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Posted: 31 Jul 2008, 20:45
by Obviousman
She's cute, true!


My favourite Berlin picture, finally digitized :D

Posted: 31 Jul 2008, 21:02
by James Blast
For God's sake, give it a dust man! :lol:

Posted: 31 Jul 2008, 21:05
by Obviousman
I noticed :oops: :lol:

Will be done, but not tonight ;D

Posted: 31 Jul 2008, 21:48
by James Blast
Photoshop is you're best friend ;D

check out these online video tutorials, I use them as my work is too cheap to send me on a course :|

Posted: 01 Aug 2008, 07:14
by Obviousman
I might have to give it a go to correct exposure a bit here and there. The idea of photoshopping my pictures isn't really enthusing me though :urff:

But no doubt it'll be better than the crap software that came with my scanner (ArcSoft PhotoStudio or so).

Otherwise, I'll just take a deep breath and blow it out over the film ;D

Posted: 01 Aug 2008, 08:39
by James Blast
Check the tutorials in the link above for Photoshop Lightroom, it's a program more suited to photographers in that it's a kind of digital darkroom. I'd never heard of this package before I got a mailshot from Adobe yesterday, so I checked it out to see what the differences between it and Photoshop CS were via a couple of tutorials. It looks just the thing for you and any other 'digital' photographers out there.

Posted: 01 Aug 2008, 09:54
by Doktor Gott
James Blast wrote:For God's sake, give it a dust man! :lol:
These are your best friend against dust I find:


and as for photoshop, look at it as more of a digital darkroom rather than photoediting.. you don't have to edit that much but it is very useful to be able to alter colour casts, brightness/contrast etc etc..

Posted: 01 Aug 2008, 15:12
by James Blast
is that for administering an enema? :wink:

Posted: 01 Aug 2008, 15:27
by Izzy HaveMercy
Doktor Gott wrote:
James Blast wrote:For God's sake, give it a dust man! :lol:
These are your best friend against dust I find:




Posted: 01 Aug 2008, 15:31
by Obviousman
Doktor Gott wrote:
James Blast wrote:For God's sake, give it a dust man! :lol:
These are your best friend against dust I find:


and as for photoshop, look at it as more of a digital darkroom rather than photoediting.. you don't have to edit that much but it is very useful to be able to alter colour casts, brightness/contrast etc etc..
That's an interesting way to look at it. I'll do my best to adopt it :D

I have something like the one you posted, though mine comes from the cellar where all my cameras come from so the air is rather smelly. Best get a new one :lol:

And thanks James for pointing out Lightroom, I'll investigate ;D

Posted: 01 Aug 2008, 16:02
by psichonaut
try this


Posted: 01 Aug 2008, 16:34
by Obviousman
I prefer the looks of the other one :innocent: (mine looks like that though)


Nearly forgot to upload a photo ;D

(That new lens I bought is a bit too slow for my liking, most of the time f/22 is the only aperture you can use. And I only figured out after I finished my roll :urff: Underexposed the lot, yay!)

Posted: 02 Aug 2008, 21:23
by Doktor Gott
Slightly out of date now, but a shot from the protest against dubya's last visit to london..


Posted: 02 Aug 2008, 21:44
by Dodges Unlimited Inc.
James Blast wrote:Check the tutorials in the link above for Photoshop Lightroom, it's a program more suited to photographers in that it's a kind of digital darkroom. I'd never heard of this package before I got a mailshot from Adobe yesterday, so I checked it out to see what the differences between it and Photoshop CS were via a couple of tutorials. It looks just the thing for you and any other 'digital' photographers out there.
Indeed you are correct there JB ... Although I like the look of both these applications, as I'm too poor to update from PS6, and already have other software for RAW stuff, I'll stick with what I've got for the time being (including the Linux stuff too which you abhor of course?!), but thanks for that clicky - interesting!
:notworthy: :wink:

Posted: 04 Aug 2008, 18:21
by Doktor Gott
the joys of photoshop in B&W


Posted: 04 Aug 2008, 19:40
by psichonaut
What City is it?

Posted: 04 Aug 2008, 19:46
by James Blast
That London :lol:

Posted: 04 Aug 2008, 20:48
by Obviousman
Nice one! Though if you're photo shopping I'd have gone more black, personally.

I've just been busy (all afternoon :evil: My own fault for not wanting to spend money on digitizing anymore :lol:) scanning a roll of Fuji Velvia 50 (!), uploading will be for later tonight or tomorrow even. One of my favourite rolls to date, so beware :D

Posted: 04 Aug 2008, 21:00
by christophe
let yourself go Z :lol: but don't make the server crash :wink:

and because I know we have quite some animal/bird loving people on here I give you one I took yesterday on a birdshow :notworthy:


Posted: 04 Aug 2008, 21:27
by Obviousman
I wouldn't dare :innocent: (though I couldn't keep myself from uploading some tonight :oops:) - That sure looks like one big bird :eek:


(dust sorted)

Posted: 04 Aug 2008, 23:01
by 6FeetOver
Doktor Gott wrote:the joys of photoshop in B&W

That could almost pass for parts of Chicago! :eek:

Posted: 04 Aug 2008, 23:03
by robertzombie
It's Barbican, isn't it?

Posted: 04 Aug 2008, 23:04
by lazarus corporation
Indeed it is - looked like Farringdon to me for a bit, then I spotted the platform sign. D'oh!

Posted: 05 Aug 2008, 10:18
by Doktor Gott
Yup, it is Barbican and one of the few fricking places that I can find in London with teh tube that even appears to be remotely metropolitan.. Inspired by a few US subway/cityscape photos by people whose names I forget (as per usual)..

Posted: 05 Aug 2008, 14:08
by Obviousman
Cool :D
