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Happy Birthday..when?

Posted: 05 May 2006, 20:38
by mandrake
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't a certain Andrew William Harvey Taylor soon 47 years old? :)

Somewhere between and Bilbao and São Paulo? (15th?)

Well, if I'm correct, Happy friggin Birthday! Get your voice sorted, eat some cake, drink some, drink some more, fall over, remember the good times, forget the bad....and thank you for some really amazing spine chilling songs ( Lights, Ribbons, Romeo Down, Neverland, Nine while Nine....) Some stonking ones, (Good Things, Floorshow, Ribbons, Vision thing...) Some great gigs and some not...

Hope to see you in shape sometime soon again and in the recordstore around the corner ;> Thanx for the fish and thanx for the memories.


Posted: 05 May 2006, 23:26
by Black Planet
Your quite right. The man IS one year older right about now.

Happy Birthday Von.

I wish for you many blue and sunny skies and your cat purring you awake at 5am for many many more years.

Hugs and love


Posted: 06 May 2006, 05:12
by Black Planet
happy B day must not matter to Von:::::

Re: Happy Birthday..when?

Posted: 06 May 2006, 09:42
by _emma_
mandrake wrote:Hope to see you in shape sometime soon again and in the recordstore around the corner ;>
Buying new Depeche Mode record? ;D