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Personal Artwork

Posted: 03 Jun 2006, 18:59
by jkbcold
Just want to know what do you think about this artwork, I made it yesterday, for a live songs compilation
( also I can upload the mp3s at the trading section,
but this boot is just a new version of "welcome to the temple of love" ,,,,
just few other tracks have been added....


It's like my personal modern sisters best of ;-)
now you know my fav songs :von:

Posted: 03 Jun 2006, 19:20
by Big Si
:notworthy: 8)

Re: Personal Artwork

Posted: 03 Jun 2006, 19:27
by 9while9
jkbcold wrote:Just want to know what do you think about this artwork, I made it yesterday, for a live songs compilation
( also I can upload the mp3s at the trading section,
but this boot is just a new version of "welcome to the temple of love" ,,,,
just few other tracks have been added....


It's like my personal modern sisters best of ;-)
now you know my fav songs :von:

Thumbs up for a good go of it.. :D

The pics with Vons hair like that, at a glance I'm thinking why is David J
on your cd cover... :lol:

Posted: 03 Jun 2006, 19:56
by Erudite
Very groovy indeed! :von: :D

Posted: 03 Jun 2006, 20:11
by xray999
Fine Artwork.


Posted: 03 Jun 2006, 20:50
by James Blast
Not Bad! :D
Blast Products 2006â„¢

Posted: 04 Jun 2006, 01:06
by bismarck

I assume you want honest critiques? Or just compliments? If it's just praise you're after please forgive me. But here goes: I think the artwork is pretty good. I like the way you've degraded the caslon antique font, and I think the composition of the (front) cover is very nice. I like the abstractions on the sides. But I have a few suggestions. 1) Maybe you ought to use some of the "new" font as well? I'm sure someone here could tell you what it is. Helvetica Neue maybe? As the songs are from between 1990 and 2003, the new font was used for about half that time if memory serves. 2) The title is verrry weak. This isn't a comment on the art per se, but wanky titles for bootlegs have always been a pet peeve of mine. Consider the obscurity with which The Sisters have always shrouded their drug references and maybe you'll understand my opinion (which is all it is). Also, I don't believe they (he) are still on speed, by the way. In any case, I find it pretentious and silly. 3) Some of the song titles are verrrry slightly wrong. (We Are The Same) Susanne lacks the parentheses, and "Schön" lacks the umlaut. 4) Perhaps a mention of the sources and dates for the songs would be helpful on the back if you plan to duplicate this artwork for anyone else? 5) The image on the back, while a good, iconic one, is super recognizable to those of us on Heartland, and makes me think immediately of the Administrator of the forum.

Posted: 04 Jun 2006, 01:30
by aims
bismarck wrote:(We Are The Same) Susanne lacks the parentheses
Lacks the comma, you mean ;)

Posted: 04 Jun 2006, 02:20
by bismarck
Motz wrote:
bismarck wrote:(We Are The Same) Susanne lacks the parentheses
Lacks the comma, you mean ;)

right-o, thanks. my bad.

Posted: 04 Jun 2006, 14:25
by jkbcold
Dear Bismarck , thank you so much for your well-done review of the cover ...

I completely agree with you said , and I know the we are the same susanne comma, and for the "shon" ,,, but I don't care

I also know that the title is silly,,, but I'm silly SOMETIMES,,, lol

No I just made this cover , for me and too friends of mine , who are sisters fans too ,,, it's a PERSONAL cover ,,, for just 4 persons and no one more ,,,,

It's me and my friends who are "still on speed" lol
and also ,,, I chose this title because in the amphetamine logic live version which is on this boot, andrew sings "speed" and not "Sssss..."

( excuse my english ,,, I'm sorry ,,, mais je sais m'exprimer avec une grande élégance dans ma langue natale ;-) )


Posted: 06 Jun 2006, 11:11
by Jaimie1980
I rather like it.

Posted: 06 Jun 2006, 14:59
by itnAklipse
Some of these things you people create make me wish i had a modern colour printer.