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Doktor Avalance's bass playing

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 10:28
by Doctor E
We have heard many Heartlanders express their wish that Eldritch hire a live bass player to relieve the workaholic Doktor. Just to prove the democratic nature of this Heartland is there anybody out there who prefers the Doktor's playing? If so, it would be great to hear your arguments.

In case Eldritch is looking for someone, here is a snippet from a new interview with an available bassist:

"You must be worth around £30m, I say. 'Are you serious?' he asks. 'Whatcha talking about? With properties and everything? Nah. Maybe £20m. But cash in hand is the problem and I've got very little of that. So I've got to work. I can't stop.'"

The player? Bill Wyman.

Pros for hiring him:
He already knows "Gimme Shelter."
At almost 70, he will make Von feel young again.

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 11:43
by Badlander
My brother is available. I'm sure he can handle the job and he won't ask for gazillions of $, £, €, or whatever that is. :lol: :wink:

Re: Doktor Avalance's bass playing

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 11:55
by timsinister
Doctor E wrote:
"You must be worth around £30m, I say. 'Are you serious?' he asks. 'Whatcha talking about? With properties and everything? Nah. Maybe £20m. But cash in hand is the problem and I've got very little of that. So I've got to work. I can't stop.'"

The player? Bill Wyman.

Pros for hiring him:
He already knows "Gimme Shelter."
At almost 70, he will make Von feel young again.
Stolen from Hal's site...

Tony James

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 13:13
by twp
Badlander wrote:My brother is available. I'm sure he can handle the job and he won't ask for gazillions of $, £, €, or whatever that is. :lol: :wink:
That's aswell as I don't think Mr E pays much above minimum wage :wink:

Re: Doktor Avalance's bass playing

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 14:55
by EvilBastard
Doctor E wrote:Pros for hiring him:
He already knows "Gimme Shelter."
At almost 70, he will make Von feel young again.
Cons for hiring him:
If :von: puts a dead guy on stage as a bass player, he'll *never* shake that pesky "goth" label :lol:

Re: Doktor Avalance's bass playing

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 15:06
by markfiend
Doctor E wrote:He already knows "Gimme Shelter."
I doubt he knows it the way the Sisters play it...

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 16:40
by Purple Light
I'm happy with the Doc. Never seem them with a real bass player so I don't know any different I suppose. :innocent:

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 16:56
by Badlander
Well if it's a Craig Adams-type of bass player, if he has the same kind of juggernaut sound, why not ? Lemmy would be a nice fit. :innocent:

It's about the sound you want, rather than the identity of the bass player. Bass driven songs (Floodland era) could benefit from a human bass player. Otherwise I'm happy the way things are.

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 17:00
by Jaimie1980
Lemmy. 8) Not likely though.

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 17:08
by Badlander
I can't think of an awful lot of human bass players whose presence would benefit the band. No particular name comes to mind.

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 19:40
by Dark
Badlander wrote:I can't think of an awful lot of human bass players whose presence would benefit the band. No particular name comes to mind.
Patricia Morrison? :innocent:

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 19:44
by EvilBastard
Dark wrote:
Badlander wrote:I can't think of an awful lot of human bass players whose presence would benefit the band. No particular name comes to mind.
Patricia Morrison? :innocent:

Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 19:52
by Badlander
Dark wrote:
Badlander wrote:I can't think of an awful lot of human bass players whose presence would benefit the band. No particular name comes to mind.
Patricia Morrison? :innocent:
:eek: :lol:

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 21:15
by James Blast
David Allen of Gang of Four/Shriekback/King Swamp/Gang of Four fame gets my vote

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 22:46
by Planet Dave
That bloke out of Level 42?

*BAM! Door hits my arse on the way out*

TJ was good enough at Leeds Poly in 91. The Doktor was awesome at the NEC in 92, but does seem to overwhelm proceedings sometimes. At Josephs Well last year this was most definitely not a bad thing, indeed it was a bloody good thing. 8)

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 23:24
by Badlander
Planet Dave wrote:That bloke out of Level 42?

*BAM! Door hits my arse on the way out*
You got it. :lol:

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 23:44
by aims
If you want an early-Sisters style bass player who can work with a drum machine, Tom from Black Wire would be a good choice, neglecting the fact that he's currently employed ;)

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 23:49
by James Blast
but Black Wire have released a record

Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 00:11
by aims
Unfortunately for Andrew, yes.

For everyone else? Quite fortunate.

I'll have to back you on David Allen then ;)

Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 01:10
by James Blast
David Allen was pretty sloppy in his GO4 days IMO, he really did come out with Shriekback, Accretions being a particularly wonderful bassline.

Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 02:28
by eastmidswhizzkid
i'll do the job for nowt if von covers me drugs bill. i can play the bass a sight better than tony james fer starts.

Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 02:33
by Planet Dave
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:i'll do the job for nowt if von covers me drugs bill. i can play the bass a sight better than tony james fer starts.
Now that we have to see. :twisted: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :twisted:

'And on bass, the sweetest bruiser you'll ever meet....the legendary MR WHIZZZZKIDDDD'.

*Lee kicks off the intro to Adrenochrome*

:twisted: :notworthy: :twisted: :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 02:36
by aims
That would fookin' pwn.

Do it :twisted:

Re: Doktor Avalance's bass playing

Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 02:38
by Silver_Owl
EvilBastard wrote:If :von: puts a dead guy on stage as a bass player, he'll *never* shake that pesky "goth" label :lol:

Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 02:39
by eastmidswhizzkid
Motz wrote:That would fookin' pwn.

Do it :twisted:
i'm going to show my age now, but what does that mean? :oops: