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Who would like to see record with The Sisters?

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 14:36
by zippy
I would like to see The Sisters record with Natacha Atlas,I just love them spicy Arabesque beats.Or Transglobal Underground.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 14:37
by streamline
I would simply like to see them record.

Before I die.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 14:42
by zippy
streamline wrote:I would simply like to see them record.

Before I die.
So would I,its been too long.Come on AE write some songs?

Re: Who would like to see record with The Sisters?

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 14:53
by Quiff Boy
zippy wrote:I would like to see The Sisters record with Natacha Atlas,I just love them spicy Arabesque beats.Or Transglobal Underground.
bizarre. IIRC choque hosein has remixed both of these people (through his work as black star liner and sweetblood) - and he's bessie mates with herr eldritch.

maybe we should ask him to put all parties concerned in touch :D :lol:

good choice. :von: :notworthy:

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 15:43
by Norman Hunter
Hasn't this been done before, somewhere?

IIRC, Kylie and Madonna featured highly in the votes. Personally I'd go for the latter.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 17:38
by Jaimie1980
With Lemmy on bass as I mentioned in connection to another thread. :)

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 17:51
by Badlander
Driven wrote:With Lemmy on bass as I mentioned in connection to another thread. :)
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
I say that's the most obvious option.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 18:05
by Llamatron
Driven wrote:With Lemmy on bass as I mentioned in connection to another thread. :)
I leave my computer for half an hour with the reply window up and you beat me to it! Someone's gotta play bass. Maybe some backing vox on an agressive Vision Thing-type rocker? And it certainly couldn't hurt in the promotion department, either.

An updated Doktor. I love The Doktor as much as anyone, but Von & Co. have been using the same samples since TOL '92. I think they could make good use of a wider palette of drum sounds. And if Von wants to present the Sisters as a contemporary act, that's an easy enough way to do it. Programming has come a long way since Vision Thing.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 18:53
by sultan2075
Driven wrote:With Lemmy on bass as I mentioned in connection to another thread. :)
If I recall correctly, didn't Von actually say in an interview somewhere on the web back in the late 90's that he was planning on asking Lemmy to play bass on the record? It was posted on the old CDNOW site, I think.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 19:27
by Dark
They'd have to record with Ghost Dance, of course. :lol:

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 20:28
by Purple Light
David Bowie, Nick Cave or Boney M. :lol:

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 20:28
by Badlander
Dark wrote:They'd have to record with Ghost Dance, of course. :lol:
Why not the Mish while you're at it ? :roll:

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 20:31
by Dark
Badlander wrote:
Dark wrote:They'd have to record with Ghost Dance, of course. :lol:
Why not the Mish while you're at it ? :roll:
Good idea. A medley of "Romeo Down" and "Breathe Me In" would be suitably awful. ;D

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 20:52
by wild bill buttock
This might sound a bit obvious but how about Craig Adams,Gary Marx and that other bloke,you know,he was in "dead or alive",No not Pete Burns,the one who left before you spin me round,went on to form a U2 tribute band.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 22:34
by Muppet
hmmm... lets go for a bit of commercial oomph here (well, relatively at least) - how about words and vocals by Von, Drums by the Doktor, and all music etc by Trent Reznor? That might work....

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 22:46
by weebleswobble
Ian Curtis, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, The Lizard King......'cause it's just as likely as teaming up with someone that's breathing.
Elvis not included as everyone knows he is ALIVE

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 22:54
by Badlander
Muppet wrote:hmmm... lets go for a bit of commercial oomph here (well, relatively at least) - how about words and vocals by Von, Drums by the Doktor, and all music etc by Trent Reznor? That might work....
Oh well I'd rather go with something more challenging, something you wouldn't expect. This is your message I quoted, but don't worry it could've been another, it's just a general feeling...
You don't want Eldo to give you what you expect, do you ? You'd probably end up disappointed anyway. After all the man is a Leonard Cohen fan, so why not something along these lines ? Bowie is another good pick.

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 00:00
by ruffers

End of.

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 08:36
by Muppet
ruffers wrote:GIRLS ALOUD

End of.
I thought he'd already done that!! Still convinced he wrote the music and lyrics to "No Good Advice"...

"I don't need no good advice
I'm already wasted
I don't need some other life
Cold and complicated
I don't need no Sunday trips
Tea and sympathising
I don't need no special fix
To anaesthetise me"

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 12:38
by Norman Hunter
Muppet wrote:
ruffers wrote:GIRLS ALOUD

End of.
I thought he'd already done that!! Still convinced he wrote the music and lyrics to "No Good Advice"...

"I don't need no good advice
I'm already wasted
I don't need some other life
Cold and complicated
I don't need no Sunday trips
Tea and sympathising
I don't need no special fix
To anaesthetise me"
Have you heard the guitar break on that track? Very Temple Of Love :eek:

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 13:43
by Ozpat
I prefer a Sisters only record. :D

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 16:41
by radiojamaica
:von: is getting older, hasn't released anything (interesting) for ages & has a beautiful deep voice...

...Rick Rubin should record the (other)man in black, :wink:

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 16:45
by scotty
...Craig Adams, Gary Marx & Ben Gun....

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 17:13
by Badlander
scotty wrote:...Craig Adams, Gary Marx & Ben Gun....
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 17:21
by Obviousman
radiojamaica wrote::von: is getting older, hasn't released anything (interesting) for ages & has a beautiful deep voice...

...Rick Rubin should record the (other)man in black, :wink:
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

That'd be quite something for sure!