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Posted: 14 Nov 2011, 17:23
by markfiend
I have ocular hypertension. It may be a sign of incipient glaucoma. :(

Posted: 14 Nov 2011, 17:26
by James Blast
The Mum has it in one of here een, it's treatable with a course of eendrops

they should help keep any bad craziness at bay :D

Posted: 15 Nov 2011, 10:52
by markfiend
My mum has it too, eye-drops look to be the way forward.

I'm just glad I took the offer of the free eye-test from the University; I wouldn't have bothered (I've never worn glasses) but I though "hey, it's free, plus I get an hour off work..."

And it turns out I do need specs for monitor-work.

Posted: 15 Nov 2011, 10:58
by Black_Dahlia
markfiend wrote:My mum has it too, eye-drops look to be the way forward.
And my Mum - is this a mum-specific thing? Well, with the exception of you Mark obviously .... :wink:

She has eye drops and occasionally injections - I hope yours has been caught early enough to avoid those *shudder*.

Posted: 15 Nov 2011, 11:50
by markfiend
:urff: eye injections? :urff:

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 09:41
by Being645
My eyes are so bad today, I can't even recognize the faces of people ... all out of exhaustment ...

Idiot me missed the plane (again) yesterday evening ... results: ... wahhhh ... can't tell all the horrors that did and oh, does involve ...

WARNING: If you need to, do that anywhere in the world to yourself but NOT at Gatwick Airport ...

* EDIT: Well, the staff there tried their best, but it's just extreme what long ways one has to take there ...

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 13:00
by Bartek
Due to 'c'-word i'm gonna loose my job. To add, i'm gonna loose job because of 'c'-word and as a employee who have less practise in what i'm doing now. Yupee!

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 12:04
by markfiend
Bartek wrote:Due to 'c'-word i'm gonna loose my job. To add, i'm gonna loose job because of 'c'-word and as a employee who have less practise in what i'm doing now. Yupee!
o.O Sh!t man. Bad news.

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 15:31
by Bartek
and 2 hours ago i had call from one company where i've sent my application, knowing that this- losing current job- may happen. it's just interview but it is bright light in this tunnel of schaise. but this should go to other thread. :)

Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 17:55
by markfiend
Currently very p*ssed off with Santander.

For no particular reason, we don't pay our utility bills by direct debit, rather preferring to pay them as they come in, quarterly. On Saturday I paid our gas bill on the Santandurr online banking site. (I used to bank with Alliance & Leicester, now sadly bought out by these jokers)

I checked my balance last night and lo and behold, Santandon't had processed the payment twice. So I immediately phoned them up and said "look, this is a mistake, you've processed this payment twice".

The woman at the call centre was absolutely adamant that it must have been my fault, I must have pressed the confirm button twice (which I certainly didn't.) and said "oh, no, there's no way we can recall the money, you see it was a BACS transfer, it's gone, you'll have to speak to the utility company and ask them for a refund".

With one thing and another I didn't get round to phoning Southern Electric until this morning, and they were ultra-helpful; they even had me read the gas meter and discovered their estimate was over-the-odds, so I'm getting more money back!

The thing that winds me up: even if I had clicked "confirm" twice, surely there should be a safeguard on the site to stop a double-tap on a form button from registering as two separate transactions, and even if not, how bloody likely is it that I want to pay the exact same amount of money to the exact same recipient twice in a couple of seconds?

(I posted a somewhat abbreviated version of this on Twitter, and got a very nice follow-up tweet from Southern Electric... and nothing from Santander.)

Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 18:07
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:even if I had clicked "confirm" twice, surely there should be a safeguard on the site to stop a double-tap on a form button from registering as two separate transactions
we had a similar feature on the william hill site for anything that involved a financial transaction, eg: making deposits, withdrawals, placing a bet

it's especially important for transactions that happen inline (ie: with no full page refresh)

clicking the button would trigger the transaction in the background, and would also disable the button for a few seconds, to stop you clicking it again. then, once we had displayed a confirmation message we would enable the button again

it's actually regarded as best practice for handling with financial transactions inline ;)

Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 19:47
by markfiend
Quiff Boy wrote:it's actually regarded as best practice for handling with financial transactions inline ;)
Indeed, I've done the same thing myself :lol:

Posted: 11 Dec 2011, 21:34
by Elystan
Apparently this week I have reverted into a nocturnal sleeping pattern like the days of old, which while I enjoy I was trying to avoid

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 01:31
by DeWinter
A friend of mine became "Straight Edge" two years back. I'm unaware of the rules regarding this particular American import, but seemingly it involves never shutting up about it, being nauseatingly sanctimonius, and borderline evangelical. I honestly think I preferred him ranting drunkenly at me at two in the morning!

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 10:50
by markfiend
Back in the Jug Agane...

I need a Xmas holiday to recover from the Xmas holiday :urff:

Posted: 17 Feb 2012, 00:58
by sam1
why is it I keep reading about rising unemployment figures..then when I advertise for a part time chef, 3 people apply with good CV's,wanting to do part time hours ,I arrange interviews for all 3 and not one of them turns up..not even a f**king phone call to say they have changed their's getting really hard not to be cynical when you read/hear of employment figures...

Posted: 17 Feb 2012, 20:13
by Big Si
sam1 wrote:why is it I keep reading about rising unemployment figures..then when I advertise for a part time chef, 3 people apply with good CV's,wanting to do part time hours ,I arrange interviews for all 3 and not one of them turns up..not even a f**king phone call to say they have changed their's getting really hard not to be cynical when you read/hear of employment figures...
As Noel Gallagher commented recently society has changed, mate. The 'work ethic' that most of us oldies have from the Thatcher-Major-Blair years has gone. ... tcher.html

"Work far less and be paid far more (or indeed f**k that i'm going to be on TV on the Jeremy Kyle show)" is the order of the day.

Posted: 17 Feb 2012, 20:30
by DeWinter
Well, depends on what you're paying. Chances are if you're only offering part-time and a wage of around seven pound fifty, anyone taking your job will likely be worse off after travel expenses,etc.

Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 12:00
by markfiend
Poorly. I've been chucking my guts up pretty constantly since 4am yesterday. At least I'm actually winning now; the last pint of water I drunk has stayed down for more than an hour.

And no, it's not alcohol related.

Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 12:14
by Being645
markfiend wrote:Poorly. I've been chucking my guts up pretty constantly since 4am yesterday. At least I'm actually winning now; the last pint of water I drunk has stayed down for more than an hour.

And no, it's not alcohol related.
Oh, get well soon. Sounds a bit like Noro ...

Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 12:18
by markfiend
Being645 wrote:
markfiend wrote:Poorly. I've been chucking my guts up pretty constantly since 4am yesterday. At least I'm actually winning now; the last pint of water I drunk has stayed down for more than an hour.

And no, it's not alcohol related.
Oh, get well soon. Sounds a bit like Noro ...
I think it's noro too. Thanks.

Posted: 17 Mar 2012, 20:49
by Being645
Devastating. Start of the motorbike season. L101. 16.03.2012. My little brother ... :cry: :cry: :cry: : ...

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 20:22
by sziamiau
quick update just had another surgery a week ago. I will attempt to go back to work tomorrow however very weak..which pisses me off..not patient wth these things... hope this was the last time really

Posted: 22 Mar 2012, 12:00
by Being645
sziamiau wrote:quick update just had another surgery a week ago. I will attempt to go back to work tomorrow however very weak..which pisses me off..not patient wth these things... hope this was the last time really
Oh again?! Sorry to hear ... so best wishes !!!
Anyway, you must have a really cool job to drive you go on like that ...

Posted: 22 Mar 2012, 12:28
by markfiend
Being645 wrote:Devastating. Start of the motorbike season. L101. 16.03.2012. My little brother ... :cry: :cry: :cry: : ...
I've just noticed this. I really hope you don't mean what I think you mean?

My sympathies.