is stuck back on "2D" mode for the rest of its life.

Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 09:17
by James Blast
Totally agree and that was my stance until I saw the 3D demo, it wasn't all colours and objects flying out the screen, it was the enhanced depth of image onscreen that so impressed. I was just trying to be a bit 'futureproof'. :|

Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 09:44
by weebleswobble
I had a shot on a 3D DS I liked it, just can't afford one.

Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 13:50
by EvilBastard
I has new toys! :D

Studio Projects B1 condenser mic, to get the good stuff

M-Audio's FastTrack (with proTools) to get the good stuff onto disk

Thanks for the advice, peeps! 8)

Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 14:23
by James Blast
Well I dipped my toe in the water of big screen HD SMART Blurray today: bought The Mum a 32" Toshiba HD LED telly
and for me
a Spamsung SMART HD 3D Blurray player.

so far the HD pic off my V+ box is very excellent, I'm gonna play with this for a few days before she gets her een/mits on it :D

Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 21:48
by Big Si
markfiend wrote:I just do not get the current fad for "3D" (actually stereoscopic) TV and films. From what I hear, audiences are agreeing with me; the "2D" versions of both the new Pirates Of The Caribbean film and Kung Fu Panda 2 both did far better at the box office than the "3D" versions.

Once the audiences are bored of it, Hollywood will stop making "3D" content. Why bother paying to make them if no-one's watching? Without the content, your very expensive telly is stuck back on "2D" mode for the rest of its life.
You'll still go and see "The Hobbit" though, aye? :wink:

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 09:29
by markfiend
Not in 3D I won't.

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 14:09
by Erudite
Wondering what people's thoughts on Google's Chromebook were?

Maybe I'm paranoid, but I can't quite bring myself to trust Google (or any other global corporation) with my data.