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Posted: 14 Nov 2002, 19:42
by Drsisters
another photo on Andrew Eldritch showing his eyes.

Posted: 14 Nov 2002, 21:24
by Quiff Boy
vision thing era :von:

Posted: 15 Nov 2002, 09:54
by paint it black
hey they've changed colour :von:

Posted: 25 Nov 2002, 13:58
by Alice Clucker
Damn that man!

What do I do?
Repaint all the eyes on my dolls accoring to what era they were?
Or paint one one colour and one the other colour?


Posted: 26 Nov 2002, 01:11
by 6FeetOver
"Or paint one one colour and one the other colour?"

Nah - that's for the Bowie doll that you need to make, hehehe... :grin: :cool: