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Christian Prante / Doc P Donation

Posted: 19 Jun 2006, 11:02
by Quiff Boy
You can now help Doc's family in their time of need by making a donation using the link below:

After a couple of weeks all money donated will be transferred to the bank account Christian's family have requested.

Many thanks to everyone who has been involved so far, be it a donation via the link above, a pledge to help with the cost of the floral tribute, or even just a few kind words on the original announcement thread above.

I'm sure I speak to Christian's friends and family when I say everything you have done so far is appreciated.


More details here: RIP Christian Prante, aka "Doc P"

Posted: 20 Jun 2006, 10:16
by Quiff Boy
Just wanted to add a huge thanks to everyone that's contributed so far.

Events like this really can bring out the best in people :notworthy:

Posted: 25 Aug 2006, 11:23
by Quiff Boy
ok, its been a while now and there's not been any recent donations so i reckon we can safely transfer the money to doc p's family :)

i wont post how much we raised as thats doc's family's business, but i would like to say a massive thanks to everyone who contributed - you all know who you are 8) :notworthy: :notworthy: