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How Mr Eldritch frightned the bejezuz outta The Chameleons

Posted: 01 Apr 2006, 20:56
by Debaser
Was chatting with Dave Fielding last night in the pub and we were discussing what gigs I was going to in the near future. Mentioned the Sisters' gig and his eyes lit up. 'Ah yes, York Racecourse....we were sat in a van with Kelvin, havin' a bit of a smoke when AE walks up, says hello then reaches into his pocket and profers a 'smoke'. The Chams looked at each other rather unsure as to its contents, considering the rumours, so swiftly declined.

They left it up to their sound engineer to discover its true contents who reassured them it was nothing more than they were already smoking.

Dave worried by hard drugs? It beggers belief really :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 00:49
by James Blast
non story/thread Ness?
I expect better from you :cry:

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 15:56
by Debaser
Well, it amused me. And my r'aison d'etre is the non-interesting. Allow me some slack.

Posted: 03 Apr 2006, 16:01
by Quiff Boy
i found it amusing also... :D

kelvin once told me about the time he was working in the red rhino shop in york when eldritch turned up with a box full of his band's debut single:

"can you sell some of these for me please?"

:lol: ;D

oh, and in case anyone missed it before, a wee history lesson:

kelvin = kelvin knight, drummer from delta 5 :notworthy:

he was also in gang of four for a short while

and ... ions.shtml

just a bit of history for y'all there ;) :von:

Posted: 03 Apr 2006, 19:27
by Debaser
Quiff Boy wrote:i found it amusing also... :D
Ahhhh the head honcho seal of approval

Mr B?


Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 09:21
by markfiend
Quiff Boy wrote:kelvin once told me about the time he was working in the red rhino shop in york when eldritch turned up with a box full of his band's debut single:

"can you sell some of these for me please?"

:lol: ;D
I heard that Eldritch did the same trick at Jumbo or Crash (I forget which) in Leeds. The staff, having had them sat around unsold for about 6 months, deliberately scratched them all, phoned up Eldo, and said "hey, mate, all these singles of yours have been returned. People are saying they won't play because they're all scratched. Will you come and pick them up?" :innocent: