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Bands you wish....

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 15:37
by scotty never went to see?.
There's got to be someone you've been to see you're embarrassed by, well, now's the time to confess, just in time to have the p*ss ripped out of you by the unsympathetic HEARTLAND posse this weekend :twisted: :twisted:

I've got one, I'll tell you all later :oops:

And Derek, I said I'll tell them so shut it...........right :lol:

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 15:45
by snowey
The Railway Children..... and it was on my birthday as well. Oh the shame :oops:

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 15:45
by hallucienate
The Crapberries

Went to see them with my brother and his (now) wife. what a pile of crap.

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 16:05
by EvilBastard
I paid cash money to go and see The Strangliers post-Cornwall/Jet Black departure - kriste but I feel like a k*nt. :roll:

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 16:06
by scotty
That's it people.............get it off your'll feel better for it :twisted:

Re: Bands you wish....

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 16:07
by DerekR
scotty wrote:And Derek, I said I'll tell them so shut it...........right :lol:
Haha, cannae wait :lol: :lol: :lol:

Me? well sh1t bands I wish I hadn't bothered going to see include...

Age of Chance, with their cycling gear, lol
That Petrol Emotion
Sleeper, yeah I know I know...
Sigue Sigue Sputnik, ach I suppose it was a laugh...when the backing tapes broke down, lol

and if we're counting (well known) support bands then there's...

Bon Jovi, who supported Kiss I think, before anyone had heard of them

more to come, I'm sure

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 16:16
by rian
Rolling Stones, 5 years ago.

Simple Minds, 6 months ago.

David Bowie, 1986 (glass spider tour)

Sweet, 15 years ago

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 16:48
by weebleswobble
I saw Wet Wet Wet once :eek:

In my defence Goodbye Mr Mackenzie were supporting :wink:

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 16:53
by Badlander
rian wrote: David Bowie, 1986 (glass spider tour)
That was 87 actually. ;D
And very, very bad times for David indeed. :urff:

Blur in 95 was gawd awful. There were others of course but this one was my first very bad live experience.

Worst live experience ever : Kate Bush.
Coz I've never seen her onstage and probably never will. :(

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 16:55
by EvilBastard
Now I think about it, I did pay to see Marxman and Dub Syndicate - mind you, it was at Crystal Palace in July 93. The headliners sucked but the special guests were kind of fun... :lol:

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 16:59
by rian
Badlander wrote:
rian wrote: David Bowie, 1986 (glass spider tour)
That was 87 actually. ;D
And very, very bad times for David indeed. :urff:

Thought I was 19, but I was 20 then... Had some great sex though... ;D

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 17:00
by limur
scotty wrote:That's it people.............get it off your'll feel better for it :twisted:
Strangely, thinking back, None :eek: (with the possible exception of The Stone Roses @ Reading (their last ever performance, where everyone had left except Ian Brown, who still couldn't sing - but I knew that - and kept telling everyone to "Take those f***ing flags down or we won't play anymore" and loads more flags went up and people cheered) (oh, hang on, would that count, I dindn't pay to go?)

But if we're talking support bands;

zera 1 (terrible U2 sound-a-likes)
The Shamen or PWEI way back in the late eighties/early nineties when they were both jingly-jangly bands. I can't remember who was supporting who on the bill, but the supporting band was terrible.
Tim Smith

I better stop, I've realised I'm going off on one :roll:

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 18:09
by James Blast
The Bluebells a truly dreadful experience
The Proclaimers, I still have nightmares
Magnum, this is why I drink so much

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 18:18
by ruffers
Tears For Fears, Southend Cliffs Pavilion around Everybody Wants To Rule The World. I went for a walk and came back at the end to pick up my girlfriend. Awful.

Ghost Dance were a bit iffy scotty :wink:

That's about it, apart from The Sisters at The Astoria this year of course...

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 18:22
by streamline
Chris De Burgh (with my mum!! and he was quite good :oops:)

Nosferatu (but I was very very pished)

The Enid (utter utter pants. Tosh of the highest order! It was meant to be their final concert, but apparently it wasn't - mores the pity)

Status Quo (too ashamed to type any more..... :oops: )

:roll: :wink:

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 18:30
by boudicca
Big in Japan Glesga keelies BIS - you don't remember them? Good!
My first ever gig, I was 14. In my defence I was getting into Siouxsie at the time and it was because my friend liked them.

Machinehead when I was 15 - Once again, dragged along by a friend. It was her birthday so... I only heard them for the first time in the car on the way there.

Perhaps worst of the lot, Placebo, just shortly after the BIS gig that was.
I can only hang my head in shame for that one, I have no idea what I was thinking. :oops:

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 18:35
by scotty
ruffers wrote:
Ghost Dance were a bit iffy scotty :wink:
I'd love to had made my mind up on that score :cry: :cry:

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 18:49
by ruffers
I had to didn't I? :lol:

They were jolly good actually.

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 19:02
by Big Si
The m*****n - Newcastle City Hall 12th March 1990 :oops:

.....seen loads of crap bands playing in pubs, but they don't count do they?

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 19:15
by mh
EvilBastard wrote:I paid cash money to go and see The Strangliers post-Cornwall/Jet Black departure - kriste but I feel like a k*nt. :roll:
Me too :oops:

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 19:21
by scotty
mh wrote:
EvilBastard wrote:I paid cash money to go and see The Strangliers post-Cornwall/Jet Black departure - kriste but I feel like a k*nt. :roll:
Me too :oops:
Me tae anaw............twice................but there's worse to come :oops:

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 19:50
by James Blast
scotty wrote:Me tae anaw............twice................but there's worse to come :oops:
Nuthin' but nuthin' can beat that Lady in Red bloke and the Quorn.
Streamline if you are attending this weekends festivities, I am available for a counselling session :twisted:

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 19:52
by jande
The Sputnik's at Clouds in Preston.
What made up for paying though was my pal Darren giving Degville a pasting on stage after he riled the crowd. The bouncers did nowt.

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 20:37
by Silver_Owl
Steve Vai was an unpleasant experience. :cry:

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 20:43
by mh
Hom_Corleone wrote:Steve Vai was an unpleasant experience. :cry:

I came that close to Whitesnake, and barely managed to get out of it with some fairly pathetic pleading excuses.