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jobs for the masses

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 09:12
by emilystrange
just curious as to everyone's situation..

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 09:30
by smiscandlon
Actually fairly happy where I am at the moment. I'm working bloody hard right now (ridiculous long hours precluding much of a social life), mainly because I've gone from running a team of four, to a team of eight people (plus two 'casuals'). But the main difference to where I was this time last year (i.e. overworked, stressed and depressed) is that my current manager actually trusts me enough to just leave me alone to get on with things - whereas my previous manager was constantly in my face needing me to justify and explain everything I did. She was such a control freak, I'm surprised she didn't ask me for a blood sample so she could micro-manage me at a cellular level :roll: .

But yeah, a good manager, I work with some good folk, and the work even gives an occasional sense of satisfaction. I just hope it lasts. :)

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 09:35
by emilystrange
i did have an 'am happy' option! where's it gone?

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 09:36
by Muppet
My jobs pretty bloody good. First time in my life I can say that!

It's wonderful to not have to put up with stupid office politics; with endless repetitive accounts type stuff that was pretty much what I did before, that just sucks life out of you.

The cons of being self-employednd working from home are that you have to worked damned hard at keeping your motivation going, and the fricking self assessment crap that goes with it; and the fact that it's even HARDER to part with money to the Inland Revenue than it is with PAYE.

Hey ho.

Best get on and do some work then!

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 10:00
by paint it black
I love my new job, the hours absolutely fly by

Well you did ask :P

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 10:11
by nick the stripper
Currently I have no job, and I like having no job. The thought of working nine to five depresses me. But, my mum says that now I’m eighteen I have to contribute towards the bills, and I do want to leave the UK, so I’m currently searching for a job.

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 10:58
by timsinister
Everyone knows I hate my job. Sorry to confirm your fears, Nick.

What a lovely thread to bring down the cubicle whores. Are you employed ATM, Mrs. Strange?

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 11:52
by Rise&Reverberate
Packed my job in last summer, was in senior management, but got tired of all the politics and BS. Set up my own company, never looked back. Fookin loving it :D

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 12:12
by markfiend
Mine's *sigh* OK I guess.

At least I get surfing time when we're not busy.

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 12:14
by Dark
Once these exams are over, I'll be made to go out and get a job. Fair enough, I wouldn't mind the extra money, but being told by my mum that she "expects me to work the whole summer" is a bit off really. :urff:

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 12:19
by markfiend
Can I change my vote?

I've just had to explain the 4-colour (CMYK) printing process to my boss, including a thorough explanation of why there's no such thing as white ink :roll:

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 12:40
by timsinister
markfiend wrote:Can I change my vote?

I've just had to explain the 4-colour (CMYK) printing process to my boss, including a thorough explanation of why there's no such thing as white ink :roll:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't find your icon for laughing and pounding the floor, but that's it.

:notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 12:56
by Ozpat
emilystrange wrote:i did have an 'am happy' option! where's it gone?
That would be my question as I really am happy with my job... 8)

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 13:26
by markfiend
timsinister wrote:I can't find your icon for laughing and pounding the floor, but that's it.
Image him? You can find mine here

The worst thing is, he still seems to think I'm wrong about white ink :eek:

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 13:29
by jay
markfiend wrote:
timsinister wrote:I can't find your icon for laughing and pounding the floor, but that's it.
Image him? You can find mine here

The worst thing is, he still seems to think I'm wrong about white ink :eek:
Get him to have chat with this person....

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 13:31
by hallucienate
markfiend wrote:The worst thing is, he still seems to think I'm wrong about white ink :eek:
Tell him it costs s**t and then present him with an invoice from Markfiend Inc demanding payment for it.

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 13:39
by Mickpit
emilystrange wrote:i did have an 'am happy' option! where's it gone?
Very happy here too, I never thought I'd say that a couple of years ago.

The White Ink Inc :wink:

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 13:49
by Batfish
I had to choose the *sigh* option.

That isn't to say my job makes me happy, and the organisation I work for will cease to exist in 18 months, but since we discovered that Mrs Batfish is pregnant, any plans to do the rat-like and abandon the sinking ship were sunk (appaling mix of metaphors?). I

It made no sense to scupper (we are nautical today, aren't we?) my paternity rights etc until after the nipper is well and truly here. So I'm stuck with this until the autumn.

I'm off to paddle in the ship canal.

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 14:31
by spot778
It pays for my vices :)

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 14:44
by _emma_
Mine's OK, apart from the fact that I earn about 450 - 500 EUR per month.
Then again, all my friends consider me a happy person because the average monthly salary in my country is 300 - 350 EUR. :|
Oh and I can surf the Internet at work all day. So I can read the "too low volume, too much smoke, too boring setlist" blah-blah-blah written by the reach people from civilised countries who can afford to go to several gigs in one month. :|

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 14:44
by DarkAngel
I like my job because I too work from home - sometimes in my pajamas. :)

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 15:20
by Mickpit
_emma_ wrote: Then again, all my friends consider me a happy person because the average monthly salary in my country is 300 - 350 EUR. :|
the reach people from civilised countries who can afford to go to several gigs in one month. :|

"civilised countries" ???
You know a litre of decent vodka costs about €30 in the land of the 'rich people' - so who's rich now?

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 17:49
by Big Si
*sigh* it's ok
Two weeks in now, spend most of the working day phoning people up to have an argument, or they phone me! ;D

I definitely recommend it for getting rid of those monday morning blues :twisted:


Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 17:57
by Jaimie1980
Gizza Job.

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 18:22
by 6FeetOver
I'm being "made redundant" (more like, I'm being forced out due to lack of work) in the very near future. So it looks like a July meetup with you folks is out of the question, now... :cry: :evil: