this by the same guy who wrote "let the right one in" and this is far superior.

Have you seen this Lee? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5501104/?ref_=nm_knf_t3eastmidswhizzkid wrote: ↑19 Jan 2021, 20:05
this by the same guy who wrote "let the right one in" and this is far superior.![]()
ooh no, i hadnt. thanks for that steveSilver_Owl wrote: ↑20 Jan 2021, 14:05Have you seen this Lee? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5501104/?ref_=nm_knf_t3eastmidswhizzkid wrote: ↑19 Jan 2021, 20:05
this by the same guy who wrote "let the right one in" and this is far superior.![]()
It's based on one of his short stories.
Awesome film. Imagine Aphex Twin writing a movie on acid and starring in it.
Erudite wrote:
Thanks, Lee.eastmidswhizzkid wrote: ↑08 Apr 2021, 22:06 Just finished this:
I dont know what my Brother Don -otherwise known as long-serving Heartland member Erudite- is doing; trying to pass this magnificent octopuss off as his own work: as something he may well have scribbled on the back of an old forbidden planet flyer (between a collossal booze-with-noodles shopping list and next monthhs comics wishlist) in black on black crayon, but this is blatantly no fan-fiction ! this is a PROPER BOOK! an actual novel! a tour-de-force not a turd-dy- farce....this has been wrote proper good in da Kween's Inglish...not Jack-a-nory or even Jock-an-'ory but ROCK-a-N-ory-ROLL motherfucker! come on Don - this is bona fide litter-a-chore innit? 'oo ya tryin' to kid!![]()
EDIT: ignore the above this which was written by the late west-by-nor-north-mids-nowhere-kid, post account hacking (cough) brought about by the chimpan-Z-N-A vaccuum he misreadingly self-diagnosed.
MR ERUDITE -only CAPS willl suffice- has written a fuckking awesome tome filled with red-hot sizzling gypsies and dark legends of of vileness and violins and vienetta (ok i lied about the ice-cream...& the gypsies). more please sir!
I think one of the genius things about it (and it took me a while to pick up on this) is the way the narrative reflects what life must actually be like on a whaling voyage - i.e., long periods of boredom punctuated by moments of extreme excitement. There also seems to be some sort of philosophical argument being advanced (thus all the references to Plato, Hobbes, Locke, etc.), but I'm merely reading it, not studying it, so I've no idea what's going on in that regard.
I read it many years ago, and I'd imagine it mostly flew over my head. I remember nothing about it. Heinlein is definitely right though: Russian fiction is not about entertaining. I recall seeing Darren Aronofsky introduce a screening of Requiem for a Dream by saying something like "this is a film about suffering, and you're going to suffer while watching it. When it's over, we'll have a long talk about why that suffering was good for you." I think there's something similar going on in a lot of the Russian stuff - especially, for example, Dostoevsky.markfiend wrote: ↑08 Apr 2021, 13:17 Confession time: I've started Bulgakov's Master and Margarita (as everyone tells me just how great a piece of literature it is) and I just can't finish it. It's nonsense.
I think Heinlein was right; whatever the purpose of Russian fiction is, it can't possibly be for entertainment.
any good?markfiend wrote: ↑11 Apr 2022, 09:56 Recently finished this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Once_More ... ing_(book)
Oh yeah I forgot to add a critiqueeastmidswhizzkid wrote: ↑11 Apr 2022, 12:48any good?markfiend wrote: ↑11 Apr 2022, 09:56 Recently finished this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Once_More ... ing_(book)