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Crystal Palace 1993 comments?

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 21:47
by pangloss666
Hi - does anyone have any insights into AE's onstage comments at the Crystal Palace show? Im guessing that the 'enjoy the puppetshow' might be a spinal tap reference, but it may also be a reference to DM's stageset. Any thoughts?

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 21:51
by streamline
I always thought he was referring to the fact that the entire band and him were actually visible to us mere mortals.

Brilliant gig. The best bit was that I fell asleep and slept through half of Depeche Mode (god they were s**t that day :evil: )

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 22:13
by Silver_Owl
I would think it is just a Tap reference.

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 22:17
by pangloss666
ah, i thought it was that, but i recall that the DM singer used to appear on stage in shadow form through screens at the start of the show and so thought it might be that also

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 22:23
by Brad
Common perception has always been that it was a shot at Depeche Commode.

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 22:25
by pangloss666
along with 'but hey, we're only the support band' etc?

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 22:33
by Brad
Judging by Andrew's position on anything but being the headliner, I would suggest it was merely some sour grapes.

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 22:37
by Drenchrom
I was at the gig also, but left straight after The Sisters. The Mode fans made it quite difficult for The Sisters fans to enjoy themselves.

I always thought the comment was directed at Depeche.
Boy did we all laugh when the fat guy from VNV said the same thing at Mera Luna in 2002, just before The Sisters came on. I reckon he'd been storing up that comeback for nearly ten years.


Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 22:54
by Silver_Owl
I wonder how they ended up supporting them anyway? Especially if there was bad blood between Von and the chinless wonder.

Strange looking people out there...

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 23:50
by Electrochrome
I know this gig well...only through bootlegs, though!

Also assumed it was a Depeche barb. Some good comments though, in general.

I like the chatter before 'More'--"There's some strange looking people out there. I hope you're not with me--no-no, did I ask you, I think not." Then, "This is for you, anyway". Always had to use my imagination, assuming it was someone too g*** for Von's liking.

Doesn't he dedicate This Corrosion to 'the guy who looks like Rutger Hauer' (anyone see this particular guy)?

Good bootleg though, Europe 1993, and naturally Enjoy The Puppet Show and another one that adds an extra track. I agree with someone who posted that they butchered Floorshow. Gig also sounds a little too 'open air', if that makes sense...and you say no smoke on the stage that day? Oddly sounds that way, too.

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 23:54
by pangloss666
also the 'isnt it funny who turns up on a day like this'. Doesnt he also introduce Llogic with 'this song is about buildings and drugs....but mainly buildings?'

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 00:04
by the-happening
pangloss666 wrote:also the 'isnt it funny who turns up on a day like this'. Doesnt he also introduce Llogic with 'this song is about buildings and drugs....but mainly buildings?'
the person who turned up that day was Hussey! Crystal Palace was a good day but Zeebrugge was far better, "another day at the beach part 2"

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 00:31
by Johnny M
Thank you.

CP was a crappy open-air sports 'arena.' With the way the stage was set up, Eldo could see sand-pits (long jump, triple jump etc) hence the 'another day at the beach' after Belga Beach the previous Saturday.

Yes, Hussey was there, hence the first and probably best 'Giving Ground' live version you'll ever get in terms of performance and venom.

This was the only time that I know the Sissies have supported someone (ignoring the early days) ? So the barbed "Puppet Show" is just that. Aimed at DM. Contractual reasons meant he couldn't get out from it.

We left before the main act.

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 00:32
by EvilBastard
I never understood the "buildings and drugs" reference. Any enlightenment available? :notworthy: in advance 8)

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 01:12
by Johnny M
It is escaping me at the mo, but as I don't do drugs, I'll get there. :wink:

It's an old man memory thang. It takes time for the cogs to work. :von:

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 01:42
by Dan
the-happening wrote:Crystal Palace was a good day but Zeebrugge was far better
I was at Zeebrugge. Moments before Depeche Mode's intro started the heavens opened, thunder & lighning and pissing it down with rain. Then DM's intro started which seemed to include recorded sounds of thunder and lights to simulate lighning, but it was vastly overshadowed by the real thing. I endured the weather for about 2 songs then a bunch of us legged it back to the coach.

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 02:07
by Johnny M
Well that's two DM fans then ... :lol:

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 02:36
by Planet Dave
Buildings and Drugs? I assumed that was merely a joke about the topics of Sisters songs, bit like the 'sex, violence and drugs' quip at the NEC in 92.

CP was a cracking gig - despite the butchered Floorshow (twas me that said it). Just damned annoying that The Sisters had to play second fiddle to the contemptable toss that followed them. Ah well.

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 03:31
by Johnny M
Three DM fans then ... :lol:

* where's the vomit emoticon when you need it? * :von:

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 03:52
by Electrochrome
EvilBastard wrote:I never understood the "buildings and drugs" reference. Any enlightenment available? :notworthy: in advance 8)
I'm guessing it's a reference to...The Talking Heads.

Their second album was 'More Songs About Buildings And Food'.

Great quote...I love the 'but mostly buildings' bit as the song kicks in.

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 04:45
by Ozpat
"Isn't strange who turns up on a day like this......"

Who? Hussey?

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 07:26
by doc P
Johnny M wrote:Thank you.
yup :notworthy:

CP was a crappy open-air sports 'arena.' With the way the stage was set up, Eldo could see sand-pits (long jump, triple jump etc) hence the 'another day at the beach' after Belga Beach the previous Saturday.
aha :wink:

Yes, Hussey was there, hence the first and probably best 'Giving Ground' live version you'll ever get in terms of performance and venom.
IMHO agreed :notworthy:

We left before the main act.
that´s why I didn´t see you there :oops: :( :innocent:

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 07:29
by doc P
Ozpat wrote:"Isn't strange who turns up on a day like this......"

Who? Hussey?
unfortunately they didn´t start out with 2 5 0 0 0 - :roll: did I miss a zero :innocent:

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 09:10
by czuczu
Dan wrote:
the-happening wrote:Crystal Palace was a good day but Zeebrugge was far better
I was at Zeebrugge. Moments before Depeche Mode's intro started the heavens opened, thunder & lighning and pissing it down with rain. Then DM's intro started which seemed to include recorded sounds of thunder and lights to simulate lighning, but it was vastly overshadowed by the real thing. I endured the weather for about 2 songs then a bunch of us legged it back to the coach.
Zeebrugge was much better and definitely where the 'day at the beach stuff started'. Weirdest location for a festival though..
And the sight of 30-odd goths in dripping wet leather on the ferry home was f**king hilarious! :twisted:

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 14:25
by DGP00666
If I'm not wrong I read somewhere (probably that Virgin Interview) that Von was a Martin Gore fan :roll: I don't trust this though.