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Posted: 24 Feb 2006, 13:07
by timsinister
Like A Horror Movie Plot

I'm left wondering how transplant companies issue recall notices? :eek:

Posted: 24 Feb 2006, 14:38
by eotunun
In the old days, the tribe chiefs and blue blooded ones got gold, food and weapons into their graves. What will future`s archeologists think if they find boddies that contain "Gloves an aprons"..?
That`s a sin! I mean, the aprons and stuff don´t compost, do they?

Posted: 24 Feb 2006, 15:00
by timsinister
Heh, bit of a change of philosophy - not so much taking it with you, as leaving too much behind. :wink:

Most of the stuff, er, 'found' is completely artifical and won't degrade, even if exposed to all the fun stuff a decaying corpse can provide. Lovely.

And to rifle poor old Alistair for parts! I used to listen to Letters from America, and it helped build this wholly inaccurate portrayal of the US, for which I may never be able to thank him enough.

Posted: 24 Feb 2006, 18:23
by eotunun
As the guys from the garbage collection are curently on strike in parts of germany, there is a great idea comming up.. resulting in:
"Oh Lord, take Granda`s soul to your side, along with yesterdays turkey, a number of teabags and some soft greenish potatoes!"
Let the churches do a bit of usefull work for all the money they receive!