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Lestat the musical

Posted: 27 Apr 2006, 22:32
by SomeKindOfStranger
Any of our US based HLers planning to go see this? Seems to have had all sorts of reviews from what I've read - everything from very good to simply awful.

Personaly I Cant quite see the music of Elton John and the Vampire Lestat going hand in hand - but stranger things have happened I suppose.

I have a feeling that it will simply suffer the same problems that the films did though - too much story and character building to fit into comparativley little time, but I will gladly be proven wrong...

Not sure how many years we have to wait for hit to the UK theaters though. I wont hold my breath!

Posted: 27 Apr 2006, 23:04
by weebleswobble
News 24 had a piece on it-the cast looked the part, Hugh Panaro as Lestat was especially good but the songs didn't sound too hot.
Understandably it was only sound bites so I could well be proven wrong (won't be the first time):!:

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 11:39
by markfiend
What? Really? Lestat the Musical? Image

Two of my pet hates in one: the mawkish angst-ridden pseudo-goth-vampire tedium that is Anne Rice, and the opera for people that don't understand opera that is a musical. Fantastic. :roll:

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 18:01
by Brideoffrankenstein
I cannot stand Anne Rice, vampires should be like Brian Lumley's :twisted:

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 04:04
by Andy TG
I USED to be a huge Anne Rice fan, back in the late 1980's early 1990's. Not anymore. Got sick to death (sic) of all the DETAIL in her books.

Theres only so much description you, the reader, need, to get to the next plot point.

Plus, I also lost interest when all the lesser characters from the Vampire books started have their own books on sale.

Having never read any of the Brian Lumley Vampire / Necroscope books I was wondering where should I start? Any Ideas would be most appreciated.

Knew You'd Be Pleased.....

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 07:53
by nick the stripper
I attempted to read Interview With The Vampire.

Most. Repetitive. Book. Ever.

As someone stated earlier in the thread, she describes things a hell of a lot. I’d be fine with this if it was described from different angles, but no, they’re always described the same way.