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The dwarf KISS tribute band

Posted: 24 Apr 2006, 15:37
by steamhammerdave

Posted: 24 Apr 2006, 15:43
by timsinister
Any second now, someone's going to start cracking jokes about ponies heads in beds, and the whole thing will be shot. :wink:
"...the "Madhouse" is a night of raucous entertainment which has attracted fans such as Nikki Hilton
and Jon Bon Jovi.

Only, as they say, in America.

Posted: 24 Apr 2006, 16:40
by James Blast
nothing's shocking

Posted: 24 Apr 2006, 16:45
by markfiend
The original KISS was bad enough, why do you need a tribute band, never mind a dwarf tribute band, even less two dwarf tribute bands? :eek:

Posted: 24 Apr 2006, 16:46
by Gottdammerung
America, what a land.... filled with people who nail gun their heads whilst on meth.. and midget Kiss tribute bands!


Posted: 24 Apr 2006, 16:48
by markfiend
In the words of Family Guy, who'd want to be Peter Criss? Even Peter Criss doesn't want to be Peter Criss.

Posted: 24 Apr 2006, 18:02
by boudicca
If life is a radio, turn it up to ten!!! ;D :P

I thank you.