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Tour Stats

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 21:34
by twp
Just a question of interest, after these 52+ dates, where would Ben and Chris (plus his previous outings) rank in terms of live performances of sisters personnel?

Anyone with more time on their hands care to figure a guess, let alone work it out?

Re: Tour Stats

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 21:50
by Badlander
twp wrote:Just a question of interest, after these 52+ dates, where would Ben and Chris (plus his previous outings) rank in terms of live performances of sisters personnel?

Anyone with more time on their hands care to figure a guess, let alone work it out?
I won't play it wise and pretend I found a place known of no man. This is common knowledge, but maybe you haven't thought of using this ressource :

BTW nice avatar.

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 21:53
by twp
you're a star

ps I was looking for him as Robocod to rival Chris

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 21:59
by Dark
James Pond is a brilliant game. I still play on the Gameboy version, just because the bizarreness, the stretching body and the silly music are great. ;)

Never finished it though, the last room had a boss in that I never worked out how to defeat. Probably I was jumping on its head the wrong way. ;)

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 22:42
by robertzombie
twp wrote:you're a star

ps I was looking for him as Robocod to rival Chris