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i don't like

Posted: 02 May 2006, 03:19
by pikkrong
if people think i'm a nazi because of my SISTERS GEGEN NAZIS patch.
as it happened tonight when i tried to buy acohol on Camd en)


Re: i don't like

Posted: 02 May 2006, 04:33
by Andy TG
pikkrong wrote:if people think i'm a nazi because of my SISTERS GEGEN NAZIS patch.
as it happened tonight when i tried to buy acohol on Camd en)

The patch / t-shirt clearly shows a swastika being smashed / broken. Some people are simply too thick / ignorant to know or take the time to notice that on a t-shirt. Its the same as wearing a F*** Me And Marry Me Young T-shirt - You get the same sort of re-action.

I always wanted the subliminal t-shirt the "Heroin Satan F***" one - so i really could annoy some people. ;-)

Posted: 02 May 2006, 06:18
by 6FeetOver
Ignore the sheeple, Indrek - they're irrelevant, anyway. :wink: :twisted: :von:

Posted: 02 May 2006, 06:29
by Ozpat
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Taking half a look and drawing conclusions at once.... :roll:
Happens too often... :evil:

Posted: 02 May 2006, 09:19
by Badlander
My brother got one at the Paris gig, and he's only going to wear it on stage. He seems to know that some people are dumb enough to think he is a Nazi if he wears it in the street. People. :roll: :evil:

Posted: 02 May 2006, 10:58
by markfiend
That's crazy. :urff:

Posted: 02 May 2006, 11:11
by Obviousman
Hmm, might wear it later this week as it's going to be 27° (:eek:), I'll keep you updated :lol:

Sad though :|

Posted: 02 May 2006, 12:31
by timsinister
Which reminds me, I found a GEGEN NAZIS badge in a little shop in Hull, clearly bootlegged from the original Sisters design. Is there anything that hasn't been lifted from that band?! :lol:

I've never had this particular problem though...

Sympathies, Indrek.

Posted: 02 May 2006, 13:51
by markfiend
I'm not 100% sure the Gegen Nazis thing was an "original Sisters design" though. I think it was part of a wider movement. I may be wrong...

Posted: 02 May 2006, 14:05
by EvilBastard
I got pulled over by The Man after the Munich Superbang gig in 93 - they were slightly confused that I had a Gegen Nazis patch on one sleeve and a triskele on the other - they thought it represented some neo-fascist group. What saved me in the end was the yorkshire rose on the back - the White Rose Group was a German resistance group during the last war. I don't know if Da Fuzz swallowed it whole, but it did get me out of a bit of a bind.

Posted: 02 May 2006, 14:09
by Badlander
markfiend wrote:I'm not 100% sure the Gegen Nazis thing was an "original Sisters design" though. I think it was part of a wider movement. I may be wrong...
Is it fairly common indeed, which is a very good thing after all.

@ EvilBastard : I wear a triskell necklace all the time. It has no religious, mystical or political meaning whatsoever. It's just a Celtic symbol, and we know that. But people... :roll: :wink: 8)

Posted: 02 May 2006, 16:47
by pikkrong
first of all - please accept my excuses. i know, there's "currently being p!ssed off by" thread (or even 4 ;)). i startd this thread, right after coming back from boozing and... you know... drunk people are... drunk :innocent: and... hmh... sensitive :twisted:
but i really felt p!ssed off. if someone would call me bloody leftist or smth, i wouldn'd be p!ssed off at all (i think).
@markfiend - i think you ar right, i have seen "St. Pauli gegen Nazis" flags or just "Gegen Nazis" patches with exactly the same design. don't think they (St. Pauli fans or German punks) had copied the Sisters.

PS later tonight, drinking brandy in a night bus together with a complete stranger (who had obviously African routes) she said, leaving the bus something like that: "take care and buy a new jacket, so people will not misunderstand you!" ;D

Posted: 02 May 2006, 20:16
by Big Si
It was right after German reunification in the early 1990's when there was a rather vocal and well publicised rise of the extreme right in the former eastern germany, and also because of that Neo-Nazi who sent in some literature to the Reptile House, it's in one of the UTR's.

Lot's of band's also had similar t-shirt designs and stickers, which they wore on stage. I've even seen it in the Die Krupps - Metal Machine Music video 8)

Posted: 02 May 2006, 20:52
by EvilBastard
Big Si wrote:also because of that Neo-Nazi who sent in some literature to the Reptile House, it's in one of the UTR's.
I remember that - some bozo was complaining that he'd been sent the SGN patch, and he hadn't signed up for a political publication, and he sent in some copies of "Did Six Million Really Die?" - for all anyone might dispute the minutiae of the holocaust, the pamphlet is (a) badly written, and (b) poorly researched, and is the kind of thing that the BNP loves to pop through letter boxes while on the hustings. As I recall, Scarlet Kat bizatch-slapped him and signed off with a warning along the lines of "We know where you live, and the armies of the left have their shock troops too."

**EDIT** It was UTR8, and the editor was K, not Scarlett Kat - Scarlett got bizatch slapped by K.

Posted: 04 May 2006, 17:20
by Obviousman
Hmm, tried out wearing my Gegen Nazis shirt today, and though I didn't get any comments, i did get odd looks I normally don't get :lol:

Ah, well, I survived :wink:

Posted: 04 May 2006, 17:42
by itnAklipse
Sometimes i wear a swastika around my neck and still have never been given a hard time about it...some people look at me twice, but i'm pretty so i don't mind.

Mind you, i'm not a nazi (nor a fascist, nor do i have particularly fond feelings towards such groups or any ideologies), but i couldn't care less if someone thinks i am. People think all kinds of things about me anyway. Besides, some think i am as bad as a nazi anyway, knowing what i think about things, so... :D

On Burzum-mailing list, which had its fair share of neo-nazists and the like, i was told people like me are worse than jews and should be killed before them...hah! (This because i didn't agree with their so-called pagan ideology...woman's virtue is her virginity etc...)

Posted: 04 May 2006, 18:00
by Dark
Well, swastikas are ancient symbols, used in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism (I think), and a load of other old religions. It just seems that nobody can look at one nowadays without thinking "Nazi!"

Wikipedia, as usual, gives a lot of information on it.

Posted: 04 May 2006, 19:11
by Badlander
Dark wrote:Well, swastikas are ancient symbols, used in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism (I think), and a load of other old religions. It just seems that nobody can look at one nowadays without thinking "Nazi!"

Wikipedia, as usual, gives a lot of information on it.
Suffice it to say it's a symbol of eternity.
And I didn't need any wikipedia to find out. :innocent: :P :lol:

Posted: 04 May 2006, 19:22
by christophe
I got some weard looks after I got back from paris (where I had bought the T-shirt)
but it was easter so I could see how that didn't work that good :?

Posted: 04 May 2006, 19:49
by Ozpat
christophe wrote:I got some weard looks after I got back from paris (where I had bought the T-shirt)
but it was easter so I could see how that didn't work that good :?
Round here I get weird looks every time I'm wearing a Sissies shirt, no matter which one.... :lol:

Posted: 05 May 2006, 18:17
by Jaimie1980
I get weired looks whatever I'm wearing. :lol:

How sad that idiots should give you hassle for totally misunderstanding the patch. Also how sad that Nazis have hijacked sybols like the Triskele and the Celtic Cross now too. Personally I don't think they should be allowed to take over such symbols with a positive meaning. :evil:

Posted: 05 May 2006, 18:28
by christophe
Driven wrote: Personally I don't think they should be allowed to take over such symbols with a positive meaning. :evil:
they thought they where Positive too ..... :?

Posted: 05 May 2006, 20:43
by boudicca
Unless you speak German though, there is no way you're going to know what that slogan says... most people will only see the word "Nazis" and react to that. Personally I think it's quite good to know that the reaction is negative. The majority of people in this country at least aren't going to have a clue what the word "gegen" means, much less who or what "Sisters" are.

Not everyone is a member of this strange little cult. Shouldn't really come as a surprise.

Posted: 06 May 2006, 08:37
by Obviousman
Guess I'm lucky gegen is rather close to tegen then :lol:

Posted: 06 May 2006, 13:45
by boudicca
Obviousman wrote:Guess I'm lucky gegen is rather close to tegen then :lol:
Naw, Zeno - then people will think you just can't spell! :P :lol: :innocent: