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windows vista

Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 02:24
by Ocean Moves

curious to know that the technically savy here in HL
think of the features of this forthcoming version of windows ?

phrases like "integrated internet search", and
"digital rights management" give me the creeps, even though
I don't even know exactly what they mean!

Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 02:43
by CellThree
I'm not going to bother getting this for at least a year after it comes out primarily so they can de-bug it properly and I'll have (hopefully!) a computer that would make an upgrade worthwhile.

DRM is already about in Windows Media Player, but not many things use it. Yet.

There isnt really anything in Vista that I can't already do using 3rd party software on XP.

I quite like the 3D desktop, but it's really just a gimmick. A lot of the new features I don't think I'd ever use.

Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 02:55
by Dan
CellThree wrote:I'm not going to bother getting this for at least a year after it comes out primarily so they can de-bug it properly
My thoughts exactly. Despite past mistakes, microsoft never learn, and it'll be full of security holes and bugs. Once they are ironed out and once some hackers have removed all the Orwellian spying sh!t then it might be worth getting.


Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 03:14
by Ocean Moves
Dan wrote:Orwellian spying sh!t

I think 'Orwellian' should get more use as an adjective these days!

Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 04:39
by davedecay
MS is studying OS X very hard so they know what to copy for Vista.

Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 09:55
by Badlander
My faithful 2002 (!) laptop won't be able to run it anyway. Plus they'll first launch a crappy version with a whole lotta bugs as they always do. It's only getting worse.

Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 10:20
by Obviousman
CellThree wrote:I quite like the 3D desktop, but it's really just a gimmick. A lot of the new features I don't think I'd ever use.
3D, can't see that anyway, so what's the use :lol:

My computer probably won't be able to take it either, so I guess I won't be doing it, less chance of choosing what stuff you plan to run seems rather rubbish too :roll:

Plus, I'm sure I read it somewhere though I can't possibly remember where (the effects of three newspapers and a whola lotta newsletters :lol:) they're advising on quadra-core processors to run it :eek: All gets a bit expensive, doesn't it :urff:

Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 10:47
by Badlander
Obviousman wrote:All gets a bit expensive, doesn't it :urff:
You've got to create the need. One of the basic rules of today's economy. We generally use hardwares that far exceed our needs. They just want you to believe :
- that you do need this brand new machine.
- the more powerful - and the more expensive - the happier you'll feel.

Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 11:17
by hallucienate
I'll avoid it for as long as possible but I fear I'll eventually end up installing it when I have the requirement (probably some game as that's alll I really need Windows for).

Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 16:38
by nick the stripper
This quasi-3d gimmick s**t it's got going on doesn't really impress me.

The next time we get a computer, it's gonna have Linux on it. I'm making sure of that.

Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 19:42
by James Blast
need I post? Nah! thought not :D

Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 20:53
by aims
Bleh. Vista came too late, I'm about to switch to Ubuntu 8)