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the end of the world

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 19:55
by RicheyJames
it is nigh. you have been warned.

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 19:56
by aims
Double You Tee Eff, Mate? ^_^;

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 19:58
by Badlander
All together now :

It's the end of the world
It's the end of the world
And I feel fine

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 20:01
by MadameButterfly
thank you for the warning and welcome back Mr. RJ :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 20:11
by Obviousman
Ah, well, at least something important I can witness then :lol:

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 20:19
by timsinister
She's already beaten you to it, sir. :wink:

Re: the end of the world

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 08:37
by Norman Hunter
RicheyJames wrote:it is nigh. you have been warned.
Should I pay my phone bill or not bother, then..?

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 10:49
by markfiend
You got Di up the duff then Richie?

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 11:27
by Mrs RicheyJames
Up the duff?? What a lovely way of putting it!

But yes. That's what he means. LOL

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 11:39
by streamline
Congrats to you both!!

And yes, it is the end of the world!!!


Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 12:21
by aims
Congratulations :D

Are you going to remove the smoke and mirrors prior to delivery or will you have roadies assisting the midwife? :innocent:

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 13:41
by markfiend
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:Up the duff?? What a lovely way of putting it!

But yes. That's what he means. LOL
:lol: sorry.

But I was right! Image

Congratulations 8)

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 13:55
by Obviousman
Congrats... :D :D :D

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 13:59
by DerekR
Congrats to the both of you :kiss: Make the most of your nights out while you can :wink:

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 14:14
by mik
Badlander wrote:All together now :

It's the end of the world
It's the end of the world
And I feel fine
That's what me and my missus walked back up the aisle together to at our wedding :)

Congrats to you both, although having finally had just two consecutive hours of sleep last night between 4.30 and 6.30 before getting up to feed and dress our two before spedning 2+ hours in the car driving to work I'm not so sure that 'comiserations' isn't the more apt expression :)

Nah; definitely congratualtions ;D

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 14:32
by Quiff Boy
now you see why i'm moving to manchester? they're breeding ffs! :lol:


congrats to the pair of you 8)

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 14:44
by Mrs RicheyJames
It's all your fault Quiffy!

You and your bloody forum........


Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 14:50
by hallucienate
Congrats to you two.

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 14:56
by doc P
then it might be more of a start than the end - enjoy - the lack of sleep
:innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 17:57
by scotty
So that's what you've been getting up to Image :innocent:

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 19:31
by Dark
There'll be more? :eek:

*runs for the hills*

Oh, congrats, et al. :lol: :roll:

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 19:34
by Big Si
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

8) :D

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 20:09
by James Blast
I prohesy disaster

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 20:39
by missus scotty
Congrats :notworthy: do you have a date for the end of the world?

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 20:48
by Planet Dave
That's some bloody mix of chromosomes. :eek: :twisted:

Congratulations to the pair of you. :notworthy: :D