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Most Excellent 1992 Interview

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 17:41
by Electrochrome
First, of course, apologies if everyone's seen this, discussed, etc, etc, but I think this is definitely one of Eldritch's best interviews ever...insight into him, personally, and his work, his drugs, etc. Quite a lot of info...

Confirmation of cocaine, and of course, how it got dropped--I understand this was during the Floodland era?

Also, with regards to his personality, goes a long way toward basically figuring how the band operates or does not---Eldritch is a doer, it seems, and not into explaining his modes of work. Loves writing lyrics, loves his lyrics, is passionate about it.

One of the more humble interviews I've ever read with him, period. ... w.php?id=8

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 18:06
by hallucienate
Took me ages to transcribe that one :? One of the UTRs has a more complete version of the interview.

I'm still confused as to why Google uses that crappy URL instead of or Anyone know how I might get google to displaying that domain name?

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 20:02
by Obviousman
Lovely interview indeed :notworthy:

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 20:07
by aims
Well that hit close to home. Probably shouldn't ask, but does anyone else reckon that it points to Aspie tendencies? I appreciate that it's editted journalism, but a couple of things struck me as being pretty AS.

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 05:26
by Ozpat
Obviousman wrote:Lovely interview indeed :notworthy:
Indeed!!! Didn't see it before. So thanks for this one... :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 14:13
by czuczu
I remember that one - nice to read again!
There was some good photos from one of the interviews around that time. Can't remember if it was this one..

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 15:47
by hallucienate
czuczu wrote:I remember that one - nice to read again!
There was some good photos from one of the interviews around that time. Can't remember if it was this one..
*digs out magazine*
One B/W photo of Von in a white suite with cowboy boots, sitting on some steps.