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Sick dog and cat fur trade in China and Eastern Europe

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 16:23
by elamanamou
I don't know if any of you Brits saw the programme last night about Dogs and cats being skinned alive in China and Eastern Europe for Fur?

At least two million of dog and cats are killed for their fur

I found it very disturbing because there were film footage of animals being skinned alive!

Paul Mccartney, HeatherMillsMccartney and celebs have been campaigning for this cruelty to stop NOW!

We're here to share the planet with all animals.Not abuse them that Man has done for decades! :(

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 17:40
by nick the stripper
I didn’t watch it because I knew they were going to show footage of animals being skinned alive and I wouldn’t of been able to handle that.

It is very cruel what is going on just so some stick can walk down a catwalk in fur to pay for more coke to stuff up their nose. But I feel sorry for the people who thought they had bought fake fur only to find out it’s real.

This problem can be easily fixed. Everyone should just stop buying fur, fake and real. They wouldn’t be skinning these animals and selling their fur if people weren’t buying it.

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 18:02
by Dark
I found it surprising, reading the reviews, how real fur was sold as fake. I always imagined it'd be the other way around.

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 18:12
by boudicca
Dark wrote:I found it surprising, reading the reviews, how real fur was sold as fake. I always imagined it'd be the other way around.
God yes, even if it was just a matter of how much people are prepared to pay.

Don't get me wrong - I think all this is sick, vile and yet more proof that the sooner humans nuke ourselves out of existence the better


Is it different to killing any other animals for their fur? I didn't see the programme, if the methods were more barbaric I could understand greater outrage, but it disturbs me somewhat that we are far more upset by seeing domesticated animals (i.e of the species that are tame and under our control) being hurt than wild animals that our culture isn't so fond of. :|

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 18:16
by boudicca
Incidentally I do wear fake fur sometimes, but since I make most of my clothes myself and buy the fabric (which is undoubtedly fabric, comes on a 100 metre roll in a shop and unless you can get 100 metre long animals it's absolutely not a pelt), there is no worry.

I don't know how people are fooled into buying real thinking it's fake, but it's not rocket science finding out and I don't think that this should be banned.

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 18:18
by nick the stripper
I would have had the same response if they were skinning a cow, or a lizard. (actually, I prefer lizards to dogs) I cannot stand to see any living creature suffer.

I’m scared I’m becoming a vegetarian (not of the hippy variety :P ). The thought of eating a dead animal, knowing it’s life had been taken for me to eat has totally been grossing me out lately, as much as the thought of someone skinning a living animal just for someone else to look fashionable.

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 18:29
by boudicca
I have no problem with the concept of eating (other) animals (as a large number of them don't)... can you imagine what would happen the planet if every living creature became vegetarian? Ecosystems would collapse, deaths would result from it as surely as in an abbatoir.

Even if humans only did it - it could still have a very destructive impact, upsetting balances and populations of other creatures in a way that would impact right down the food chain. Personally I think those cycles of life (and death) are an amazing and beautiful thing.

However, I think with 6 billion of us now on the planet, we cannot keep consuming meat as much as we do (unless we want to get rid of some people, which I'd be all for), without resorting to horrible methods of industrial production to supply this demand. It's the lives these animals lead and the manner of their death that troubles me.

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 23:40
by eotunun
Oh, you forget that animals have no conciousness, no soul, no inteligence. God called man the crown of creation. That justifies it all..
It`s the love for violence based on primitive myths, that makes me burn with anger whenever I hear stories of that kind. In turkey, there is a myth that a dog must have got to know pain to be a good dog. That`s why they cut their ears and tails to stubs. Trolls may have such myths.
The chinese so called high culture has a myth that flesh tastes better when the animal has died in pain. Trolls may have such myths.
(Mr. Wah, have you ever heard such thing at Hong Kong?)
In our region especially cats dissapear whenever a romanian company comes to collect containers with used clothes. If I should ever witness one of them even following a cat, I´ll probably beat him to bits.
The domestic cats are easy to grab, as they do not fear proximity of men.

Yes, I eat meat , too. I trust that the animals I have for food got killed as mandatory by a bolt shot into their brainstem. Death occurs so fast, you won`t have time to hear the bang. And I am concerned with the life circumstances these animals have while they live.

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 09:47
by _emma_
Real fur smells different.

And our talking about it here won't stop the evil. :cry:

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 09:49
by Kattatonia_x
I watched a Documentary on HBO (in The USA) Back in 96 or 97.
It actually made me feel sick to watch it. There was a segment that stuck with me all these years where they had this poor cat on a snare and they put it is scolding hot water and then started to remove the skin. the Poor thing was still alive!
I couldnt watch the entire program, it was so graphic and disturbing.

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 10:16
by markfiend
I saw the beginning of the McCartney program. I had to turn it off when they went to Canada to look at Seals; I could guess what was coming. :urff:

Yes, I'm vegetarian; yes, I'm anti-hunt; yes, I'm anti-fur.

But don't forget people, that if our ancestors hadn't hunted, eaten the animals and worn their fur during the last Ice Age, then in all probability we wouldn't be around today.

That's not to say that wearing fur now as a fashion thing is in any way excusable.

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 11:31
by eotunun
markfiend wrote:I saw the beginning of the McCartney program. I had to turn it off when they went to Canada to look at Seals; I could guess what was coming. :urff:

Yes, I'm vegetarian; yes, I'm anti-hunt; yes, I'm anti-fur.

But don't forget people, that if our ancestors hadn't hunted, eaten the animals and worn their fur during the last Ice Age, then in all probability we wouldn't be around today.

That's not to say that wearing fur now as a fashion thing is in any way excusable.
Aye. And it is not excusable to even spare a blow to break the animals neck and have it die fast. What these bloody trolls do is torturing willingly. It is sick, it is despisable..
Our Ice Age ancestors surely were happy when their food wouldn´t be going to run away anymore. They surely prefered to kill fast.