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Was BLACK PLANET filmed on 101 ??

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 00:41
by originalgoth
Just a quick Question for U all.................
Does anyone know the locations that are shown in the video of Black Planet ?????
The reason I ask this question is that I'm moving to The States this year & I'll be living around the Humboldt County area......Arcata, Humbold, Eureka so it would be GREAT for me to drive on 101 and see the same sights that are on the video............I'll even get my girlfriend to film it as we drive and put my version of the song on here :lol: :lol: :lol:

SUNSET is only going to be a short drive from where I'll be living so I'll keep U all posted when I get there & tell U all about the drive.......Watch this space...........

My signature right now is.......I don't sleep, So I don't dream...............
But that will be changing to....And I drive down the Highway 101........

Thanx in advance for any answers.........

[/b]Tune In
Turn On
Burn Out

Keep Smiling (or whatever it is us Goths should do)......

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 04:34
by sistersvisions

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 07:27
by originalgoth
Thanx for that SV,
It's a GREAT story.....
Whenever I make my video I'll either be driving a Honda Prelude or else a Pontiac Firebird.....As I've said already, Watch this space..........Whatever I'll be driving over there is gonna be really cool.....Oldish Firebirds are fairly reasonable money so U never know.......(I won't be taking my Prelude with me unfortunately though.....but love them) assured though, when I make my video to Black Planet It'll be in a nice car like the GTO in the video.......But having said that, I'm still looking forward to retracing the video even if it was in an old banger of a will mean so much to me to do it.

Thanx Again for the quick reply
Best Wishes
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Tune In
Turn On
Burn Out

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 07:45
by Ozpat
:lol: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Looking forward to that one! :wink:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 18:18
by Dan
It was filmed on Ventura Freeway.

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 19:57
by robertzombie
I always wondered... how come they filmed a video for Black Planet but never released it as a single? Is it even on Shot?

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 20:04
by Dark
Like Body And Soul, Walk Away and No Time To Cry, videos were shot for them, but were only made for music channels and other promotional things, but were never released to the public (though Walk Away is on a compilation VHS from 1984 called "What You Should Be Watching" or something)

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 02:06
by originalgoth
Thanks to DAN for that info......I'll Google Earth that then.
My GF does tell me that the 3 domes that look like coffee pots are possibly the ones that are just outside Eureka........She hasn't seen the video at all though so I've got to get a copy of it to her so she can say for sure...........I'll update when I know more.

Thanx Again Everyone

Tune In
Turn On
Burn Out

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 13:01
by jay

was Black Planet filmed on the 101 ??

Posted: 03 Jun 2006, 00:08
by originalgoth
Thanks a MILLION Jay,
That will be a great help to her..........

Really appreciate it
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Tune In
Turn On
Burn Out


Posted: 03 Jun 2006, 16:34
by Big Si
Dark wrote:Like Body And Soul, Walk Away and No Time To Cry, videos were shot for them, but were only made for music channels and other promotional things, but were never released to the public (though Walk Away is on a compilation VHS from 1984 called "What You Should Be Watching" or something)
Black Planet vid was made for the US market, where the charts are a mix of both record sales and (mostly) radioplay, which is also why they did a video for Detonation Boulevard as well.

Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 06:15
by originalgoth
As an Update to this one that I started......

I'LL BE DRIVING DOWN THE 101 ON 30-July.....

That is going to be so special to me, I'll have Black Planet on at full blast and will get My FIANCEE :D :D :D (at the start of this topic she was my Girlfriend, we got engaged on 24-June) to film me driving on the 101...
And as I've said before, I'll put the video on here.

We're also going to Alcatraz so I'm really looking forward to that. I'll post the pics on here when I get back........
Watch This Space.............


And I drive down the Highway 101
By the side of the ocean, Heading for Sunset......

Posted: 17 Jul 2006, 13:13
by jay
I'm sure you'll have a blast. Nothing can beat driving in California listening to old Englsh music, it truly is amazing.

Posted: 17 Jul 2006, 14:35
by originalgoth
Thanks for that Jay

I'm so looking forward to it............

Posted: 17 Jul 2006, 14:38
by Ozpat
Have a great drive! :notworthy:

Enjoy! 8)

Posted: 29 Sep 2006, 02:50
by originalgoth
Here's an Up-date,
I drove on The 101 from Arcata (Humboldt County) up to Oregon, Yes, I know I was going in the opposite direction to Sunstet but it was still GREAT to do it, I'll be going over there again for Thanks Giving so I'll be driving on it again (Hopefully this time in the right direction to Sunset) :D

Iwish I could post pictures on here so I could show the sign with 101 on it.

I had a great time over there, went to Alcatraz, San Francisco (and YES, they do have STEEP hills there), Ferndale, Oregon (as I said), saw the Tallest trees in the world (The Redwoods, Humboldt County) met some Native Americans, Smoked some really good sh1t (that was light sh1t, compared to what you can get in Humboldt, was stoned for 2 hours :roll: on that), and generally really enjoyed my 2 weeks there.

Roll on 18th November when I do it all again :D for another 9 days.

I did have My Fiancee filming me driving the 101 but it didn't come out.....That's why I've got to go back there in November again to re-do it :D :D :D :D
POOR ME, but then I guess, Someone's gotta do haven't they :D :D :D

And I drove UP the Highway 101............
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 29 Sep 2006, 03:15
by originalgoth
I forgot to mention, the car I did do that drive in was a Banger, a Ford Focus saloon that hadn't been cleaned inside since the last 20 customers I guess ?????, the seats & carpets were filthy !!!! Well, I guess they saw my UK licence & gave me their worste car (I did get "Walk Away" insurance on it so I guess they thought "well, if he does wrap it around a tree it'll get rid of it for us !!!!!, save us even trying to clean the inside of it !!!!!!! )
"Walk Away" is exactly that, all they want back are the keys, you can wreck their car & however many cars you can manage, just give them back the keys and YOU WALK AWAY - It's their problem.......

Hopefully next time I'll get a NICE car :lol:

And before any Ford Focus owners have a go at me, I've got nothing against the Focus..........Just for a Hire Car you expect it to be clean inside & out don't you ????????

Posted: 29 Sep 2006, 10:29
by bushman*pm
that all sounded so fantastic, hope you had a blast!
when you go back, try and get a late 50's/early 60's motor, a 1959 cadillac would be FCUKIN STONKIN!
that sounds so great, i keep trying to talk my wife into going to the states but the general opinion is: great scenery, shame about the population!
just a quick thought on the monkeemobile, does anyone else reckon that supercharger was a dummy? the wheelspin is no problem when you combine cross ply tyres and a stonking V8 lump!

was black planet filmed on the 101

Posted: 09 Feb 2007, 04:47
by originalgoth
Here's an update for you all........................

My Fiancee bought a '99 Pontiac Firebird (3.8 Litre V6) 2 weeks ago so it looks as though this video is coming together now. It's red like the GTO they used in the video and it's the T-Bar version as well so at least we can make it look like their car and it's got the leather interior (it's Rear Wheel Drive as well but I don't think she'll let me do a Burn Out with it) all that will be missing is the long hair I used to have hehehehehehe

I'm going over there on March 9th for 9 days so I'll make this video while I'm over there then edit it & put it on YouTube so you can see it.

I still wont get to the actual locations used in the video but I'll make it as good as I can anyway.

There is a road sign that says "Sunset Avenue" in Arcata so I can use that in the video (I know it's cheating a bit but I hope no-one minds :lol: ).

We're hoping to drive up to Seattle on this trip so I'm looking forward to going to the top of The Space Needle and taking pictures from up there, maybe I'll use them in the video.

I was over there for 3 weeks during Christmas & New Year & had a great time over there even though we didn't get to go anywhere.

The time before that was Thanksgiving and we drove to Lake Tahoe for 3 days and while we were there we went to Virginia City, Navada, that's an old silver mine town and it's still like it was in those days, Bonanza was filmed around there and The Pondarosa was made into a museam but that was sold about 2 years ago so it's not there anymore. I've got some great memories of our time in Virginia City and we wanted to go back there over Christmas but because of the heavy snow around there we didn't go there.

Anyway, Take Care Everyone & thanks for the interest in this topic & all the information people have shared about this video.

To Be Continued.............................

And I Drive on The Highway 101
Tune In
Turn On
Burn Out

Posted: 09 Feb 2007, 05:44
by weebleswobble
Sounds Image

Best of luck with that :wink:

If anyone is going to an Indian sweatshop on their jollies perhaps they could make a home grown Lucretia vid :innocent:

Posted: 09 Feb 2007, 09:11
by James Blast
Well if a bit of bandwagon jumping is going on Big Si could do This Corrosion doon the Gorbals any day! :lol:

Posted: 09 Feb 2007, 10:26
by Ozpat
Nice to hear about that again goth one. Keep us informed! :D

101 trip

Posted: 09 Feb 2007, 20:52
by garlad1
Dude are you, like errr, smuggling pot?

Fess up, man...

David :lol:

was black planet filmed on the 101

Posted: 10 Feb 2007, 02:03
by originalgoth
Hi again All,
Message to Garlad1,
Well it is legal to grow it in California isn't it, they even have "Clinics" there where you can buy it totally legal.

When I was there in August I smoked a bit of pot with my faincee, I was stoned for over 2 hours, she would say something to me & it would take me about a minute to figure out what she just said & then another minute to think of the answer to it & then another minute thinking if I had answered the right question :? :? :? Let's just say the conversation didn't flow :lol:

Even the Mild Sh1t there is GOOD sh1t :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 10 Feb 2007, 02:48
by James Blast
Just say Maaaannnnn at the end of everything, never failed me Maaaannnnn. :lol:

Yet! :eek: