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Road Rage Quiz

Posted: 22 May 2006, 20:25
by James Blast
seems I'm One angry road rage bitch! :eek: ... 726#bottom

Re: Road Rage Quiz

Posted: 22 May 2006, 21:02
by 9while9
My Results:
Road rage king of the road!
You take no s**t from anyone, and break the laws of driving daily! You should have your license taken away, but I applaud you for your fearlessness.
:lol: :lol:

Can't believe there was no mention of gun play.... :x :twisted:

Re: Road Rage Quiz

Posted: 23 May 2006, 00:17
by DarkAngel
9while9 wrote:My Results:
Road rage king of the road!
You take no s**t from anyone, and break the laws of driving daily! You should have your license taken away, but I applaud you for your fearlessness.
:lol: :lol:

Can't believe there was no mention of gun play.... :x :twisted:
Which makes driving with 9 a bit scary. Luckily, he has me sitting next to him, whispering calming words like,
"Slow the H#LL down!"
"That is a little old lady for goddsakes!"
"Do NOT flip him the finger!! "
"Stop screaming, he can't hear what you are saying!"

My results:
The happiest person on the road! Really??I guess if I am the driver that is occasionally true.
Congrats, we need more people out there like you on the roads.
Perhaps you should teach some driving classes, and become a world hero. :D :lol

Posted: 23 May 2006, 06:55
by Ozpat
Display more anger than half.

Well, I'm not exactly proud. But, at least there are more people who display more road rage than yourself. You may get angry at most drivers, but you aren't a psycho who does drive by shootings.