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Sisters on MySpace

Posted: 17 Jul 2006, 07:45
by Norman Hunter
Apologies if I'm covering old ground, but I've found these; :P

and; :eek:

Nice, interesting Sisters site (pretty much what you can see/read on the Official site and a little bit more).

Nowt much on the SSV, but you can download some mp3s - check out the crackle at the start of Train :lol:

Posted: 17 Jul 2006, 19:28
by Maisey
Are they official...and is the SSV site actually SSV.

I'm quite confused, what is the purpose of these entitities, who operates them?

Posted: 17 Jul 2006, 19:52
by mh
2 chances of them being official. MySpace is polluted with wannabe Sisters sites. Full marks to the first though for at least making an effort and doing some research.

Posted: 17 Jul 2006, 19:52
by Dark
All unofficial.

Posted: 18 Jul 2006, 09:46
by markfiend
Isn't one of them Aaron Cuinton's?

Posted: 18 Jul 2006, 10:01
by Badlander
They look like crazy fans' to me anyway. :innocent:

Posted: 18 Jul 2006, 16:09
by Drenchrom
The track by Misery Lab that starts up when you click on the first site is Porl King (Rosetta Stone) going over old ground.


Posted: 18 Jul 2006, 18:24
by Petseri
markfiend wrote:Isn't one of them Aaron Cuinton's?
The first one looks like our beloved's page after he shut down his own page when the recent tour started. :roll:

Posted: 19 Jul 2006, 04:41
by Kosminski
The two accounts have each other as friends.

Armageddon is surely at hand

Posted: 19 Jul 2006, 07:28
by Norman Hunter
Kosminski wrote:The two accounts have each other as friends.

Armageddon is surely at hand
Don't shoot the messenger! :wink: