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Colour Quiz

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 19:32
by Obviousman
Daft test time again ;D

A site which has 'the free five minute personality test' for a title just has to be good, right :lol:

Try this one, and have another laugh!

Actually I couldn't really disagree with my result, though perhaps you might :lol:
Sensitive and understanding but under some strain; needs to unwind in the company of someone close to him

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 19:48
by canon docre
Her control of her sensual instincts restricts her ability to give herself, but the resulting isolation leads to the urge to surrender and allow herself to merge with another. This disturbs her. as such instincts are regarded as weaknesses to be overcome; she feels that only by continued self-restraint can she hope to maintain her attitude of individual superiority.
I've never read anything more true.... :lol:

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 19:53
by Big Si
Has an unsatisfied need to ally himself with others whose standards are as high as his own, and to stand out from the herd. This desire for preeminence isolates him and inhibits his readiness to give himself freely. While he wants to surrender and let himself go, he regards this as a weakness which must be resisted. This self-restraint, he feels, will lift him above the rank and file and ensure recognition as a unique and distinctive personality.

Clause 83 :notworthy:

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 20:20
by EvilBastard
Desires a tranquil, peaceful state of harmony offering quiet contentment and a sense of belonging.
Which is why I came to Heartland in the first place :lol:

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 20:34
by Obviousman
EvilBastard wrote:
Desires a tranquil, peaceful state of harmony offering quiet contentment and a sense of belonging.
Which is why I came to Heartland in the first place :lol:
Ah, I was worried to be the only one just getting a single line :D

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 20:37
by EvilBastard
Obviousman wrote:
EvilBastard wrote:
Desires a tranquil, peaceful state of harmony offering quiet contentment and a sense of belonging.
Which is why I came to Heartland in the first place :lol:
Ah, I was worried to be the only one just getting a single line :D
I would post the others but am concerned that the results would prompt Senor Quiff to punt me off the board with a 500gb restraining order :lol:

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 20:37
by Badlander
Big Si wrote:
Has an unsatisfied need to ally himself with others whose standards are as high as his own, and to stand out from the herd. This desire for preeminence isolates him and inhibits his readiness to give himself freely. While he wants to surrender and let himself go, he regards this as a weakness which must be resisted. This self-restraint, he feels, will lift him above the rank and file and ensure recognition as a unique and distinctive personality.
How come I got the same ? :innocent:
I know : I couldn't make up my mind so I just clicked the colours in a sequence from left to right. ;D

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 20:40
by Purple Light
"Tries to escape from his problems, difficulties, and tensions by abrupt, headstrong, and ill-considered decisions. Desperately seeking a way to escape, and there is danger of reckless behavior to the point of self-destruction."

That is so spot on at the moment its spooky!!! Now where did I put that crate of vodka...

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 20:44
by Obviousman
EvilBastard wrote:
Obviousman wrote:
EvilBastard wrote: Which is why I came to Heartland in the first place :lol:
Ah, I was worried to be the only one just getting a single line :D
I would post the others but am concerned that the results would prompt Senor Quiff to punt me off the board with a 500gb restraining order :lol:
Ah, now I did it again and see there's more following after the first line :D
The tenacity and strength of will necessary to contend with existing difficulties has become weakened. Feels overtaxed, worn out, and getting nowhere, but continues to stand his ground. He feels this adverse situation as an actual tangible pressure which is intolerable to him and from which he wants to escape, but he feels unable to make the necessary decision.
Hmm, makes it sound a bit overly dramatic, though not wrong at all, as far as I'm concerned...

Another line says something about "faulty self-control can lead to ungovernable displays of anger", which would be very much unlike me though :eek: I keep my anger within :von:

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 20:53
by Brideoffrankenstein
Has an unsatisfied need to ally herself with others whose standards are as high as her own, and to stand out from the herd. This desire for preeminence isolates her and inhibits her readiness to give herself freely. While she wants to surrender and let herself go, she regards this as a weakness which must be resisted. This self-restraint, she feels, will lift her above the rank and file and ensure recognition as a unique and distinctive personality.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 21:04
by emilystrange
Seeks a close and understanding bond in an atmosphere of shared intimacy, as a protection against anxiety and conflict.

Unfulfilled hopes have led to uncertainty and apprehension. Needs to feel secure and to avoid any further disappointment, and fears being passed over or losing standings and prestige. Doubts that things will be any better in the future and this negative attitude leads her to make exaggerated demands and to refuse to make reasonable compromises.

Believes that she is not receiving her share--that she is neither properly understood or adequately appreciated. Feels that she is being compelled to conform, and close relationships leave her without any sense of emotional involvement.
Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity.

Suffering from pent-up overstimulation which threatends to discharge itself in an outburst of impulsive and impassioned behavior.

Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to anxiety, emptiness, and an unadmitted self-contempt. Her refusal to admit this leads to her adopting a headstrong and defiant attitude.

good heavens.. :eek:

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 22:18
by boudicca
Seeks to share a bond of understanding intimacy in an esthetic atmosphere of peace and tenderness...

True, but I don't know exactly what the *esthetic* thing's about...

The existing situation is disagreeable.

:roll: Oh yeah.

Feels lonely and uncertain as she has an unsatisfied need to ally herself with others whose standards are as high as her own, and wants to stand out from the rank and file.

True except for the "uncertain" bit. And I think I have allied myself quite nicely here on HL 8) .

This sense of isolation magnifies the need into a compelling urge, all the more upsetting to her self-sufficiency because of the restraint she normally imposes on herself. Since she wants to demonstrate the unique quality of her own character, she tries to suppress this need for others and affects an attitude of unconcerned self-reliance to conceal her fear of inadequacy, treating those who criticize her behavior with contempt.

Very much on the button, apart from the "inadequacy" bit. Moi?

However, beneath this assumption of indifference she really longs for the approval and esteem of others.

:eek: Hmmm, I think "indifferent" would be at the very bottom of the list of words anyone who knows me well could use to describe me :innocent: .
And I certainly don't long for approval, that would make me wonder what I was doing wrong. I like those I hold in high esteem to hold me as high as I hold myself :wink: .

Has high emotional demands and is willing to involve herself in a close relationship,

All too true (but high standards rather than high demands)...

but not with any great depth of feeling.

Now THAT'S the biggest crock of sh!t I've ever heard :eek: .

Unhappy at the resistance she feels whenever she tries to assert herself. Indignant and resentful because of these setbacks,

Oh yes oh yes oh yes, hit the nail there, but..

but gives way apathetically and makes whatever adjustments are necessary so that she can have peace and quiet.

... once again, utter bollocks.

Demands that ideas and emotions shall merge and blend perfectly.

WTF? :urff:

Refuses to make any concessions or to accept any compromises.

Meh, I'd like to think I'm an adult about that.

The need for esteem--for the chance to play some outstanding part and make a name for herself--has become imperative. She reacts by insisting on being the center of attention, and refuses to play an impersonal or minor role.

Hmm, true up to a point - I'd like to do interesting things with my life and do them well - but I don't give enough of a toss what other people think of me to care about whether I'm the centre of attention or not.

Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to anxiety, emptiness, and an unadmitted self-contempt. Her refusal to admit this leads to her adopting a headstrong and defiant attitude.

Maybe there's something in that...

All in all Z, I can't tell if that little quiz is a load of crap or not! :lol:

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 22:27
by Planet Dave
Bloody Hell. Don't like that. How dare such a 'simple' test produce such bang-on the money conclusions (by and large). WTF?

The best bit...
The fear that he might be prevented from achieving the things he wants leads him to play his part with an urgent and hectic intensity.
As ems said...good heavens.


Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 22:42
by eastmidswhizzkid
Is probably a foul-mouthed bald wanker who never seems to get sick of the sound of his own voice.His irresistible good looks and charm are undoubtedly cancelled out by his being a complete bastard. No friends, just admirers. :lol:

actually what it did say was 100% accurate. :eek:

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 22:49
by EvilBastard
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:Is probably a foul-mouthed bald wanker who never seems to get sick of the sound of his own voice.His irresistible good looks and charm are undoubtedly cancelled out by his being a complete bastard. No friends, just admirers. :lol:
Good lord! You ran the colour test for :von:? :eek: :lol:

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 00:03
by ruffers
Not done it yet, but if it doesn't say "needs a shag" it's bollocks. :lol:

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 00:06
by ruffers
Your Existing Situation
Sensuous. Inclined to luxuriate in the things which give gratification to the senses, but rejects anything tasteless, vulgar, or coarse.

Your Stress Sources
Wants to overcome a feeling of emptiness and of separation from others...... Believes that life still has far more to offer

Your Restrained Characteristics
Believes that he is not receiving his share....

Your Desired Objective
Seeks success, stimulation, and a life full of experience....

OK, we can interpret that lot as "needs a shag" I'm sure. It's 100% accurate!

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 00:42
by Andy TG
My results are scary, very scary. Now I am even more stressed out than I was before !

Your Existing Situation
Readily participates in things affording excitement or stimulation. Wants to feel exhilarated.

Your Stress Sources
An existing situation or relationship is unsatisfactory, but he feels unable to change it to bring about the sense of belonging which he needs. Unwilling to expose his vulnerability, he therefore continues to resist this state of affairs, but feels dependent on the attachment. This not only depresses him, but makes him irritable and impatient, producing considerable restlessness and the urge to get away from the situation, either actually or, at least, mentally. Ability to concentrate may suffer.

Your Restrained Characteristics
Feels that he is burdened with more than his fair share of problems. However, he sticks to his goals and tries to overcome his difficulties by being flexible and accommodating.

Distressed by the obstacles with which he is faced and is no mood for any form of activity or for further demands on him. Needs peace and quiet, and the avoidance of anything which might distress him further.

Feels that he cannot do much about his existing problems and difficulties and that he must make the best of things as they are. Able to achieve satisfaction from sexual activity.

Your Desired Objective
Demands that ideas and emotions shall merge and blend perfectly. Refuses to make any concessions or to accept any compromises.

Your Actual Problem
Anxiety and a restless dissatisfaction, either with circumstances or with unfulfilled emotional requirements, have produced considerable stress. He reacts by putting this down to a total lack of understanding on the part of others, and by adopting a scornful and defiant attitude.

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 07:51
by nick the stripper
Your Existing Situation:
Not only considers his demands minimal, but also regards them as imperative. Sticks to them stubbornly and will concede nothing.


your stress sources:
Unfulfilled hopes have led to uncertainty and apprehension. Needs to feel secure and to avoid any further disappointment, and fears being passed over or losing standings and prestige. Doubts that things will be any better in the future and this negative attitude leads him to make exaggerated demands and to refuse to make reasonable compromises.

Accurate again.

Your Restrained Characteristics:
Remains emotionally unattached even when involved in a close relationship.


Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense. Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity but tends to hold aloof emotionally.
Feels trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way of gaining relief. Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity providing no turmoil or emotional agitation is involved.

Any excuse for sex: "hey, darlin', wanna help me gain relief through sexual stimulation?" :innocent: :lol:

Your Desired Objective:
Unwilling to participate and wishes to avoid all forms of stimulation. Has had to put up with too much of a tiring or exhausting nature and now desires protection and noninvolvement

That explains the chronic malingerer thing I've got going on. :roll:

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 08:16
by smiscandlon
Imaginative and sensitive; seeking an outlet for these qualities--especially in the company of someone equally sensitive. Interest and enthusiasm are readily aroused by the unusual or the adventurous.

(Is mine the only one that sounds like a small ad in the Personals section?)

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 08:57
by canon docre
smiscandlon wrote:
Imaginative and sensitive; seeking an outlet for these qualities--especially in the company of someone equally sensitive. Interest and enthusiasm are readily aroused by the unusual or the adventurous.

(Is mine the only one that sounds like a small ad in the Personals section?)
Probably the rest of this sorry lot pressed on Black first.... :lol: :lol:

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 09:28
by Gottdammerung
Your Existing Situation
Needs, and insists on having, a close and understanding relationship, or at least some method of satisfying a compulsion to feel identified.

Ok, maybe partyl true...

Your Stress Sources
An existing situation or relationship is unsatisfactory, but he feels unable to change it to bring about the sense of belonging which he needs. Unwilling to expose his vulnerability, he therefore continues to resist this state of affairs, but feels dependent on the attachment. This not only depresses him, but makes him irritable and impatient, producing considerable restlessness and the urge to get away from the situation, either actually or, at least, mentally. Ability to concentrate may suffer.

Jebus... now that is scarily accurate....

Your Restrained Characteristics
Trying to calm down and unwind after a period of over-agitation which has left him listless and devoid of energy. In need of peace and quiet; becomes irritable if this is denied him.
Very exacting in the standards he applies to his choice of a partner and seeking a rather unrealistic perfection in his sex life.

no comment...

Your Desired Objective
Feels the existing circumstances are hostile and is exhausted by conflict and quarreling. Wishes to protect himself and hides his intentions to avoid exposing them to attack, so that they will be safer and easier to achieve. Careful to avoid stirring up any opposition which might endanger his plans.


Your Actual Problem
Anxiety and restless dissatisfaction, either with circumstances or with unfulfilled emotional requirements, have produced tension and stress. His attempt to escape from these consists of creating at least an outward semblance of peace by refusing to allow himself to be involved.


And, No.. I didn't pick black first! :lol:

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 09:40
by markfiend
It's called cold reading people. Did no-one see Derren Brown at the weekend?

He asked various people worldwide to trace round their hand and write their date of birth underneath. He then gave them all a "personality assesment" based on it.

All but one of them said he was between 75% and 99% accurate.

The punchline?

They had all been given word-for-word the same assesment.

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 10:50
by timsinister
Marky's assessment is 100% accurate! How did he do that? :wink:

Don't know, don't want to know.

Smashing avatar, B. How long until the next release? Will you being doing a Silver Feather tour? ;D

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 11:00
by Badlander
markfiend wrote: The punchline?

They had all been given word-for-word the same assesment.
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: