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Sheepshead Bay..?

Posted: 11 May 2006, 04:10
by EvilBastard
Anyone out there ever hear of this song? No idea who it's by, and I can only remember one bit of it, which goes something like this:

Take the highway to 25th street
There's a spaceman there who'll tell you something niiiiiiiiiiiiice
With your 2 wheels by your side
take you there you won't have to hide
Close your eyes and drift away
Sheepshead Bay

I used to have it on a copy of Big Black's 'Atomiser' album, I guess the guy who copied it for me threw it on there as an afterthought. Sadly I can't find the tape anymore, and I've searched all over the interweb to no avail.

Posted: 29 May 2019, 20:05
by EvilBastard
Epic. Thread. Necro.

I'm in a record store this weekend, just browsing the vinyl, minding my own business. This song comes on. Mind. Thoroughly. Blown. I head to the desk: "Dude, I haven't heard this song since I lost the tape I had it on."
"Oh really?" says the dude.
Yes, sez I - I copied a friend's tape of Big Black Songs About F*cking and Atomiser, and tacked on to each side there were two additional tracks: Alex Harvey's Faith Healer, and this. Tell me, good merchant of the bangin' choon, which popular beat combo sings this?
Ah, sez he - that would be Sudden Afternoon, and it's from their 1985 album Dancing Shadows.

Posted: 29 May 2019, 20:12
by EvilBastard
Listen to the opening bars of this:

Sounds creepily like Lucretia, if somewhat speeded up. I wonder if there's a connection.

Posted: 29 May 2019, 20:28
by iesus
Aw, that tune is very good :D
Thank you EB for the YT link and share :notworthy:

Posted: 29 May 2019, 23:57
by markfiend
See what you mean ;D